Today I Am....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
what is your mood today?
what are your plans?
is there something you want to do, but can't?

Complain, brag or air it out....
I feel great as like everyday.....Life is for living, not dying......Wake n Bake on order for breakfast....I would like to be the all powerful ruler of the Universe but can't...I have IBS....
Replacing the concrete floor in our garage Monday so I moved everything out...hotter than &#^% here today so I been doing it in the evenings.
At 2:30, four of us will have a beer tasting. Two of them have never had my beer, so this is a treat for me - brewers have I love to get it patted.
Let's son is coming for the weekend today, he is bringing his gal with him. Might cookout, but the weather is probably going to prohibit that.
Oh yeah...excited about the garage floor...I am turning it into a brew house with tasting bar.
Today I am... fuckin STOKED to day drink and go see Jurassic world!
Didn't you see Mad Maxx?
I had to see some lame teen movie with the family.....
Mad Max is soooooooooo awesome! Go see it. It's pretty much a two hour car chase through a postapocalyptic desert!
My 13 year old son didn't want to, 'cause he said he has not seen the previous movies in the series....But won't watch the movies when on TV.....
Replacing the concrete floor in our garage Monday so I moved everything out...hotter than &#^% here today so I been doing it in the evenings.
At 2:30, four of us will have a beer tasting. Two of them have never had my beer, so this is a treat for me - brewers have I love to get it patted.
Let's son is coming for the weekend today, he is bringing his gal with him. Might cookout, but the weather is probably going to prohibit that.
Oh yeah...excited about the garage floor...I am turning it into a brew house with tasting bar.
Are you jack hammering the old floor out?
Nothing planned but housework and shopping! I'm not in the mood! Want to just chill and watch old movies!

Thought all this talk of going to the movies is making me want to check out the new releases.....

Can't complain - it's warm and sunny! :)
One of the beers I will sample out is a chocolate brown ale. Sweet, caramel flavors, dark bread crust and that typical brown ale at the end.
This is my favorite glass...wonder why...
Are you jack hammering the old floor out?

I am paying someone to do it.
I am 50 now, I have a bum right knee and I have arthritis in both hands (not severe)
So my jack hammering days are over.
I'm 54 a still swing a sledge, turn my gardens by hand..Love the pain....It's a cheap drug....

Oh I still work, just can't do stuff that requires long term gripping something. Like painting with a brush for instance, within 2-3 minutes I am on agony. But, I have no problems cleaning out the garage, lifiting stuff...I refinished our floors this past winter...etc.
Just can't grip something for very jokes allowed...I know where you would go with that statement! :eusa_shifty:
I have a few hours of work this morning - in fact, that's where I am right now as I type this - and then home to whip out the metaphorical cattle prod and make my family do chores and pick up the house. This evening, I have a date with my new squeeze to go sing karaoke.
Walked in the park, stop watched some NG doing PT test, bought fresh baked rye bread, and held hands with the wife. I do more before 8 o'clock than most people do all day.

I say Pitch Perfect 2 last Tuesday with the grand girls. A lot of fun.
I have a few hours of work this morning - in fact, that's where I am right now as I type this - and then home to whip out the metaphorical cattle prod and make my family do chores and pick up the house. This evening, I have a date with my new squeeze to go sing karaoke.
Squeeze your new squeeze squeezily good, CiCi.
In about an hour, I will be going to my granddaughters after graduation party.
Not enough seats for all the grandparents, so I've little to do til then.

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