Too late for remorse

What a hoot! As law enforcement and accountability close in, many of Trump's insurrectionists are thinking an apology will ease their road to ruin. Too late! They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance. Trump cares about Trump and no one else.

They followed the dictates of a false prophet and will pay a richly deserved steep penalty for the rest of their lives.

The only regret would be not killing some fucking commies.

What a hoot! As law enforcement and accountability close in, many of Trump's insurrectionists are thinking an apology will ease their road to ruin. Too late! They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance. Trump cares about Trump and no one else.

They followed the dictates of a false prophet and will pay a richly deserved steep penalty for the rest of their lives.


Most of them will be ticketed for trespassing and pay a $45 fine. So much for your "insurrection" lie.
Lefties burned cars and smashed windows on Trump's inauguration day. A few months later a Sanders supporter opened fire on republican congressmen practicing for a baseball game but it's "too late" to apologize for dangling from a senate balcony? Sanders never apologized to congressman Scalise for his relationship with James Hodgkinson and meeting with him and furnishing him with the republican baseball team schedule.
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What a hoot! As law enforcement and accountability close in, many of Trump's insurrectionists are thinking an apology will ease their road to ruin. Too late! They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance. Trump cares about Trump and no one else. They followed the dictates of a false prophet and will pay a richly deserved steep penalty for the rest of their lives.
Most of them wont spend a day in jail.
Even "time served" is considered a jail sentence.
Most were booked and then immediately released.
Yup and from what I've read most are charged with trespassing which a long way from sedition or insurrection. More bull shit from the Dem idiots.
The left will never stop calling this peaceful protest "sedition"
Peaceful battering ram!


What a hoot! As law enforcement and accountability close in, many of Trump's insurrectionists are thinking an apology will ease their road to ruin. Too late! They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance. Trump cares about Trump and no one else.

They followed the dictates of a false prophet and will pay a richly deserved steep penalty for the rest of their lives.

Wow a plain hate thread. What's new?
They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance.

Where'd that happen, on your Saturday morning cartoons?

I've forgiven all of the capitol revolters. That is the easy part. I have not forgiven Nancy and Joe for stealing a national election and defrauding the American people.
They blindly followed Trump, who loudly encouraged them to attack the Capital building. And, they probably thought Trump would protect them from consequences, which shows their utter ignorance.

Where'd that happen, on your Saturday morning cartoons?

I've forgiven all of the capitol revolters. That is the easy part. I have not forgiven Nancy and Joe for stealing a national election and defrauding the American people.
Nancy should be studying Marie Antoinette...and her relationship with monsieur Guillotine. I wouldn't want Piglosi to lose her head over some of the criminal activities that she has been engaging in.

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