Top Modern President.

What was it about Carter's presidency that lends him to be as high as he is? The question needs to be asked.

And it is impossible to have a supported, logical answer that would ever show justification for any good rating.... but it does not stop leftist hyper-partisans from trying

Well, he wasn't all bad....
1. He landed the Camp David Accords.
2. He left office with a lower unemployment rate and deficit than when he took office.
3. He started a long chain of deregulatory efforts including air transportation, trucking, railroads and oil production.
3. He appointed a Fed chair with the cajones to squeeze stagflation out of the economy.

Carter is under-rated. Not because he was a particularly good President. He wasn't. He was weak and vacillating on foreign affairs. But instead of a 1 or 2 out of 10, he's a 3 or a 4.

But he inherited a very bad economy, and his appointment of Paul Volcker - the greatest Fed Chairman of all time - eventually broke the back of inflation. Volcker is perhaps the man who should receive the most credit for the long boom of the 80s and the 90s.
Last six, excluding Obama because its too early, and Ford because he was only in for two years.

1. Reagan
2. Clinton
3. Bush I
4. Carter
5. Bush II
6. Nixon

Clinton was one of the best.

Bush I was a pragmatist and excellent with foreign policy.

Carter was like castor oil for this country. He wasn't and isn't well liked but was overall good for the health of the nation.
Who's the Most Popular Modern President? - Yahoo! News

JFK cause he died in office, he sucked as a President though.

Ronald Reagan second.

Bush has a 49 percent approval rating just 2 years after he got out of office. It WILL go up as time goes by. So much for him being the worst ever, ehh you retarded Liberals?

I liked JFK as president.

lowered taxes, kicked ass of foreign countries who messed with us, slept with marlyin monroe...ok the last one was a bad thing for a president or any man to do, cheat on his wife, but still she was the hottie of the day ;).

JFK kicked ass? Are we thinking of the same JFK? Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, got his ass reamed by Krushchev at a summit? THAT JFK?
What was it about Carter's presidency that lends him to be as high as he is? The question needs to be asked.

And it is impossible to have a supported, logical answer that would ever show justification for any good rating.... but it does not stop leftist hyper-partisans from trying

Well, he wasn't all bad....
1. He landed the Camp David Accords.
2. He left office with a lower unemployment rate and deficit than when he took office.
3. He started a long chain of deregulatory efforts including air transportation, trucking, railroads and oil production.
3. He appointed a Fed chair with the cajones to squeeze stagflation out of the economy.

Year Inflation Unemployment (1)
1961 1.0% 6.7%
1962 1.0 5.6
1963 1.3 5.6
1964 1.3 5.2
1965 1.6 4.5 < Vietnam war spending increases
1966 2.9 3.8
1967 3.1 3.8
1968 4.2 3.5
1969 5.5 3.5
1970 5.7 5.0
1971 4.4 6.0
1972 3.2 5.6
1973 6.2 4.9
1974 11.0 5.6 < First oil crisis
1975 9.1 8.5
1976 5.8 7.7
1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

When Carter took office in January of 1977, interest rates were 6.25% When he left office four years later they were 20.00%

Remember the Iran hostage situation? Remember the botched rescue attempt?

Remember the long lines at the gas pump?

He was a weak president with foreign affairs.

This is just off the top of my head....I'm sure there are pages more of his shortcomings
And it is impossible to have a supported, logical answer that would ever show justification for any good rating.... but it does not stop leftist hyper-partisans from trying

Well, he wasn't all bad....
1. He landed the Camp David Accords.
2. He left office with a lower unemployment rate and deficit than when he took office.
3. He started a long chain of deregulatory efforts including air transportation, trucking, railroads and oil production.
3. He appointed a Fed chair with the cajones to squeeze stagflation out of the economy.

Year Inflation Unemployment (1)
1961 1.0% 6.7%
1962 1.0 5.6
1963 1.3 5.6
1964 1.3 5.2
1965 1.6 4.5 < Vietnam war spending increases
1966 2.9 3.8
1967 3.1 3.8
1968 4.2 3.5
1969 5.5 3.5
1970 5.7 5.0
1971 4.4 6.0
1972 3.2 5.6
1973 6.2 4.9
1974 11.0 5.6 < First oil crisis
1975 9.1 8.5
1976 5.8 7.7
1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

When Carter took office in January of 1977, interest rates were 6.25% When he left office four years later they were 20.00%

Remember the Iran hostage situation? Remember the botched rescue attempt?

Remember the long lines at the gas pump?

He was a weak president with foreign affairs.

This is just off the top of my head....I'm sure there are pages more of his shortcomings

Hard to argue that he was not a man of good intentions... indeed he was.. and in many areas, still is (misguided as he may be on reality)... but a horrible, HORRIBLE president in most every aspect of the job.... while I have much to gripe about with the likes of GWB and the bad I think he did in terms of government spending, domestic policy, etc... he did excel in a crisis and did pretty darn good in foreign affairs... not that I am saying GWB was a 'good' President, mind you
Carter's approval rating is relatively low. He has been fantastic in many ways post-Presidency which buys him goodwill with a lot of people. He wasn't a great President by any stretch (though he did some good things, as mentioned above), but he only has 52% approval. Once a Prez is out of office, a lot of people give them the benefit of the doubt. 52% is low, not high. Nixon is really the outlier because of Watergate, and to a certain extent Kennedy because he died in stride.

The average rating of the 9 Presidents is 59%.
Reagan was probably one of the worst. He committed treason and violated the Constitution.

But he was to popular to impeach with the very people who say the value the Constitution.

Go figure.

Pure unsubstantiated winger propaganda bullshit... but typical isn't.

Iran/Contra was about the most treasonous act ever carried out by an American administration. And Reagan admitted it was ALL true. His "defense" was that he didn't "remember" authorizing it. At the very least he should have been removed from office. In a perfect world he should have done jail time (Although I am not in favor of ever putting a US president in jail).
Reagan was probably one of the worst. He committed treason and violated the Constitution.

But he was to popular to impeach with the very people who say the value the Constitution.

Go figure.

Pure unsubstantiated winger propaganda bullshit... but typical isn't.

Iran/Contra was about the most treasonous act ever carried out by an American administration. And Reagan admitted it was ALL true. His "defense" was that he didn't "remember" authorizing it. At the very least he should have been removed from office. In a perfect world he should have done jail time (Although I am not in favor of ever putting a US president in jail).

Oooooo... lemme guess.. and GWB is a 'war criminal' too :rolleyes:

Reagan did not commit treason..... but a hyper-partisan nutjob winger like you won't let a little thing like fact get in the way

Carter's approval rating is relatively low. He has been fantastic in many ways post-Presidency which buys him goodwill with a lot of people. He wasn't a great President by any stretch (though he did some good things, as mentioned above), but he only has 52% approval. Once a Prez is out of office, a lot of people give them the benefit of the doubt. 52% is low, not high. Nixon is really the outlier because of Watergate, and to a certain extent Kennedy because he died in stride.

The average rating of the 9 Presidents is 59%.

Carter did alot of good things. He took on the oil companies and called them on their bullshit (inventing a "shortage"). The wheat embargo and aid to Afghanistan broke the back of the Soviet Union. And the appointment of Paul Volcker saved the US economy.
Pure unsubstantiated winger propaganda bullshit... but typical isn't.

Iran/Contra was about the most treasonous act ever carried out by an American administration. And Reagan admitted it was ALL true. His "defense" was that he didn't "remember" authorizing it. At the very least he should have been removed from office. In a perfect world he should have done jail time (Although I am not in favor of ever putting a US president in jail).

Oooooo... lemme guess.. and GWB is a 'war criminal' too :rolleyes:

Reagan did not commit treason..... but a hyper-partisan nutjob winger like you won't let a little thing like fact get in the way


Well cute pictures and name calling doesn't change the history.

Nothing "hyper-partisan" just the facts.

Reagan and Atwater send people to bargain with hold the hostages till after the election in exchange for aid. That's treason. He admitted and apologized to this.

Reagan set up a secret revenue stream which he used to aid the Contras..despite the fact that Congress voted against aid for the Contras. That's a violation of the Constitution. He admitted and apologized to this.

Those are the facts.

He skated.
And it is impossible to have a supported, logical answer that would ever show justification for any good rating.... but it does not stop leftist hyper-partisans from trying

Well, he wasn't all bad....
1. He landed the Camp David Accords.
2. He left office with a lower unemployment rate and deficit than when he took office.
3. He started a long chain of deregulatory efforts including air transportation, trucking, railroads and oil production.
3. He appointed a Fed chair with the cajones to squeeze stagflation out of the economy.

Year Inflation Unemployment (1)
1961 1.0% 6.7%
1962 1.0 5.6
1963 1.3 5.6
1964 1.3 5.2
1965 1.6 4.5 < Vietnam war spending increases
1966 2.9 3.8
1967 3.1 3.8
1968 4.2 3.5
1969 5.5 3.5
1970 5.7 5.0
1971 4.4 6.0
1972 3.2 5.6
1973 6.2 4.9
1974 11.0 5.6 < First oil crisis
1975 9.1 8.5
1976 5.8 7.7
1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it

When Carter took office in January of 1977, interest rates were 6.25% When he left office four years later they were 20.00%

Remember the Iran hostage situation? Remember the botched rescue attempt?

Remember the long lines at the gas pump?

He was a weak president with foreign affairs.

This is just off the top of my head....I'm sure there are pages more of his shortcomings

1. Why are you using annualized unemployment numbers?
2. yes, I remember the hostage crisis and the failed rescue attempt.
3. Which interest rate was 20% when he left office?
4. Yes, I remember the second oil crisis and gas lines....just like the first one under Republican leadership. isn't.

Iran/Contra was about the most treasonous act ever carried out by an American administration. And Reagan admitted it was ALL true. His "defense" was that he didn't "remember" authorizing it. At the very least he should have been removed from office. In a perfect world he should have done jail time (Although I am not in favor of ever putting a US president in jail).

Oooooo... lemme guess.. and GWB is a 'war criminal' too :rolleyes:

Reagan did not commit treason..... but a hyper-partisan nutjob winger like you won't let a little thing like fact get in the way


Well cute pictures and name calling doesn't change the history.

Nothing "hyper-partisan" just the facts.

Reagan and Atwater send people to bargain with hold the hostages till after the election in exchange for aid. That's treason. He admitted and apologized to this.

Reagan set up a secret revenue stream which he used to aid the Contras..despite the fact that Congress voted against aid for the Contras. That's a violation of the Constitution. He admitted and apologized to this.

Those are the facts.

He skated.

No.. .repeating propaganda bullshit is not fact....

Reagan committed no treason... THAT is fact, motherfucker
Re: DiamondDave

Hard to argue that he was not a man of good intentions... indeed he was.. and in many areas, still is (misguided as he may be on reality)... but a horrible, HORRIBLE president in most every aspect of the job.... while I have much to gripe about with the likes of GWB and the bad I think he did in terms of government spending, domestic policy, etc... he did excel in a crisis and did pretty darn good in foreign affairs... not that I am saying GWB was a 'good' President, mind you

This is where you and I have polar opposite positions. I think George W. Bush was the worst foreign affairs President in our nation's history, bar none. He started an unjustified war. That War cost us $3 trillion, about 4000 servicemen, 10s of 1000s injured. 100s of 1000s of innocent Iraqis.

But, in the bigger picture, we lost credibility as the leader of the free world. We can't get it back. We took the sovereignty of another country because we felt like it. That is a principle that our country has fought to protect for others. We've never done that before and never should have.

W., Cheney, and others got the wrong message from Reagan here "The Shining City Upon a Hill":

"We are not a warlike people. Nor is our history filled with tales of aggressive adventures and imperialism, which might come as a shock to some of the placard painters in our modern demonstrations. The lesson of Vietnam, I think, should be that never again will young Americans be asked to fight and possibly die for a cause unless that cause is so meaningful that we, as a nation, pledge our full resources to achieve victory as quickly as possible.

I realize that such a pronouncement, of course, would possibly be laying one open to the charge of warmongering -- but that would also be ridiculous. My generation has paid a higher price and has fought harder for freedom that any generation that had ever lived. We have known four wars in a single lifetime. All were horrible, all could have been avoided if at a particular moment in time we had made it plain that we subscribed to the words of John Stuart Mill when he said that &#8220;war is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.&#8221;

The message should not have been go to War with anyone you feel like. The rest of the World no longer trusts us and in many ways no longer looks at us as "The Shining City Upon a Hill". If we're willing to take the sovereignty of another country, why aren't they next?

In the past, whether it be Iraq and Kuwait, North and South Vietnam, North and South Korea, Germany and other countries, etc., we'd jump in, sometimes late, but as the ally to the invaded to protect the sovereignty of a people.

Bush's choice to take another country's sovereignty without justification is something the rest of the world will never forget. It will have long term, long reaching consequences. As much as I'm not a fan of Reagan, he would not have invaded Iraq.
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Oooooo... lemme guess.. and GWB is a 'war criminal' too :rolleyes:

Reagan did not commit treason..... but a hyper-partisan nutjob winger like you won't let a little thing like fact get in the way


Well cute pictures and name calling doesn't change the history.

Nothing "hyper-partisan" just the facts.

Reagan and Atwater send people to bargain with hold the hostages till after the election in exchange for aid. That's treason. He admitted and apologized to this.

Reagan set up a secret revenue stream which he used to aid the Contras..despite the fact that Congress voted against aid for the Contras. That's a violation of the Constitution. He admitted and apologized to this.

Those are the facts.

He skated.

No.. .repeating propaganda bullshit is not fact....

Reagan committed no treason... THAT is fact, motherfucker

Jumped the shark in two of two threads..

Reagan was probably one of the worst. He committed treason and violated the Constitution.

But he was to popular to impeach with the very people who say the value the Constitution.

Go figure.

Pure unsubstantiated winger propaganda bullshit... but typical
Ahhhhhhhh, give him a break.........He obviously gets his loony liberal talking points from liberal loon Amy Goodman, and the rest of the liberal idiots on LINKtv.

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