Top 51 US Intel Officials May Need Lawyers

McCarthy Vows To Subpoena 51 US Intel Experts Who Declared Hunter Biden Laptop Info Was Russian Disinformation

All 51 signed a document swearing the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian Disinformation, a claim that has been 100% debunked since then.

By doing so, these 51 Intel 'experts' committed 'Perjury', attempting to protect tbe Bidens and thus impacting the outcome of an election in tbe process.

I understand McCarthy wants to hold anyone and everyone who has been protecting the Biden family crime syndicate accountable.

It would be nice...but impossible with our current criminally partisan, broken Justice system.

Let's face it, Hillary's own campaig manager testified under oath that Hillary 'gave the green light' to Sussmann to take the known fake 'Russian Collusion' information to tbe FBI, initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history...and Sussmann still went free.

It will not matter how much evidence of crimes McCarthy has against these 51 liars / Perjurers in their attempt to protect Joe, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden crime syndicate, the deck is stacked against him.

While all of the facts / truth may come out, none of the criminals / traitors will be held accountable.

I saw Hannity grill one of them.

The guy "tap danced" saying that they didn't say it WAS Russian disinfo, but that it "looked like" Russian disinfo.

The dem's propaganda arm, the MSM, were the ones who spun it AS Russian disinformation.
The Biden cover-up is imploding in s very public, ugly way.

Still, every one of tbe Intel 'experts' who signed this letter willingly committed Perjury.

They need to be held accountable as well.
The Biden cover-up is imploding in s very public, ugly way.

Still, every one of tbe Intel 'experts' who signed this letter willingly committed Perjury.

They need to be held accountable as well.
The entire Biden admin and everyone who signed that letter belong in prison.

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