To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.
There have been multiple ice ages. There have been multiple warmings. And we didn't have one freaking thing to do with it.

And because of so many AGW useful idiots we are going to turn the economies of the planet over to scientists who treat computer models like crystal balls. I can't get a 14 day proper forecast but I'm supposed to believe that these fools can give me a 50 freaking year forecast?

And turn over quizzillions of dollars to the United Nations to redistribute to third world nations dictators? Who never redistribute our tax dollars to their own people who are still living in mega poverty after decades upon decades of foreign aid?

This is a shell game of wealth distribution of epic proportions.
Paranoid,, paranoid? the ones screaming the sky is falling are the ones paranoid and let's don't forget it. By the way NASA and NOAA have both admitted making adjustments. So that is a just a fact as previously posted.

Nice deflection thread, but anyone who is anyone know the real ones paranoid and scared. Petrified....
There have been multiple ice ages.

Yes, there have. So what?

There have been multiple warmings.

Yes, there have. So what?

And we didn't have one freaking thing to do with it.

"With it"? Don't you mean "with them"? For those that took place before the Industrial Age, of course we didn't. Again, so what?

And because of so many AGW useful idiots we are going to turn the economies of the planet over to scientists who treat computer models like crystal balls.

Working backwards: the evidence for AGW consists of immense amount of empirical evidence. Computer models are used primarily to produce projections. There's no other way to do so. And the accuracy of such models has improved as scientists knowledge and their ability to build that knowledge into models has increased. Climate modelers know better than anyone the limitations of their models - none better. Second, no one has suggested turning the world's economies over to scientists and no scientists have demanded or event suggested that they do so. Climate science has certainly identified and quantified the threats we face and has suggested a variety of means by which such threats might be ameliorated. Whether or not we listen to them, accept their conclusions and act on them is our choice to make. I believe we should. You believe we shouldn't.

I can't get a 14 day proper forecast but I'm supposed to believe that these fools can give me a 50 freaking year forecast?

Apparently you still don't understand the difference between weather and climate.

And turn over quizzillions of dollars to the United Nations to redistribute to third world nations dictators?

Can you actually identify a single dollar that the US has "turned over to the United Nations" for redistribution?

Who never redistribute our tax dollars to their own people who are still living in mega poverty after decades upon decades of foreign aid?

Does this comment actually have anything whatsoever to do with the validity of anthropogenic global warming? Obviously, no.

This is a shell game of wealth distribution of epic proportions.

Your game is one of wealth concentration to levels never before seen in this nation. However, again, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the validity of AGW. Your comments have done nothing but support my contention that the only argument deniers have - that they have EVER had - is the grand conspiracy theory.

And, I repeat, it is not a SANE argument to make.
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.

More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data ...

Tracking Climate Fraud | Real Science

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science ...

Scientists Launch Investigation into Climate Data ...

Climate scientists manipulate data to support warming

Pick your poison

PS: would you like to make all US Message Board's advertisements disappear? Go to the HPHOSTS website and follow their instructions for populating your HOSTS file. Presto!

So, you actually had no idea. You had simply heard that someone was fudging the data and you accepted it. This is a random collection of Google links. These do not represent your opinion, save that you actually have none. This is not your conclusion as you never had a conclusion. You've simply been spouting back what you've heard from the biased and ignorant sources to which you refer.

Do you understand what I'm saying? If you had actually developed that idea from valid sources, you would have been able to answer the question from your own head. You might have gone to specific websites and pulled up information supporting your conclusions. But you did not because you could not.

Why don't you do the world a favor: open your mind to knowledge and learn what is actually happening. Read what scientists conclusions actually are and how and why they have arrived at them. Go to and look up AR5, Working Group I, The Physical Science Basis. If you'd prefer a shorter and less technical presentation, read the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) at the same site. Try working from knowledge rather than preexisting biases.
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I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.

More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data ...

Tracking Climate Fraud | Real Science

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science ...

Scientists Launch Investigation into Climate Data ...

Climate scientists manipulate data to support warming

Pick your poison

So, you actually had no idea. You had simply heard that someone was fudging the data and you accepted it. This is a random collection of Google links. These do not represent your opinion, save that you actually have none. This is not your conclusion as you never had a conclusion. You've simply been spouting back what you've heard from the biased and ignorant sources to which you refer.

Do you understand what I'm saying? If you had actually developed that idea from valid sources, you would have been able to answer the question from your own head. You might have gone to specific websites and pulled up information supporting your conclusions. But you did not because you could not.

Why don't you do the world a favor: open your mind to knowledge and learn what is actually happening. Read what scientists conclusions actually are and how and why they have arrived at them. Go to and look up AR5, Working Group I, The Physical Science Basis. If you'd prefer a shorter and less technical presentation, read the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) at the same site. Try working from knowledge rather than preexisting biases.

Dude believe what you want, you're just another duped dumbass. Nothing more and nothing less. Have a good weekend
I don't blame you (much) for running away but you could have given your self-respect a hike by simply admitting the truth.
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I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.
By Christopher Booker, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.
By Christopher Booker, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.

You are who..and pray tell why should I give a damn? Another whack job chimes in
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.
By Christopher Booker, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.

You are who..and pray tell why should I give a damn? Another whack job chimes in

Who am I? I'm the sane rational adult who just pointed out what stupid joke your response was to a demand to see your evidence. You are the freaking "whack job", SillyIdioticLackwit.

The tens of thousands of working climate scientists in over a hundred countries all around the world check each other's work in a continual process called 'science'....something about which you are obviously completely ignorant....and the denier cult myth that all of those scientists are all cooperating in a conspiracy to "fudge the data" is so absurd, it is actually quite insane. You have no evidence....just more demented denier cult drivel....and your clinging to your conspiracy theory is really just more evidence to support the OP of this thread. Deniers are pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpots.
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.
By Christopher Booker, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.

You are who..and pray tell why should I give a damn? Another whack job chimes in

Who am I? I'm the sane rational adult .


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