Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

And your avatar says it all.
Blood thirsty imbecile.

I wish YOU could have been on one of those trains to Auschwitz where you would have been "just a piece of worthless flesh to be eradicated"


Another one with equating animals to human beings. Don't you people see how weak your argument is?
These are live chicks that are thrown into a macerator.

And you're OK with that right?

What if you next door neighbor ran his lawn mower over a bunch of baby birds that's OK too right?

It sucks, but it's part of the process. They are only born to be used as food or eggs.

Of course you can try to force companies to raise and feed them, but then you would make eggs too expensive for normal people, which is OK with the SJW elites anyway.
Another one with equating animals to human beings. Don't you people see how weak your argument is?
Not wanting to be cruel to animals is in no way equating animals with humans.

But one thing animals will never do is be intentionally cruel. That is reserved for humans and you're OK with it.
I did not realize that! I'll have to go see, we have both sorts of stores near me. No more KFC? Darn.

I used to love going there. I can't understand the low educated people on the other end of that order speaker. I need to talk to somebody inside to understand them unless they have normal speaking capabilities. But if you like, you can go to their website and they have their menu posted there. I couldn't find one bucket of chicken anywhere.
It sucks, but it's part of the process. They are only born to be used as food or eggs.

Of course you can try to force companies to raise and feed them, but then you would make eggs too expensive for normal people, which is OK with the SJW elites anyway.
Or just don't eat eggs. No one needs to eat eggs.

Which I can't in good conscience do.
Not wanting to be cruel to animals is in no way equating animals with humans.

But one thing animals will never do is be intentionally cruel. That is reserved for humans and you're OK with it.

Of course animals are cruel. One of my tenants had a cat that used to torture moles before he killed them. He's bat them around, let them take off again injured and capture it again, bat it around a little more, and only until he got bored did he kill the thing.
Not wanting to be cruel to animals is in no way equating animals with humans.

But one thing animals will never do is be intentionally cruel. That is reserved for humans and you're OK with it.
Male lions kill the cubs of other males.
Chimpanzees kill other chimpanzees in territorial disputes.
Killer whales catch seals and play "catch" with them but do not eat them.
Is that "cruel"? I don't know but animals do not kill only for food.
You think I make ethical decisions to make people happy?

Tell me why do you need to turn a blind eye to the cruelty of factory animal farming?

Will you justify blatant cruelty for your own pleasure?

The macerator is used to not be cruel. Just leaving them to die in a corner would be cruel.
Of course animals are cruel. One of my tenants had a cat that used to torture moles before he killed them. He's bat them around, let them take off again injured and capture it again, bat it around a little more, and only until he got bored did he kill the thing.
That's not cruelty it's instinct. There's a difference.

Yeah, PETA has never violently protested. Never.

In full disclosure I’m a long standing member of PETA.
People Eating Tasty Animals
There is a place for all of God's creatures--right next to the potatoes and gravy.
Old and dumb.
Yeah, like this argument. The vegan complaint is fallacious. They don't want restaurants to serve vegan as an option--they want to change everyone's diet to vegan. If a restaurant opened that catered to vegan tastes exclusively, it would be out of business in a week. Mainstream restaurants don't widely carry vegan options because it is contrary to the bottom line. There is not enough money in it to justify the time and expense to prepare it and that which is not used goes to waste which is another cost the restaurant chooses to avoid. If you think any of this post is untrue, go out and create a vegan restaurant and see what happens to it. I saw a chain in CA go that way, the name escapes me, but they were basically a spectacular salad bar with vegan spaghetti, pizza and desserts. I loved the place and it lasted for about three years. We ate there frequently. Most of our friends avoided it like the plague. If it hadn't been a chain, it would not have lasted six months.
Male lions kill the cubs of other males.
Chimpanzees kill other chimpanzees in territorial disputes.
Killer whales catch seals and play "catch" with them but do not eat them.
Is that "cruel"? I don't know but animals do not kill only for food.
Not cruelty that is instinct.

If you think animals are cruel for a reason other than that then it is you who are anthropomorphizing animals.
There is a place for all of God's creatures--right next to the potatoes and gravy.

Yeah, like this argument. The vegan complaint is fallacious. They don't want restaurants to serve vegan as an option--they want to change everyone's diet to vegan. If a restaurant opened that catered to vegan tastes exclusively, it would be out of business in a week. Mainstream restaurants don't widely carry vegan options because it is contrary to the bottom line. There is not enough money in it to justify the time and expense to prepare it and that which is not used goes to waste which is another cost the restaurant chooses to avoid. If you think any of this post is untrue, go out and create a vegan restaurant and see what happens to it. I saw a chain in CA go that way, the name escapes me, but they were basically a spectacular salad bar with vegan spaghetti, pizza and desserts. I loved the place and it lasted for about three years. We ate there frequently. Most of our friends avoided it like the plague. If it hadn't been a chain, it would not have lasted six months.
No you only need to think they do because you can't understand someone making an ethical choice not to be part of the cruelty that is factory farming.
The end result is the same for the mouse or bird.
People are supposed to be better than animals aren't they?

We have the ability to control our behavior animals don't so it's not me humanizing animals it is you lowering humans to the level of animals to justify the cruelty inflicted to you can eat a steak

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