To You Zionists

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Your brother in Zion Indeependent says they are animals. What´s your opinion?
Enigmatic question. mean some of the Muslims?

You do not think that some Muslims are indeed like savage animals? They are trained to kill and kill they do.
Predators in the wilderness learn from their parents. And unfortunately some Muslims believe that being a predator in this world is the way to be, at any cost. So, they have trained their young generations and weaponized them and sent them out to hunt Jews.

Gratefully, most Muslims in Israel are civilized people (and Independent thinks that way, as well) and are a pride for Israel.

Anything else you would like to learn about?
No, he and others claim all are animals, maybe goyim. If we say some of them it applies to any group. I heard the Arabs in Israel make up the lower class, do the dirty work and are banned from Jews only roads.
You need to ask Independent about what he said. I doubt that he meant All, as you are trying to claim :)
Do you know what Goyim means?

Why is it that if one says Some of them, it applies to any group?
Which groups do you have in mind which are not made of predators hunting down defenseless minorities, are being defamed? Name some of them.

You hear too much and have experienced nothing.
Go to Israel and answer your own questions.

The Myth of Jewish-Only Roads - Commentary Magazine

More Arabs join the work force - and not just in blue collar jobs

By the way, if someone only has the skill or education to work as a janitor, in agriculture, be a bus boy etc, what kind of job are they supposed to get, be it Arabs in Israel, Muslims in Europe or America, Christians anywhere, Jews, etc, or anyone else?

The great article almost convinced me...


...but then I saw this headline:
Bisected by a Jews-only road, a Palestinian neighborhood in Hebron is dying

What about education of Muslims in Israel? Do they also have separated schools?
Go to Israel and see for yourself. Nothing like first hand education.
What If I´d somehow end up at a Jews-only road crossing?
Hey wait!
There's a Syrian site that says something bad about Israel!

There is also a Syrian site that says something bad about Syria. Syrians killing Syrians. Oh well, who are we to rain on their parade?

Death Tolls
Death Tolls: November 2017
- Government forces: 503
- Russian forces: 279
- ISIS: 114
- Armed opposition factions: 5
- International Coalition forces: 6
- Other Parties: 74
- Kurdish Forces: 15

Who´s making that moronic numbers? ISIS? Syria and Russia are smashing thousands of terrorists. Even anti-government "SOHR" publishes totally different numbers:
Casualties of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
Zionists in Israel best stop placating Palestinian demands. Last time the Zionists gave in they received a rocket missile base in Gaza for a thank you.
Last time the Zionists gave in they received a rocket missile base in Gaza for a thank you.
When was that? Link?

Is this good enough?

Palestinian members of the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, display Qassam home-made rockets during an anti-Israel military parade
No, your claim was:

Last time the Zionists gave in they received a rocket missile base in Gaza for a thank you.
Last time the Zionists gave in they received a rocket missile base in Gaza for a thank you.
When was that? Link?

Is this good enough?

Palestinian members of the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, display Qassam home-made rockets during an anti-Israel military parade
No, your claim was:

Last time the Zionists gave in they received a rocket missile base in Gaza for a thank you.

LMAO! Oh Abi, what are we to do with you? Let me dumb it down to the lowest possible level of comprehension. You see Abi, when Israel gave in to the Palestinian demands for a Jew free Gaza, what did Israel get in return for a thank you? Hint: See photo above.
All you posted was a photo and some personal commentary. It's not that I don't trust you personally, it is just that my academic standards require a higher level of certainty and the actual facts are key here.
Now Abi, think real real hard & tell us with all your wisdom --- were there rocket missile bases in Gaza before Israel granted the Palestinian demand for a Jew free Gaza?

According to the propaganda they had been firing missiles at you already. And that is a picture. It is not sourced. There is no context.
Of course there is a difference. Jews are expelled from countries and f*cking get on with it. None of them are refugees into third and fourth generations. They fit in and don't live off social welfare or riot violently in European cities.
What you claim is not the reality. Jews come to your place and claim oh my religion prohibits me to work. They take over the financial sector (because Christians were banned from demanding interest), buy the rulers and are ultimately expelled. Today, Jews rule your American country and play with the Obama and Trump puppets. They rule your finances, your media, your politics and if America behaves badly or complies slowly, property bubbles may explode.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

Antisemitism or not , it cannot always be the others. "The Jews" have surely there share in the conflicts.

And if the Irone dome isn't as good as it is cracked up to be, why do you care? All I know is that those rockets keep on flying but appear to hit nothing.
I am interested.

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
I live in Europe genius and have yet to hear of Jews saying their religion prohibits them from working. All of your conspiracy theories are nothing original. They can be found in the Protocols. You don't even realise how discredited your anti-semitic bullshit is. I don't see why you think posting anti-semitic claptrap proves anything, except that you are antisemitic. And yeah, sexism, racism, anti-semitism. It IS always the others. That is how bigotry works.
Anyway I'm glad you are worried for jewish safety but as far as I can see not too many Jews are getting injured by rockets. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it a good thing Bleibrain
How about Germany making it's own territory into a better world.
Germans don´t care. They are not interested in politics, only in selfish matters, and this is why everyone here gets away with anything.

We could start by forming a government with an actual mandate and not Groko in another form because, as you know, Groko lost big time last election.
There will be Groko ultimately in the coming months.

How about getting anti-semitism under control from the right and especially the left. Hint: "juden ins Gas"
Antisemitism is hardly a problem in Germany, there are no reports about Jews beaten, robbed or whatever.
We have a domestic intelligence service that deploys agents who then will paint swastikas on Jewish cemeteries, ect.
There is the actual problem: the artificial nazi gangs, on top the "NSU".

Spur der "Döner-Morde" führt zu Grauen Wölfen - SPIEGEL ONLINE - DER SPIEGEL

How about saving Europe which is dissolved in front of our own eyes. Hint: brexit
So there is one democratic event that is respected somehow (not sure if they do plan something) and people start to cry and mourn.

How about making a deal with the devil aka Erdogan who calls germans nazis.
Erdogan has big influence among Turks in Germany. The referendum shows that their support is even bigger than in Turkey.
Erdogan could easily cause trouble in Germany. See the Spiegel Link. Döner Morde: All murdered were Kurds except for one Greek who took over his shop from a Kurd.
Involved: Turkish and German secret services, Turkish hardcore nationalists Grey Wolfs. "NSU" does not exist and never did.

Yeah Germany the moral
It´s the big Hypocrite Republic of Germany, that claims to support modern values while mass importing stoneage Islamists.

I read German too and there is a huge problem with anti-semitism in Germany.
Muslimischer Antisemitismus: Nichts gegen Juden, aber ...
Muslimischer Antisemitismus: Judenfeindlichkeit gehört zum guten Ton
Or since you like Spiegel online, an article from yesterday:
Verschwörungstheorien, Holocaust-Verklärung: Die vielen Formen des Netz-Antisemitismus - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Netzwelt
Spiegel even explains to you that robbing Jews is not how you define anti-semitism. In fact it is about beleiveing conspiracy theories, much like yours.
All you posted was a photo and some personal commentary. It's not that I don't trust you personally, it is just that my academic standards require a higher level of certainty and the actual facts are key here.

Oh, come now, Louie. You making a claim to holding “academic standards” is a bit like a Moslem claiming Islamism is a “Religion of Peace”.

Here are some standards for you:

Hamas Quietly Admits It Fired Rockets from Civilian Areas
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