To preserve our democracy we must prosecute Trump

Not just Trump. All of his fascist cronies heed to be prosecuted too.

Don't worry, USMB fascists. You're too far down the totem pole for anyone to care, and simply being a fascist cult imbecile isn't a crime.

Mamooooo is exhibit A of einstein's warning of Zionist fascism...
We must prevent any future would be dictators from attempting to become a dictator in our nation;

Donald trump was elected and re-elected president.

The first duty all patriotic Americans have is to make sure the real winner of legally cast ballots is in the WH. That is not the case right now.

You are a traitor who supports another traitor who actually is the real threat of a dictator if the machines and the fraud ballot dumps are not busted....
Not just Trump. All of his fascist cronies heed to be prosecuted too.

Don't worry, USMB fascists. You're too far down the totem pole for anyone to care, and simply being a fascist cult imbecile isn't a crime.

Mamooooo is exhibit A of einstein's warning of Zionist fascism...
Why are you guys so weird?

Prosecuted for what? Offending your delicate persona?

Conspiracy, obviously, and the various corruption crimes.

Traitors, of course, believe their traitor leaders should be given a free pass. But since they're commie-suckup Trump cult traitors, nobody cares what they think.

Remember, many of us took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump and the Trump cult are such domestic enemies, hence we are oath-bound to oppose them. That stance is not optional for patriots.
Yes and we must prosecute him again and again and again and again and again.

Of course we must also let Hillary, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strozk, Page, Hunter Biden and his father Joe waltz away scot-free.

We are without a doubt the worlds greatest banana republic. Long live the Swamp.


Prosecuted for what? Offending your delicate persona?

Conspiracy, obviously, and the various corruption crimes.

Traitors, of course, believe their traitor leaders should be given a free pass. But since they're commie-suckup Trump cult traitors, nobody cares what they think.

Remember, many of us took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump and the Trump cult are such domestic enemies, hence we are oath-bound to oppose them. That stance is not optional for patriots.
Then why has Biden opened the border?

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