
He wants to be a little girl, not be with a little girl. The two are nothing alike and he's the one in the pretty panties.

He is a middle aged man who fantasizes about little girls.

The fucker could be your god Muhammad....
You have no knowledge of human sexuality and I'm not about to bother teaching you. Look up: Ageplay.
Diagnosis du jour?

Fifty-Two Year-Old Man Lives As A Six Year-Old Girl. Seriously.

A 52 year-old man is living as a six year-old girl. You read that right.

The man, formerly known as a Paul Woscht but who now goes by Stefonknee, left his wife and seven children to go live as a little girl with adopted parents.

"I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child," Woscht said in an interview with The Daily Xtra. "I don’t want to be an adult right now, and I just live my life like I couldn’t when I was in school."

Originally, Woscht was going to live as an eight year-old, but his "sister" wanted Woscht to be the little sister, so Woscht decided to be six years old instead.

"We have a great time," Woscht said in his naturally deep voice. "We color, we do kids stuff. It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play."

Dr. Paul McHugh, a former psychiatrist-in-chief at John Hopkins Hospital, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that transgenderism is a "mental disorder" and that it is "biologically impossible" to carry out a true sex change. In fact, McHugh points out that "the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people."

"Transage," the rejection of one's actual age and maturity level, is a new "identity" that is apparently catching on:

continued at link

Why stop at six years old, just go back to the womb already and let the rest of us who have responsibilities and recognize there are no second chances just get on with that thing called can"life".
Diagnosis du jour?

Fifty-Two Year-Old Man Lives As A Six Year-Old Girl. Seriously.

A 52 year-old man is living as a six year-old girl. You read that right.

The man, formerly known as a Paul Woscht but who now goes by Stefonknee, left his wife and seven children to go live as a little girl with adopted parents.

"I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child," Woscht said in an interview with The Daily Xtra. "I don’t want to be an adult right now, and I just live my life like I couldn’t when I was in school."

Originally, Woscht was going to live as an eight year-old, but his "sister" wanted Woscht to be the little sister, so Woscht decided to be six years old instead.

"We have a great time," Woscht said in his naturally deep voice. "We color, we do kids stuff. It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play."

Dr. Paul McHugh, a former psychiatrist-in-chief at John Hopkins Hospital, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that transgenderism is a "mental disorder" and that it is "biologically impossible" to carry out a true sex change. In fact, McHugh points out that "the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people."

"Transage," the rejection of one's actual age and maturity level, is a new "identity" that is apparently catching on:

continued at link

Why stop at six years old, just go back to the womb already and let the rest of us who have responsibilities and recognize there are no second chances just get on with that thing called can"life".
He likes life, just not as an adult. Got plenty of those around eh...
He wants to be a little girl, not be with a little girl. The two are nothing alike and he's the one in the pretty panties.

He is a middle aged man who fantasizes about little girls.

The fucker could be your god Muhammad....
You have no knowledge of human sexuality and I'm not about to bother teaching you. Look up: Ageplay.
Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
He wants to be a little girl, not be with a little girl. The two are nothing alike and he's the one in the pretty panties.

He is a middle aged man who fantasizes about little girls.

The fucker could be your god Muhammad....
You have no knowledge of human sexuality and I'm not about to bother teaching you. Look up: Ageplay.
Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
The same applies to you: You have no knowledge of human sexuality and I'm not about to bother teaching you. Look up: Ageplay.

Based on your theory I should only be turned on by my own dick, since that's what I played with, and that is not what turns me on, this is. And I was not raised by lesbians nor were these two in my bed but I sure as hell wouldn't have minded.
Hey, we all grow old, but we never have to grow up.

Maybe I have been a transage all this time and never realized it.

Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
When one considers that people can be conditioned to associate pain with sexual pleasure and actually achieve orgasm by sole use of pain, we should admit that there is nothing cast in iron about sexuality.

Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
When one considers that people can be conditioned to associate pain with sexual pleasure and actually achieve orgasm by sole use of pain, we should admit that there is nothing cast in iron about sexuality.

Conditioning is not required, and the last part is correct. The biggest sex organ is the brain, and it can be very creative about what's hot and what's not.

Very hot. Gifts are the most fun when you have to unwrap them...
Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
When one considers that people can be conditioned to associate pain with sexual pleasure and actually achieve orgasm by sole use of pain, we should admit that there is nothing cast in iron about sexuality.

Conditioning is not required, and the last part is correct. The biggest sex organ is the brain, and it can be very creative about what's hot and what's not.

Conditioning is absolutely intrinsic to every sexual fetish. If your argument is to look to the reptilian pleasure-seeking/trainable part of the brain as the source of sexual "orientations" or compulsions, you are correct and have been all along. That you don't want to believe the fetish was conditioned there has no impact on the mountains of research done on conditioning and human/animal behaviors.. Suddenly you discover you are right, but just as suddenly you want there to be new exceptions to your rightness "the brain is the source of all sexuality". It's the source of all habituated sexuality, for sure..
Diagnosis du jour?

Fifty-Two Year-Old Man Lives As A Six Year-Old Girl. Seriously.

A 52 year-old man is living as a six year-old girl. You read that right.

The man, formerly known as a Paul Woscht but who now goes by Stefonknee, left his wife and seven children to go live as a little girl with adopted parents.

"I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child," Woscht said in an interview with The Daily Xtra. "I don’t want to be an adult right now, and I just live my life like I couldn’t when I was in school."

Originally, Woscht was going to live as an eight year-old, but his "sister" wanted Woscht to be the little sister, so Woscht decided to be six years old instead.

"We have a great time," Woscht said in his naturally deep voice. "We color, we do kids stuff. It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play."

Dr. Paul McHugh, a former psychiatrist-in-chief at John Hopkins Hospital, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that transgenderism is a "mental disorder" and that it is "biologically impossible" to carry out a true sex change. In fact, McHugh points out that "the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people."

"Transage," the rejection of one's actual age and maturity level, is a new "identity" that is apparently catching on:

continued at link
Why can't we throw these people into mental illness hospitals and lock them up. Watch the liberals celebrate this perversion.
Human sexuality includes anything under the sun that was associated early with "orgasm". Anything. Literally anything. Classical conditioning is pairing a behavior with a reward so that the behavior will become repetitive and habitual pleasure-seeking. That is the long and the short of every fetish on earth.
When one considers that people can be conditioned to associate pain with sexual pleasure and actually achieve orgasm by sole use of pain, we should admit that there is nothing cast in iron about sexuality.

Conditioning is not required, and the last part is correct. The biggest sex organ is the brain, and it can be very creative about what's hot and what's not.

Conditioning is absolutely intrinsic to every sexual fetish. If your argument is to look to the reptilian pleasure-seeking/trainable part of the brain as the source of sexual "orientations" or compulsions, you are correct and have been all along. That you don't want to believe the fetish was conditioned there has no impact on the mountains of research done on conditioning and human/animal behaviors.. Suddenly you discover you are right, but just as suddenly you want there to be new exceptions to your rightness "the brain is the source of all sexuality". It's the source of all habituated sexuality, for sure..
My "conditioning" to the above was exactly, and took about this long, Hey, that's what they wear underneath their dresses, fucking right on man, I'm sold, sign me up, and I did sign up.

And this is what I mostly saw until then, and didn't give a damn. Your theory is for crap, in humans that is.
Diagnosis du jour?

Fifty-Two Year-Old Man Lives As A Six Year-Old Girl. Seriously.

A 52 year-old man is living as a six year-old girl. You read that right.

The man, formerly known as a Paul Woscht but who now goes by Stefonknee, left his wife and seven children to go live as a little girl with adopted parents.

"I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child," Woscht said in an interview with The Daily Xtra. "I don’t want to be an adult right now, and I just live my life like I couldn’t when I was in school."

Originally, Woscht was going to live as an eight year-old, but his "sister" wanted Woscht to be the little sister, so Woscht decided to be six years old instead.

"We have a great time," Woscht said in his naturally deep voice. "We color, we do kids stuff. It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play."

Dr. Paul McHugh, a former psychiatrist-in-chief at John Hopkins Hospital, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that transgenderism is a "mental disorder" and that it is "biologically impossible" to carry out a true sex change. In fact, McHugh points out that "the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people."

"Transage," the rejection of one's actual age and maturity level, is a new "identity" that is apparently catching on:

continued at link
Why can't we throw these people into mental illness hospitals and lock them up. Watch the liberals celebrate this perversion.
Celebration is not required, just no harm no foul, live and let live. Got a problem with that, little conservative?

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