Tom Fitton on Seth Rich Murder – What is the FBI hiding?

it was on his show where the CONspiracy was being peddled.
yep! that CONspiracy where a man died with bullets in his back, and no robbery. Assange has him pegged as the person who provided emails. hmmmmmmmmm smell that? that's suspicious you smell there.
Assange never said he provided the emails.

Yes, he was shot in the back after a fight. That's not an assassination, that's consistent with a robbery gone bad, the type of armed mugging the area had been suffering from for months.

What's your evidence it was a robbery? What was stolen?
well that dude has his passport. so perhaps he was involved. I'm only guessing though, but he did tell me he saw he didn't have a stamp in it to visit Assange where he was held in asylum.

What? "that dude"? And he "told you"? Don't play games with me jackass, I don't have time for that stupid shit.
not gonna happen. if (R)s couldn't bring her down by now... then cut yer losses & turn to the most corrupt creature ever to enter the DC borders.

unbelievable that you talk about wanting corruption outa washington, but continue to rally behind the most corrupted creature ever to step foot within its borders.

Where did they say they supported Hillary?

oh please ... give it a rest.

i never said hillary or slick willy weren't corrupt. but next to donny - they are both saints.

& you voting 3rd party or sitting it out if bernie doesn't get the nomination is a vote for donny.

No, they were at best no less corrupt as Trump. All the same the argument boils down to "who was the least corrupt".

That's not the discussion we should be having.

uh-huh. well hillary isn't running - so there's that. but you go on with yer delusions & vote 3rd party or sit at home.

I won't have to this time.

you mean only if bernie gets the nomination. what if he doesn't? if he does - i'll be voting for him. if he doesn't, then i'll vote for whoever is running against trump. i have never thought like that in the past - i've always considered the (R) candidate ... but not in 2016 nor this time. the stakes are way too high. you are still a purist & imo - that's defective thinking.
Yes, I polled every person on the right.

Then your statement was total bullshit troll...Got it.

Good gravy, you're being a tad too literal. We both know that the Seth Rich conspiracy theories are coming from elements on the right.

All you have to do is prove your theory of a robbery, with real evidence, not "that must be what happened" bullshit...Short of that, it needs to be fully investigated.

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.
it was on his show where the CONspiracy was being peddled.
yep! that CONspiracy where a man died with bullets in his back, and no robbery. Assange has him pegged as the person who provided emails. hmmmmmmmmm smell that? that's suspicious you smell there.
Assange never said he provided the emails.

Yes, he was shot in the back after a fight. That's not an assassination, that's consistent with a robbery gone bad, the type of armed mugging the area had been suffering from for months.

What's your evidence it was a robbery? What was stolen?
well that dude has his passport. so perhaps he was involved. I'm only guessing though, but he did tell me he saw he didn't have a stamp in it to visit Assange where he was held in asylum.

What? "that dude"? And he "told you"? Don't play games with me jackass, I don't have time for that stupid shit.
yep, that dude told me. In here. look up colfax and passport or stamp
Assange never said he provided the emails.

Yes, he was shot in the back after a fight. That's not an assassination, that's consistent with a robbery gone bad, the type of armed mugging the area had been suffering from for months.

What's your evidence it was a robbery? What was stolen?

There had been numerous robberies in the area where two men held a gun to a person late at night and demanded their phone. We know Seth Rich fought back due to trauma to his knuckles. Applying logic to the situation, it is most likely a robbery gone bad.

Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??
Then your statement was total bullshit troll...Got it.

Good gravy, you're being a tad too literal. We both know that the Seth Rich conspiracy theories are coming from elements on the right.

All you have to do is prove your theory of a robbery, with real evidence, not "that must be what happened" bullshit...Short of that, it needs to be fully investigated.

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.

You don't solve anything with conjecture....either way...btw, I'm not saying that it was one or the other, merely asking questions....Since you think you are applying logic, then logic would dictate that you don't really want this investigated properly, now why is that?
Then your statement was total bullshit troll...Got it.

Good gravy, you're being a tad too literal. We both know that the Seth Rich conspiracy theories are coming from elements on the right.

All you have to do is prove your theory of a robbery, with real evidence, not "that must be what happened" bullshit...Short of that, it needs to be fully investigated.

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.
walks like a duck, quack's like a duck, it's a duck.
What's your evidence it was a robbery? What was stolen?

There had been numerous robberies in the area where two men held a gun to a person late at night and demanded their phone. We know Seth Rich fought back due to trauma to his knuckles. Applying logic to the situation, it is most likely a robbery gone bad.

Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Good gravy, you're being a tad too literal. We both know that the Seth Rich conspiracy theories are coming from elements on the right.

All you have to do is prove your theory of a robbery, with real evidence, not "that must be what happened" bullshit...Short of that, it needs to be fully investigated.

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.

You don't solve anything with conjecture....either way...btw, I'm not saying that it was one or the other, merely asking questions....Since you think you are applying logic, then logic would dictate that you don't really want this investigated properly, now why is that?

What do you mean logic dictates I don't really want this investigated? I think it has been fully investigated to the extent possible. The questions you're asking don't lead anywhere.
There had been numerous robberies in the area where two men held a gun to a person late at night and demanded their phone. We know Seth Rich fought back due to trauma to his knuckles. Applying logic to the situation, it is most likely a robbery gone bad.

Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Rich was alive for about an hour after he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the hospital conscious and even able to speak a few words.

Assassins don't leave their targets alive. They don't shoot their targets in the chest. They don't pick fights.
Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Rich was alive for about an hour after he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the hospital conscious and even able to speak a few words.

Assassins don't leave their targets alive. They don't shoot their targets in the chest. They don't pick fights.
who did he say shot him?
All you have to do is prove your theory of a robbery, with real evidence, not "that must be what happened" bullshit...Short of that, it needs to be fully investigated.

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.

You don't solve anything with conjecture....either way...btw, I'm not saying that it was one or the other, merely asking questions....Since you think you are applying logic, then logic would dictate that you don't really want this investigated properly, now why is that?

What do you mean logic dictates I don't really want this investigated? I think it has been fully investigated to the extent possible. The questions you're asking don't lead anywhere.

I'm just asking questions of why such a shoddy investigation concluding pure speculation, based on nothing but speculation are ok with you in a homocide?

What was Rich doing there?

Who was he there to meet?

There are other questions, but you seem fine with going on the utterly weak robbery theme, so I don't think you want to know.
There had been numerous robberies in the area where two men held a gun to a person late at night and demanded their phone. We know Seth Rich fought back due to trauma to his knuckles. Applying logic to the situation, it is most likely a robbery gone bad.

Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
No, I never said Rich is still alive. Just how retarded are you? I did he was alive when they left him there.
Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Rich was alive for about an hour after he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the hospital conscious and even able to speak a few words.

Assassins don't leave their targets alive. They don't shoot their targets in the chest. They don't pick fights.

I'm sure in the history of assassans there have been some that were unsucessful in instant death....Give me a break.
Sorry, that there had been robberies in the past in this area, is not evidence that THIS was such...And as for trauma to his knuckles, well, he definately fought someone, but we don't know if it was robbers, or assassans....

You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Rich was alive for about an hour after he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the hospital conscious and even able to speak a few words.

Assassins don't leave their targets alive. They don't shoot their targets in the chest. They don't pick fights.
DEVELOPING: Seth Rich was ALIVE When Police Found Him - But Police Camera Video Went Missing!
You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
Rich was alive for about an hour after he was shot in the chest. He arrived at the hospital conscious and even able to speak a few words.

Assassins don't leave their targets alive. They don't shoot their targets in the chest. They don't pick fights.
DEVELOPING: Seth Rich was ALIVE When Police Found Him - But Police Camera Video Went Missing!

What makes you think it hasn't been fully investigated?

Because it's been reported as such...The police, as often happens, especially in an area like DC where crimes need to be closed, solved or not, took a look at the area and chalked it up to robbery, no specific evidence pointed to such since NOTHING was stolen.

No specific evidence points to it being an assassination. It's much more logical it was a robbery gone bad.

You don't solve anything with conjecture....either way...btw, I'm not saying that it was one or the other, merely asking questions....Since you think you are applying logic, then logic would dictate that you don't really want this investigated properly, now why is that?

What do you mean logic dictates I don't really want this investigated? I think it has been fully investigated to the extent possible. The questions you're asking don't lead anywhere.

I'm just asking questions of why such a shoddy investigation concluding pure speculation, based on nothing but speculation are ok with you in a homocide?

What was Rich doing there?

Who was he there to meet?

There are other questions, but you seem fine with going on the utterly weak robbery theme, so I don't think you want to know.

What makes you think it was a shoddy investigation?

Rich was walking home from the bar. He was very near his house. Do you just ask questions or actually go looking for answers?
You think assassins like to get into fist fights with their targets?
sure, especially when there's more than one of them. they love to knock the snot out of people before they take their lives. I'm sure they enjoy that immensely.
And then leave without killing them??

Wait what? Leave without killing them? Are you suggesting Rich is alive?

Maybe he's on the same island as the passengers of the 9-11 planes right?
No, I never said Rich is still alive. Just how retarded are you? I did he was alive when they left him there.

Look here you little snot, I wish you had the balls to say something like that to my face, so I could break your nose.

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