Today's Journalist


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
" They don't even know enough to know what they Don't Know "
- John Ziegler - from Media Malpractice
In Particular USA Todays Christine Brennan who in her own
words cited her being Praised by colleagues as the number one reason.
No finer example as to the motivations behind CNN and MSNBC.
We've seen that many times in the Way Pulitzers are handed out.
Any Questions ... Students ?
" They don't even know enough to know what they Don't Know "
- John Ziegler - from Media Malpractice
In Particular USA Todays Christine Brennan who in her own
words cited her being Praised by colleagues as the number one reason.
No finer example as to the motivations behind CNN and MSNBC.
We've seen that many times in the Way Pulitzers are handed out.
Any Questions ... Students ?
Just so folk don't misunderstand what that means ... It's this.
Brennan like so many of Todays writers and Journalist, wjho write books
and columns and appear as experts on CNN and MSNBC NOT for
the purpose of being correct and precise and informative.
Just the opposite.To have Praise heaped upon them.
Which may be the way Journalist are taught in University
governed by Leftists Radical Professors.
That is how CRT became popular..Because Barack Obama's Harvard mentor,
Derrick Bell was a huge proponent of Critical Race Theory.
See how this all works.
Journalism died decades ago.
A specific firsthand example would be David Corn { Mother Jones bureau chief }
with a sorted history of writing to gain attention and yes,Praise.
Like his thinking process behind the Valerie Plame bidness.
Or the way he was awarded a Polk { given for Intrepid reporting }
based more on the impact it garnered over the Mitt Romney - 47 % -
Outting. That someone else recorded { spying on } a closed door
Romney event.Corn was asked about this by a real Intrepid man of
Integrity and Intrepidness { such a word } Talk Radio's Hugh Hewitt.
A once regular { basically sole conservative } on Sunday's - Meet the Press -.
Hewitt a friend of F.Chuck Todd ,going back to their early days.
And the The Hotline.
The days of great reporting and hard-nosed reporters are long gone.
Even when a Reporter is so committed he loses all focus.
As in the Great Billy Wilder movie ... - Ace in the Hole - { 1951 }.
Journalistic Integrity is a punchline, not a concept.
Righto Ringo.
I get it ... The Benito Mussolini School of Journalism
" Journalism is not a profession but a mission.Our newspaper is our party,our ideal,our soul,and our banner which will lead us to Victory."
- Editorial,Avanti!,Socialist Party organ, 1912
Righto Ringo.
I get it ... The Benito Mussolini School of Journalism
" Journalism is not a profession but a mission.Our newspaper is our party,our ideal,our soul,and our banner which will lead us to Victory."
- Editorial,Avanti!,Socialist Party organ, 1912
The "Lion of Socialism" was a "right winger" in whatever sphincter serves as the "mind" of a libturd.
The "Lion of Socialism" was a "right winger" in whatever sphincter serves as the "mind" of a libturd.

" You cannot hope to bribe or twist
{ Thank God!} to the British journalist;
But,seeing whet the man will do
Unbribed,there's no occassion to. "
Humbert Wolfe { British poet} 1885-1940

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