Too Much Talk About Russia

And which would Putin prefer, America united or divided, treating each other as the enemy? The term "useful idiots" comes to mind.

Exactly, and he's accomplished that goal; at least for now. Clearly America is a divided country, thanks in part to Russia's efforts to divide us with the proliferation of fake news, trolls, and subversion.
And the haters shrieking, rioting, and vowing to oppose everything Trump does are playing right into his hands. Way to go, snowflakes.
You are funny the Russians never persuaded no ones vote

Nonsense. When you had Pizzagate happening, it was clear that Russian influence among the dumbest of us in society (Conservatives) was very strong. To deny it now belies your identity as either a crazy person in denial, or a Russian troll yourself.
And the haters shrieking, rioting, and vowing to oppose everything Trump does are playing right into his hands. Way to go, snowflakes.

So it was Trump's plan for everyone to hate him? He's got the lowest approval rating of any President ever at this point in his term. So how is everyone hating him playing into his hands, and what is his ultimate goal, then?
That it the investigation found something leaked from Hillarys campaign to the Russian she hoped to blame Trump for.

"That it the" - clearly a Russian here trying to employ an Active Measure. I think you deliberately write inarticulate posts to give yourself wiggle room to redefine the parameters later on in the conversation. That's what you're doing, right?
You Democrats are spending too much time on this Russia deal it's done. Get over it and move on to something more important.

And by 'you Democrats' you mean the GOP controlled House and Senate- and the FBI.....
And the haters shrieking, rioting, and vowing to oppose everything Trump does are playing right into his hands. Way to go, snowflakes.

So it was Trump's plan for everyone to hate him? He's got the lowest approval rating of any President ever at this point in his term. So how is everyone hating him playing into his hands, and what is his ultimate goal, then?
Maybe he doesn't care about them ratings over them poles maybe he wants to be different in the white house and make a change
Maybe he doesn't care about them ratings over them poles maybe he wants to be different in the white house and make a change

Or maybe he doesn't give a shit about this country, and only cares about himself? After all, he cheered when Conservatives voted to take away health care from 24,000,000 people while giving himself a huge tax break. He supports a tax plan that cuts his own taxes. So the "change" you seem to be embracing is the change to fascism.
Maybe he doesn't care about them ratings over them poles maybe he wants to be different in the white house and make a change

Or maybe he doesn't give a shit about this country, and only cares about himself? After all, he cheered when Conservatives voted to take away health care from 24,000,000 people while giving himself a huge tax break. He supports a tax plan that cuts his own taxes. So the "change" you seem to be embracing is the change to fascism.

Take away Healthcare ha. who was there when the Obamacare took away my Healthcare
Take away Healthcare ha. who was there when the Obamacare took away my Healthcare

I do not believe for a second that Obamacare took your health care away. Are you too lazy or just too stupid to figure out how to use the exchanges? Or are you just some Russian troll who gets paid in rubles and Russian hooker pee to lie on message boards, and thus aren't even an American in the first place?
Take away Healthcare ha. who was there when the Obamacare took away my Healthcare

BTW - what would happen before Obamacare when an insurer cancelled your plan? Did you go immediately on the message boards and whine like a little bitch like you're doing here?
Take away Healthcare ha. who was there when the Obamacare took away my Healthcare

I do not believe for a second that Obamacare took your health care away. Are you too lazy or just too stupid to figure out how to use the exchanges? Or are you just some Russian troll who gets paid in rubles and Russian hooker pee to lie on message boards, and thus aren't even an American in the first place?
You bunch of wanting free handouts from the government cost my good insurance to go away . Not everyone can get on the subsidies I paid my premiums for insurance that paid when I needed it. Now I have to pay the full bill until my outrageous deductible is met thanks Obama.
You Democrats are spending too much time on this Russia deal it's done. Get over it and move on to something more important.
No, it should be concluded; I don't know what it's going to tell us that we don't already know about Russia. Some pols have been saying Russia needs to be "punished" before we move on. Well, we already slapped more sanctions on them and we're not going to nuke them, so what, short of beefing up our cyber security, can be done? I agree, though, that I am pretty sick of hearing about it. This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.
Punished. They'd just like in our face.
Yeah, I know. Lame.
ake away Healthcare ha. who was there when the Obamacare took away my Healthcare

Seriously, snowflake, I'd love to know what exactly was taken away from you by Obamacare. Because every single one of you "victims" have turned out to be lying little turds. Like Julie Boonstra, Ted Cruz, Paul Cox, Larry and Debbie Underkoffler, Tom Gialanella, etc All folks who lied about their victimhood. As of today, May 15th, 2017, there has not been one single credible victim of Obamacare trotted out by the right wing in more than 7 fucking years.

So, no, I don't believe you when you say you lost health insurance. In fact, I don't even believe you are an American. I think you're a Russian troll paid in rubles and hooker pee to post on message boards.
No, it should be concluded; I don't know what it's going to tell us that we don't already know about Russia. Some pols have been saying Russia needs to be "punished" before we move on. Well, we already slapped more sanctions on them and we're not going to nuke them, so what, short of beefing up our cyber security, can be done? I agree, though, that I am pretty sick of hearing about it. This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.
What "can be done"about WHAT ? Please name one thing that you know that Russia has done against America over the past 15 years.

Russia stands to be a good ally of ours against both ISIS and North Korea. as long as we don't fall prey to Democrat scam hysteria.
They aggressively inserted themselves into the Presidential campaign and "chose sides," they hacked into the DNC's computer and gave it to Wikileaks, they hired a bunch of kids in East who-knows-where Europe to write fake news about the Dems and Hillary in particular.
THAT's what they did, for starters. They can stay home next time. That okay with you?
You are funny the Russians never persuaded no ones vote

Nonsense. When you had Pizzagate happening, it was clear that Russian influence among the dumbest of us in society (Conservatives) was very strong. To deny it now belies your identity as either a crazy person in denial, or a Russian troll yourself.
There are a lot of Russians here, I'm guessing.
You bunch of wanting free handouts from the government cost my good insurance to go away

BULLSHIT. Don't believe you for a second. You're a liar just like all the other fake Obamacare victims. The only thing you are a victim of is your poor work ethic and lack of personal responsibility.

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