To whitewash Gaza genocide, Israel is paying influencers !!

Your Ex-PM just said, telling the truth is harmful to Israel.

Truth hurts.
I am American, you stupid, degenerate motherfucker. We do not have PMs here. IDF strikes are always in response to terror attacks launched against innocent Israeli civilians. If I was PM I would have removed the cancer long ago; i.e., destroy the Hamas led "Palestinians". Yes, Hamas has to go. But frankly, the "Palestinians" put them in power. So the proper thing to do is to shoot them all and let them deal with their future political leadership. In my opinion, Israel has exercise extreme restraint dealing with those animals in Gaza.
I am American, you stupid, degenerate motherfucker. We do not have PMs here. IDF strikes are always in response to terror attacks launched against innocent Israeli civilians. If I was PM I would have removed the cancer long ago; i.e., destroy the Hamas led "Palestinians". Yes, Hamas has to go. But frankly, the "Palestinians" put them in power. So the proper thing to do is to shoot them all and let them deal with their future political leadership. In my opinion, Israel has exercise extreme restraint dealing with those animals in Gaza.
so true----all Israel would have to do is exclude muslims from Israeli hospitals ---
that would end the problem
All genocide-supporters are trying to hide the truth about their barbaric massacre:

I am American, you stupid, degenerate motherfucker. We do not have PMs here. IDF strikes are always in response to terror attacks launched against innocent Israeli civilians. If I was PM I would have removed the cancer long ago; i.e., destroy the Hamas led "Palestinians". Yes, Hamas has to go. But frankly, the "Palestinians" put them in power. So the proper thing to do is to shoot them all and let them deal with their future political leadership. In my opinion, Israel has exercise extreme restraint dealing with those animals in Gaza.
Do you honestly think our leaders don't LIE ?

On propaganda and media, the Israeli Ministry has spent millions of dollars on ads on YouTube, X, Instagram and other platforms, totaling more than 1 billion views.

Do you honestly think our leaders don't LIE ?


Some here actually seem to think that way. Governments never lie, there are no subversive people within governments or intelligence agencies, the mainstream media always tells the truth, wars are always based on true reasons, and anyone who thinks independently and asks questions is just a crazy "conspiracy theorist."

Sigh. They'll learn someday. Some people are just a little slow on the uptake. :lol:
What's wrong with the Jews counteracting the anti-semitic lies being told about them in Gaza.

Libs have been saying the Jews have been decapitating babies , poisoning wells and other atrocities and it just isn't true.

I've known Jews my whole like, I am part Jew myself according to DNA tests. And I never engaged in human sacrifice

They're being paid to lie for a foreign country and that's OK?

Do you really think that it's in America's best interests to be complicit in the mass murder of tens of thousands of civilians so that genocidal Zionists can have their "Greater Israel" Lebensraum?

As long as American politicians work for Israeli lobbies, American G.I.s will continue to die in distant wars for Zionist expansionism.

Jews don't benefit from Zionist genocide.


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