Top Immigration Official Admits Obama Inviting Terrorists to U.S., Syrians Cannot Be Vetted


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
We know terrorists are sneaking in among the refugees. Fact is that it's impossible to vet anyone from Syria and other hostile countries. So, why are we letting them in? Obama is outright lying to us about refugees being vetted. No one is even willing to go to Syria, with good reason, to try and do background checks on refugees. ISIS and other terrorists aren't about to help us weed out radicals. They want as many as possible on our soil. Obama knows this and still goes along with them.

"Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions is going after a top immigration official who earlier admitted the U.S. government has invited future terrorists into American communities, the Obama administration’s much-touted “vetting process” aside.

“The fact is—anybody that understands the challenge they face to do this vetting. You cannot vet people from Syria, because there’s no way, and we have no plans to send anybody into Syria to verify anything that they say,” Sessions told León Rodríguez during his testimony before a Senate panel.

“That’s the problem, fundamentally,” the Republican continued. “Are you not aware that I have written four letters to the Department, asking for information on how many refugees have been convicted of criminal and terrorist activities?”

Rodríguez, who directs citizenship and immigration Services for the Department of Homeland Security, said he wasn’t. “I confess Chairman, I am not. I will certainly make sure to follow up on those correspondence—”
“This is absolutely breathtaking,” Sessions cut in. “It is a total disrespect to this body, who is in charge of giving you money to run your business. We should quit giving you money if you don’t respond and you don’t know basic things.”

Sessions, who who chairs the Senate’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, listed the letters he sent to the Department of Homeland Security, along with one sent directly to the president demanding to know how many refugees were convicted on criminal or terrorism charges in the U.S. “So do you think we’re entitled to know this?” he asked.

“I will—of course you’re entitled to answers to your questions. I will follow up, sir,” Rodríguez said.

“Well, to me, it indicates the determination to promote an agenda without listening to the American people, without listening to their elected representatives, and to downplay and to misrepresent, really, the danger that this program presents,” Sessions said. “And we’re not having terrorists from a lot of areas, but some areas we’re having terrorists that threaten this country in a whole lot of ways.”

Sessions added that he had sent the letters to Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson, and would take it as an “absolute refusal” to respond to legitimate requests to Congress if no one in the department brought them to Johnson’s or Rodríguez’s attention.

Rodríguez also tried to clarify “our operations are fee-funded, not tax-funded. They’re not funded by the taxpayers.”

“So you’re not funded by the taxpayers. And so you don’t have any responsibility to the taxpayers?” the Alabama senator asked.

“No, we have a responsibility to the taxpayers,” Rodríguez backtracked, “and the American people to do our job the right way. That’s not the point I was making.”

“You don’t get any fees that Congress hasn’t authorized, isn’t that true?” Sessions asked.

“That’s certainly true,” Rodríguez admitted.

Sessions’ office found in June that of the 580 people convicted of terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2014—which does not include the terrorist Muslims who carried the 9/11 attacks—380 were foreign-born, with 24 of those brought in as refugees.

Adding to the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration scandals, an audit revealed over 1,811 aliens from terrorist countries under final deportation orders were granted U.S. citizenship—giving them the right to vote and gain security clearances—with the Obama administration shutting down the program that uncovered the rampant fraud.

Another Obama administration official refused to say how many Syrian refugees specifically the government plans to ship to American neighborhoods. The outgoing Obama administration wants to ship 110,000 refugees altogether to the U.S. in fiscal year 2017, which begins October 1."

Jeff Sessions Slams Top Immigration Official for Suppressing Reports of Refugee Terrorism, Crime - Breitbart
We know terrorists are sneaking in among the refugees. Fact is that it's impossible to vet anyone from Syria and other hostile countries. So, why are we letting them in? Obama is outright lying to us about refugees being vetted. No one is even willing to go to Syria, with good reason, to try and do background checks on refugees. ISIS and other terrorists aren't about to help us weed out radicals. They want as many as possible on our soil. Obama knows this and still goes along with them.

"Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions is going after a top immigration official who earlier admitted the U.S. government has invited future terrorists into American communities, the Obama administration’s much-touted “vetting process” aside.

“The fact is—anybody that understands the challenge they face to do this vetting. You cannot vet people from Syria, because there’s no way, and we have no plans to send anybody into Syria to verify anything that they say,” Sessions told León Rodríguez during his testimony before a Senate panel.

“That’s the problem, fundamentally,” the Republican continued. “Are you not aware that I have written four letters to the Department, asking for information on how many refugees have been convicted of criminal and terrorist activities?”

Rodríguez, who directs citizenship and immigration Services for the Department of Homeland Security, said he wasn’t. “I confess Chairman, I am not. I will certainly make sure to follow up on those correspondence—”
“This is absolutely breathtaking,” Sessions cut in. “It is a total disrespect to this body, who is in charge of giving you money to run your business. We should quit giving you money if you don’t respond and you don’t know basic things.”

Sessions, who who chairs the Senate’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, listed the letters he sent to the Department of Homeland Security, along with one sent directly to the president demanding to know how many refugees were convicted on criminal or terrorism charges in the U.S. “So do you think we’re entitled to know this?” he asked.

“I will—of course you’re entitled to answers to your questions. I will follow up, sir,” Rodríguez said.

“Well, to me, it indicates the determination to promote an agenda without listening to the American people, without listening to their elected representatives, and to downplay and to misrepresent, really, the danger that this program presents,” Sessions said. “And we’re not having terrorists from a lot of areas, but some areas we’re having terrorists that threaten this country in a whole lot of ways.”

Sessions added that he had sent the letters to Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson, and would take it as an “absolute refusal” to respond to legitimate requests to Congress if no one in the department brought them to Johnson’s or Rodríguez’s attention.

Rodríguez also tried to clarify “our operations are fee-funded, not tax-funded. They’re not funded by the taxpayers.”

“So you’re not funded by the taxpayers. And so you don’t have any responsibility to the taxpayers?” the Alabama senator asked.

“No, we have a responsibility to the taxpayers,” Rodríguez backtracked, “and the American people to do our job the right way. That’s not the point I was making.”

“You don’t get any fees that Congress hasn’t authorized, isn’t that true?” Sessions asked.

“That’s certainly true,” Rodríguez admitted.

Sessions’ office found in June that of the 580 people convicted of terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2014—which does not include the terrorist Muslims who carried the 9/11 attacks—380 were foreign-born, with 24 of those brought in as refugees.

Adding to the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration scandals, an audit revealed over 1,811 aliens from terrorist countries under final deportation orders were granted U.S. citizenship—giving them the right to vote and gain security clearances—with the Obama administration shutting down the program that uncovered the rampant fraud.

Another Obama administration official refused to say how many Syrian refugees specifically the government plans to ship to American neighborhoods. The outgoing Obama administration wants to ship 110,000 refugees altogether to the U.S. in fiscal year 2017, which begins October 1."

Jeff Sessions Slams Top Immigration Official for Suppressing Reports of Refugee Terrorism, Crime - Breitbart
. Of course this is the case, because Obama is a racist closet white hating liberal, and his brainwashing against white people during his Jeremiah Wright years has really shown through in many ways. Everyone still gives him the benefit of the doubt however, because they can't stand the thought that they were wrong on this guy twice much less during the first time they went for him purely for historical purposes.
I am curious as to how libs plan to defend allowing Syrians in without vetting them. We know that at least 10% are terrorists. How is it good for the U.S. to bring them here? Why aren't we demanding that wealthy Muslim countries step up to help? Why relocate people when it would be cheaper and safer for us to send aid to them? Come on, libs, answer these.
No US official invited any future terrorists to America.

Jeff is now being investigated for libel.
Allowing people from hostile Muslim countries in when they cannot be vetted and knowing full well that terrorists are among them is inviting terrorists to this country. Period. No amount of arguing or denial is going to change the facts.

Some women who escaped the life of hell in Muslim countries speak out about how horrible it was. Whenever liberals silence people who address the oppression and horrible mistreatment of women and children in Muslim countries, they are not doing them a favor. A few have made pleas not to stop conversations about their plight. Liberals want to embrace Muslims without truly understanding what the majority of them are about. You guys ignore that most Muslim countries oppress women. This is not opinion, this is fact. Women do not have rights. Men are allowed to beat them and treat them like property. Some countries are even worse and allow honor killings, genital mutilations and rape of young boys. Somehow, liberals think that inviting them here and being nice will magically erase a radical upbringing that has engrained these archaic beliefs into their brains.

We see the results when they go to other countries. In Germany, England and France, Muslims have to be told that it's wrong to rape boys and attack women. Amazing that the liberals think that offering a voluntary class will actually undo the radical training they've been exposed to their entire lives.

Every now and then, a Muslim woman will escape the hellhole and their stories are all the same. They were unhappy but couldn't speak out to tell anyone about the horrors they faced on a daily basis.

Here is the latest one and she didn't have it as bad as others who have come forth. Some end up dead because leaving Islam is a crime punishable by death in many countries.

Clem, all the wailing and railing ain't gonna stop the refugees from sailing to America.
Clem, all the wailing and railing ain't gonna stop the refugees from sailing to America.
And you will go on record saying you are for them coming here, even though they can't be vetted properly ??? Will you own up to your stance when the next attack comes ? How many have blood on their hands now ????
Clem, all the wailing and railing ain't gonna stop the refugees from sailing to America.
And you will go on record saying you are for them coming here, even though they can't be vetted properly ??? Will you own up to your stance when the next attack comes ? How many have blood on their hands now ????

No one on the left will ever take responsibility for their stupid decisions. They'll blame the attacks on guns or say that Islamophobic people pushed them into it. We've already heard that one enough. If only people would praise them and not offend them by disagreeing with their archaic beliefs, they wouldn't kill.

It's known that terrorists plan to come in with them. We cannot vet those from hostile countries and have no idea who is who yet Hillary wants to increase the numbers. Stupid as it gets.
Criminals, whether religious (Islamic, Christian, etc) or political (liberal, conservative, alt right) or (whatever) will be charged and if found guilty, sentenced.

The officials admitting nothing of the sort in the OP above.

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