Top officials: Ratcliffe went way off script with his Iran remarks


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Rat is yet another reason to vote these criminals and incompetents out of office. :confused:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe went off script when he alleged during a press conference last week that Iran was sending intimidating emails to Americans in order to “damage President Trump,” according to two senior administration officials with knowledge of the episode.​
The reference to Trump was not in Ratcliffe’s prepared remarks about the foreign election interference, as shown to and signed off by FBI Director Chris Wray and senior DHS official Chris Krebs, the director of the department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency.​
Wray and Krebs stood behind Ratcliffe as he addressed the public, supportive of the general intention to alert voters to a malicious influence operation. But they were surprised by Ractliffe’s political aside, which had not appeared in the prepared text, the officials said.​
The press conference centered around menacing emails that had been sent to Democratic voters warning them to vote for Trump “or we will come after you.”​
Ratcliffe attributed the emails to Iran but said they were “designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest, and damage President Trump,” raising immediate questions about how threatening Democrats to vote for Trump could be aimed at damaging the president’s re-election bid — and how the intelligence community had made that determination within 24 hours of the messages.​

:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...
All three of the russia-iran-china Triad are anti trump and anti American
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...

I am in the Cybersecurity industry and election system security officials and experts have stated since 2016 the geo regions with the most assault on election system attacks on US have been Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. This is all based on meta data from cyber attacks and intelligence gathered from social engineering and disinformation campaigns.
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...

I am in the Cybersecurity industry and election system security officials and experts have stated since 2016 the geo regions with the most assault on election system attacks on US have been Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. This is all based on meta data from cyber attacks and intelligence gathered from social engineering and disinformation campaigns.

Cool, so who said China, Iran and NoKo aren't doing it to? The point is, the WORST of it is RUSSIA. About all China does is toss out their usual propaganda. They are not knocking on the door of our election systems or freezing our hospitals at present.
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...

I am in the Cybersecurity industry and election system security officials and experts have stated since 2016 the geo regions with the most assault on election system attacks on US have been Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. This is all based on meta data from cyber attacks and intelligence gathered from social engineering and disinformation campaigns.

Cool, so who said China, Iran and NoKo aren't doing it to? The point is, the WORST of it is RUSSIA. About all China does is toss out their usual propaganda. They are not knocking on the door of our election systems or freezing our hospitals at present.

China? China unleashed a fucking global pandemic... that’s all they did. The only part that is up for debate is whether it was done more out of malice or incompetence.
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...
Ratcliffe will say whatever Trump wants him to say
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...
Ratcliffe will say whatever Trump wants him to say

Indeed he will. The unqualified, crooked resume packer is a TOOL.
:auiqs.jpg: Anyone watching knew Ratcliffe got wind of Wray's intention to push the Russia, Russia, Russia dnc propaganda and intervened...

Anyone pushing the BS that Iran and China are the worst meddlers is an idiot.
Iran is playing tiddlywinks. Russia is playing hardball.
Oh, this is Fox News ...
Russia knows America's freedoms cannot be beaten, so they look for the weakest link, and they find that weakest link in the Democrat Party that sells out their fellow Americans for visions of $$$$$$ dancing in their feeble heads. Feh on the DNC greedmongers clawing for every last red cent they can get their soiled mitts on.
Russia knows America's freedoms cannot be beaten, so they look for the weakest link, and they find that weakest link in the Democrat Party that sells out their fellow Americans for visions of $$$$$$ dancing in their feeble heads. Feh on the DNC greedmongers clawing for every last red cent they can get their soiled mitts on.

I see. So the reason Trump fluffs Putin daily and they are doing their best to get him elected again is because Dems are weak and money grubbing?
Uhmmm no, they do it because they know Biden will be tougher on their interests and they don't have any meaningful leverage.

Russia knows America's freedoms cannot be beaten, so they look for the weakest link, and they find that weakest link in the Democrat Party that sells out their fellow Americans for visions of $$$$$$ dancing in their feeble heads. Feh on the DNC greedmongers clawing for every last red cent they can get their soiled mitts on.

I see. So the reason Trump fluffs Putin daily and they are doing their best to get him elected again is because Dems are weak and money grubbing?
Uhmmm no, they do it because they know Biden will be tougher on their interests and they don't have any meaningful leverage.

Selling President Trump short will hand the DNC leader pac their heads on a platter. Thanks for your contribution to that cause for Lady Justice. :muahaha:

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