Top Chinese professor teaches on how US govt. REALLY works and why Trump had to go


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
One America News Network’s Jack Posobiec shared a remarkable video of Di Dongsheng, vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, in Beijing, China, talking about how the United States government really works.

It’s easy to dismiss this as one man’s opinion, but the more the Chinese Communist Party expert talked about America, the more accurately he described what President Donald Trump has been up against the past four years.

“My understanding of this group is that it’s a group of middle and senior officials in the U.S. military, State Department, intelligence system, Dept. of Treasury, Dept. of Commerce, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. Judicial Systems,” the professor said.

“Within the Capital Beltway, they are the big fish hidden in the swamp who Trump disgusts the most,” he added.

Explaining that elected officials come and go, Dongsheng said these are the people really running the U.S., and are who he has dealt with.

Top Chinese professor teaches on how US govt. REALLY works and why Trump had to go (

BJ - Not a real shock - Career people - Anti American in most everyway - like Vindman.
“In the past 70 years, since World War Two, they were the ones who have been running the U.S., running the entire capitalism in the U.S., and operating the cold wars,” he said. “It is this small circle that actually dominates the world today.”

He shared his opinion of how this clique views Trump.

“In general, they despise Trump because they think they are the real masters of the U.S. capitalism. They consider Trump an outsider,” Dongsheng said, before noting that the 2016 election caught them completely off guard.

“They could not believe that someone like Trump could be elected and become their boss,” he said. “Can you imagine the feelings of people from this group? It must feel like the world was falling apart or feel like the sky is falling.”

He alleged that those behind the resistance these past four years are from this group.

“They took their advantages in their professions, resources and information and they have been fooling and playing tricks on Trump,” Dongsheng concluded.
Well, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., should have no trouble with the Swamp.

During his decades of "service" in D.C., he has learned how to play the game.

He knows how to massage their egos and not to presume that a mere elected official can tell them what to do.
he has learned how to play the game.
He's a dunce, a puppet and always has been- he's a yes man. Period.

Y'all can continue to keep ignoring it, but, the facts, nor the evidence will change- I care not who has the power, give me the money- follow the money, see the agenda- AIPAC runs this country. Period.

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