to police officers: if you dont have the guts to stop Antifa thugs from burning down our cities, get the hell out of law enforcement, find another job


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Begin by dismissing the idea that serious repression, criminalization of people for their religious and social identity, or for political opposition, can’t happen in America. It is happening. And it is sure to get a lot worse because the people in charge of the permanent government, the media, and corporate entities, increasingly are united in making it happen. More so than just about anywhere, ever.

Turkeys cheering the arrival of Thanksgiving would be only marginally more pathetic than the conservative luminaries on Fox News who cheer for the police as civilization’s saviors. The police. You know—the heroes who stood aside as mobs looted and burned Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, Macy’s in New York, downtown Chicago and so on while organized mask-wearing Antifa thugs beat whoever got in the way?

What then shall we do with and about the police? Reality imposes certain principles.

First, trust them only insofar as you pay them, can hire and fire, or frighten them. Otherwise, realize that they will serve whomever pays them.

The justice system in Al Capone’s day served the Mob even though the cops and judges of the day were churchgoers and had been exposed to at least some moral scruples. Today’s justice system consists of people who know only sticks and carrots.

Second, take a lesson from those videos of the police standing aside. They didn’t protect the mobs simply because they were so ordered. They did it also because they were physically frightened by the mob’s use of a variety of weapons against them, as well as by the prospect of lawsuits and attacks on them and their families.

In Louisville, a man who shot two cops in the back was charged only with reckless endangerment. Alas, the Left has shown that hurting cops tends to make them your friends. Hence, if you want respect from police who you do not control, make sure you give them lively reasons to fear you.

Third, police yourselves. Call it self-defense groups, neighborhood protection, vigilantes, friends, anything but “militias.” But the essence is the same: rely on yourself and on people who have known each other for a long time—no infiltrators, please—united and armed to take care of themselves as they think best.

Begin by dismissing the idea that serious repression, criminalization of people for their religious and social identity, or for political opposition, can’t happen in America. It is happening. And it is sure to get a lot worse because the people in charge of the permanent government, the media, and corporate entities, increasingly are united in making it happen. More so than just about anywhere, ever.

Turkeys cheering the arrival of Thanksgiving would be only marginally more pathetic than the conservative luminaries on Fox News who cheer for the police as civilization’s saviors. The police. You know—the heroes who stood aside as mobs looted and burned Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, Macy’s in New York, downtown Chicago and so on while organized mask-wearing Antifa thugs beat whoever got in the way?

What then shall we do with and about the police? Reality imposes certain principles.

First, trust them only insofar as you pay them, can hire and fire, or frighten them. Otherwise, realize that they will serve whomever pays them.

The justice system in Al Capone’s day served the Mob even though the cops and judges of the day were churchgoers and had been exposed to at least some moral scruples. Today’s justice system consists of people who know only sticks and carrots.

Second, take a lesson from those videos of the police standing aside. They didn’t protect the mobs simply because they were so ordered. They did it also because they were physically frightened by the mob’s use of a variety of weapons against them, as well as by the prospect of lawsuits and attacks on them and their families.

In Louisville, a man who shot two cops in the back was charged only with reckless endangerment. Alas, the Left has shown that hurting cops tends to make them your friends. Hence, if you want respect from police who you do not control, make sure you give them lively reasons to fear you.

Third, police yourselves. Call it self-defense groups, neighborhood protection, vigilantes, friends, anything but “militias.” But the essence is the same: rely on yourself and on people who have known each other for a long time—no infiltrators, please—united and armed to take care of themselves as they think best.

I got my own police forces. They are called a .38 Special and a 8MM Mauser.

They should be arresting the mayors and governors with criminal neglect and aiding felons. Not to mention them not upholding their oaths of office.
I think a civil suit for Negligence might bring some results. The damage would be easy to prove and the responsibility for it would be even easier. Matter of fact, the plaintiff could sue the Police Chief as well as the Mayor and the city itself. That would give us plenty of deep pockets to draw damages from.
Interesting. In one thread the Right screams about their rights to be armed. To protect themselves. To protect their families. And in the next thread demands that someone else protect them. Risking jail for following your advice. Fine. So long as you don’t have to risk anything.

Biden and the Dems are awful. They want to take your guns and leave you defenseless against the swarming hordes of Leftists. When the swarming hordes show up you scream send the police and make the bad people go away. Are you courageous heroes or cowards hiding under your beds?

You mock the Left saying they can’t take care of anything. They call the cops and all that for everything. Unlike you heroic Right wing folks armed to the teeth and ready to draw down on the slightest provocation. Until the provocation and you sit safe at home demanding the cops do something.

When COVID showed up your friends on the Right mocked the folks who got sick and died saying they had pre-existing conditions and were weak. The strong will survive. I guess the strong hide at home and scream someone save us.

What bothers you is not the protests or the rioters. What bothers you is your idea of conformity and obedience are being flaunted. What really worries you is people might decide to give in. They might decide to placate the desires of the crowd instead of stomping them.
Interesting. In one thread the Right screams about their rights to be armed. To protect themselves. To protect their families. And in the next thread demands that someone else protect them. Risking jail for following your advice. Fine. So long as you don’t have to risk anything.

Biden and the Dems are awful. They want to take your guns and leave you defenseless against the swarming hordes of Leftists. When the swarming hordes show up you scream send the police and make the bad people go away. Are you courageous heroes or cowards hiding under your beds?

You mock the Left saying they can’t take care of anything. They call the cops and all that for everything. Unlike you heroic Right wing folks armed to the teeth and ready to draw down on the slightest provocation. Until the provocation and you sit safe at home demanding the cops do something.

When COVID showed up your friends on the Right mocked the folks who got sick and died saying they had pre-existing conditions and were weak. The strong will survive. I guess the strong hide at home and scream someone save us.

What bothers you is not the protests or the rioters. What bothers you is your idea of conformity and obedience are being flaunted. What really worries you is people might decide to give in. They might decide to placate the desires of the crowd instead of stomping them.
Listen, genius. Some of us Conservatives like guns and some of us don't. Those that don't need the cops. Gunowners don't depend on the cops. Studies prove that police response time is 20 minutes or more. Criminals know this. That usually means that the bad guy has already done his damage and been gone by the time the cops arrive. The only thing cops can really do is investigate crimes already committed. and try and catch the crook. In many cases, they fail to do this. The average police dept is too busy to do anything with petty crimes. If nobody is killed or hurt, they do nothing. Got it?
Interesting. In one thread the Right screams about their rights to be armed. To protect themselves. To protect their families. And in the next thread demands that someone else protect them. Risking jail for following your advice. Fine. So long as you don’t have to risk anything.

Biden and the Dems are awful. They want to take your guns and leave you defenseless against the swarming hordes of Leftists. When the swarming hordes show up you scream send the police and make the bad people go away. Are you courageous heroes or cowards hiding under your beds?

You mock the Left saying they can’t take care of anything. They call the cops and all that for everything. Unlike you heroic Right wing folks armed to the teeth and ready to draw down on the slightest provocation. Until the provocation and you sit safe at home demanding the cops do something.

When COVID showed up your friends on the Right mocked the folks who got sick and died saying they had pre-existing conditions and were weak. The strong will survive. I guess the strong hide at home and scream someone save us.

What bothers you is not the protests or the rioters. What bothers you is your idea of conformity and obedience are being flaunted. What really worries you is people might decide to give in. They might decide to placate the desires of the crowd instead of stomping them.
Listen, genius. Some of us Conservatives like guns and some of us don't. Those that don't need the cops. Gunowners don't depend on the cops. Studies prove that police response time is 20 minutes or more. Criminals know this. That usually means that the bad guy has already done his damage and been gone by the time the cops arrive. The only thing cops can really do is investigate crimes already committed. and try and catch the crook. In many cases, they fail to do this. The average police dept is too busy to do anything with petty crimes. If nobody is killed or hurt, they do nothing. Got it?

Actually. I know all that. I have said that is exactly my own situation. I live in Rural Georgia where help is at least twenty minutes away. I have mentioned that a time or two on this board.

I was ridiculed for stating that I do not call the cops except where required by law. By the same people who apparently can not imagine a situation being dealt with via any other means besides 911.
Begin by dismissing the idea that serious repression, criminalization of people for their religious and social identity, or for political opposition, can’t happen in America. It is happening. And it is sure to get a lot worse because the people in charge of the permanent government, the media, and corporate entities, increasingly are united in making it happen. More so than just about anywhere, ever.

Turkeys cheering the arrival of Thanksgiving would be only marginally more pathetic than the conservative luminaries on Fox News who cheer for the police as civilization’s saviors. The police. You know—the heroes who stood aside as mobs looted and burned Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, Macy’s in New York, downtown Chicago and so on while organized mask-wearing Antifa thugs beat whoever got in the way?

What then shall we do with and about the police? Reality imposes certain principles.

First, trust them only insofar as you pay them, can hire and fire, or frighten them. Otherwise, realize that they will serve whomever pays them.

The justice system in Al Capone’s day served the Mob even though the cops and judges of the day were churchgoers and had been exposed to at least some moral scruples. Today’s justice system consists of people who know only sticks and carrots.

Second, take a lesson from those videos of the police standing aside. They didn’t protect the mobs simply because they were so ordered. They did it also because they were physically frightened by the mob’s use of a variety of weapons against them, as well as by the prospect of lawsuits and attacks on them and their families.

In Louisville, a man who shot two cops in the back was charged only with reckless endangerment. Alas, the Left has shown that hurting cops tends to make them your friends. Hence, if you want respect from police who you do not control, make sure you give them lively reasons to fear you.

Third, police yourselves. Call it self-defense groups, neighborhood protection, vigilantes, friends, anything but “militias.” But the essence is the same: rely on yourself and on people who have known each other for a long time—no infiltrators, please—united and armed to take care of themselves as they think best.

I'm guess they being ordered to stand down, threatened by local leaders up to the Gov of those states "if you interfere you will be arrested & the fact those who wanted to stop the riots knew as long as those orders were given those handful would be standing alone. I'm sure as brave as you are & not having to make such a choice would rush in and restore order singlehandedly. Sadly those in Law Enforcement giving of themselves unselfishly had/has the realistic choice to make. One choice is going against a violent mob who has the support of the Leftist Socialist Democratic Leadership. Leadershipw who has shown they are willing to release those arrested, regardless of the crime without consequences as long as the were "peacefully protesting" when they committed the offense. Yet it's the Police Officer who will be arrested themselves or worse it becomes their owm fault their family has to bury them...
The fact is it starts with the stand down orders and the lack of support by Leadership within those communities - PERIOD.
There isn't a Police Department in this Country who doesn't have the equipment and training to; First, Protect & assure the ability to PEACEFULLY protest & Second to immediately stop the violence once protesters decide to become so. Sadly it's the Leftist Leadership who would rather Kiss The Asses of the Radicals rather than to tell the Radicals to Kiss Their Ass...
I understand your point ,but I don't think you appreciate the fact that the police have to follow the instructions of their mayors. If Mayor Wheeler or Mayor DeBlasio say that BLM/Antifa are off limits and not to be touched, they have to honor it or leave office.

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