To whom does the future belong? What skills will be needed to thrive?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This lengthy essay contains some interesting comments on our current education system and what will be needed to prepare students for the future. Not being an educator, I can’t really comment on it and am only presenting it for discussion.

Reform may never be “finished,” but we’ll know that our K–12 system is succeeding when almost all parents are satisfied customers and when almost all graduates:

Successfully complete some form of postsecondary education, whether it be a technical credential, two- or four-year degree, or military training;

Become self-sufficient soon after completing their education, with a rewarding career that can support a family; and

Participate as active and informed citizens in our democracy and civil society institutions.

At last! An educator who looks beyond academia. Is he actually indicating that trades might be acceptable for our youth?

More @ Where Education Reform Goes from Here – The Thomas B. Fordham Institute – Medium

Student learning gaps persist in several subjects—including civics education @ Student learning gaps persist in several subjects—including civics education
The future belongs to creative entrepreneurs and inventors.

It's always the same.
You can run a company you didn't start.
And get rich.

Look at Trump.

He got it the old fashioned Republican way. He inherited it.
If you want to make enough money to raise a family, you need an education.
STEM subjects are a good place to start.
This GOP idea that college is bad for America is a disaster. You can see how much harm it's caused in Red States. Republicans are hurting an entire generation of young whites in Red States with this racist and anti education philosophy. I'm sure some will be able to overcome, but the majority will be damaged beyond belief. Republicans are hurting their own children in more ways than just education.

The sense of entitlement is damaging. This idea that ending banking regulations and removing protections for clean air and clean water and getting rid of healthcare is the way to make people's lives better is just so bizarre and yet Republicans don't feel it's bizarre at all. Republicans feel that is just the way to go. Ask them to explain how that works and of course, they can't, but are they sure it will work.
Check out this thread and you can see exactly what I'm talking about. Most of the people who follow this kind of philosophy are people like this.
I have to hand it to Deanie boy for being consistent in his hatred of other American citizens. He never waivers, and stays on point post after post after post spewing his vile nonsense. ..... :thup:

This lengthy essay contains some interesting comments on our current education system and what will be needed to prepare students for the future. Not being an educator, I can’t really comment on it and am only presenting it for discussion.

Reform may never be “finished,” but we’ll know that our K–12 system is succeeding when almost all parents are satisfied customers and when almost all graduates:

Successfully complete some form of postsecondary education, whether it be a technical credential, two- or four-year degree, or military training;

Become self-sufficient soon after completing their education, with a rewarding career that can support a family; and

Participate as active and informed citizens in our democracy and civil society institutions.

At last! An educator who looks beyond academia. Is he actually indicating that trades might be acceptable for our youth?

More @ Where Education Reform Goes from Here – The Thomas B. Fordham Institute – Medium

Student learning gaps persist in several subjects—including civics education @ Student learning gaps persist in several subjects—including civics education

If I see the word 'our democracy' one more time.
The skills needed for the future will be evading the cyborg killing machines...

...and needlepoint.

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