To President Trump and His Wall


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man.
Anything that can be built by man, can be destroyed by him...

-General George A Patton (Sicily 1942)

So it's all politics with you, not national security?

So you decided to give up your guns to prove a point that a republican is in the white house?

There is no effective argument against building a wall to secure our southern border. Manpower can be removed with the next administration but a wall will remain. The left think no one is smart enough to see the obvious flaw in their bogus argument that a wall is not necessary.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man.
Anything that can be built by man, can be destroyed by him...

-General George A Patton (Sicily 1942)

Patton chose / preferred instead to use his tank divisions to move forward and kick ass. Are you advocating instead of a wall to do an 'Obama' with some 'Patton' mixed in by invading Mexico (like Obama did Syria) and kicking their ass for all the continued invasions of the US by the illegals they are facilitating?
I don't know.... I'm torn really on the issue.

Yes we need border security to the max, but if we are being undermined from within by traitors, and Anti-Americans who number in the hundreds of thousands now, then what good will any of this be in the end ??? However I hope Trump gets that wall just to irritate the crap out of the liberallies. They deserve it for how they've acted over these few years.

The walls being displayed are impressive to some extent, but the determination of humans operating like cock roaches is another thing. Ever try to stop an infestation of roaches ???

Of course as in the case of stopping an infestation, one method is usually not the only answer. It takes several measures to get the job done right. In the case of the wall, I guess that is just one part of it, but is the asking price to much ?? Seems that this is the rub for those involved in the funding aspect of it all.

Now is there also a case where the Demon-crat resistance is just out to obstruct, resist, obstruct no matter what, otherwise because it is Trump in charge ? If so this doesn't help matters at all, and in the end nothing gets done to help America to solve the issue on the border.
I will say this also, and that is that I do have a six foot high hurricane fence around my entire property, and because of the way the community has turned or changed for the worst over the years, I'm just thankful this fence is in place. My grandparents put it there years ago, and I'm glad they did.

Now, not to long ago at a back gate, they cut the chain to gain entry. They stole some things, and got out clean. I have since added security measures to go along with the fence in the form of camera's and signs, and I haven't had a problem since. Thank goodness the thieves can read or who knows what they might try or stumble into next. The fence acts as a deterrent, and it is affective to some degree, but it's not the only security measure in place. The better solution would be for those who have created the problem, to then be exposed, fired from government, and stopped from causing trouble in America as they have been allowed to do without resistance on for way to long now.

Ending government rent subsidies for poor people outside of designated housing/apartments built specifically for this purpose has got to be considered in order to stop poverty sprawl across America....

Sadly poor people for whom just move into an area where a greedy property owner or owners are only looking at the money aspect of it all, while ignoring the other aspects that come along with creating impoverished areas for these poor to take over/dominate is a major problem these days..... Next the areas turn into high crime areas, they destroy property values, destroy security etc, and without any recognition of these things, and that is just down right pathetic really.

It is an afront to everything American's once believed in.... Hard work, savings, buying property, building, living safely on their properties, and passing these properties down to the family in so that they also keep the America traditions going.

Poverty sprawl created by Demon-crat government programs has destroyed security and property values in vast numbers of communities across this country, and it's pathetic. Yeah, yeah the blacks will assume that this stuff is being directed at them, but these things going on don't have anything to do with color, but has everything to do with the characters of the individuals being housed by government in communities that have since failed because of all the bullcrap.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man.
Anything that can be built by man, can be destroyed by him...

-General George A Patton (Sicily 1942)

Patton chose / preferred instead to use his tank divisions to move forward and kick ass. Are you advocating instead of a wall to do an 'Obama' with some 'Patton' mixed in by invading Mexico (like Obama did Syria) and kicking their ass for all the continued invasions of the US by the illegals they are facilitating?
Hey, Easy, when did Obama invade Syria? Are you talking about when he asked Congress for permission to invade because of a chemical attack and got turned down?
the wall is bullshit and mexico is not paying for it.....but yall keep believing the lying pos
Well nothing your dumb assed side has tried or not tried has fixed the fucking problem hillbilly witch. So now let’s build the fucking wall.
the wall is bullshit and mexico is not paying for it.....but yall keep believing the lying pos
Mexico will end up paying for it eventually, if Democrats would stop trying to keep it from being built. 30% of Mexico's GDP is cash being sent back over the border from the US after all.
FYI, The Tijuana wall South of San Diego forced Mexico to pay for all of those thousands of caravan invaders out of their own pockets.

I think you should focus on who is making the wall necessary.
If it weren't for corrupt Democrats creating sanctuary cities and giving these people free health care, free legal aide, and money to come here, the wall wouldn't be necessary.
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the wall is bullshit and mexico is not paying for it.....but yall keep believing the lying pos
Mexico will end up paying for it eventually, if Democrats would stop trying to keep it from being built. 30% of Mexico's GDP is cash being sent back over the border from the US after all.
FYI, The Tijuana wall South of San Diego forced Mexico to pay for all of those thousands of caravan invaders out of their own pockets.

I think you should focus on who is making the wall necessary.
If it weren't for corrupt Democrats creating sanctuary cities and giving these people free health care, free legal aide, and money to come here, the wall wouldn't be necessary.
They won’t be able to handle this truth!

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