Tired of hearing about how members of Congress were scared and terrified on Jan. 6th.


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well
Remember that couple in MO, city council members, I believe, that lived in a gated community which BLM violated. They were taken to task for defending themselves. Maybe they should have called out 25K National Guard and built ANOTHER fence around their residence and place of work like China Joe, Piglosi and Jay Inslee did. The righteous do not have to protect themselves from nor fear their constituents.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

Our Congressmen believe themselves to be self-coronated kings and queens—special dignitaries whose lives are of much, much greater value than that of the average American. They have long since forgotten that their role in life is to serve We The People, not to enrich themselves on campaign funds and other perks of power. I for one am thrilled that one or more of them might have been shaking in their shoes that day in January. It is long past high time We The People reminded our elected officials we are in charge; a government for and by the People.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well
Donald could have always resigned and said he’d never run for office again.

if you’re bored that Donald’s treasonous scum killed officers and terrified people, tough. Don’t watch.

Easy to be a big moth when you’re sitting in your basement. Pretend tough guy
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well
I'm sure you would have been the epitome of bravery and faced those terrorists down at the House chamber, right?
Tired of hearing about how members of Congress were scared and terrified on Jan. 6th.

and why do you think anyone cares what you are tried of?

Your mom seems to have given you too much attention and now you think the world revolves around you.

Clue, punky, it doesn't.

No one gives a fuck.

So just shut the fuck up you whinny piece of crap Trumpist bum.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Are you . . . an American Citizen? Seems unlikely. There was no attack on the Capitol. A mob of unruly yet highly unorganized and confused Americans entered our federal Capitol building unarmed and without any means to occupy it for more than a few minutes. Further, the Capitol belongs to the People.

What doesn't belong to all American People is individually owned private property, such as private property looted, burned and otherwise violated for months and months by Antifa and BLM this past year.

You people are absolutely soul-taken by the propaganda you consume buffet style.
Watching how the TRUMPmob is chanting to kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

I'm glad the Democrats were terrified. I'm glad. May they all remain so terrified.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Are you . . . an American Citizen? Seems unlikely. There was no attack on the Capitol. A mob of unruly yet highly unorganized and confused Americans entered our federal Capitol building unarmed and without any means to occupy it for more than a few minutes. Further, the Capitol belongs to the People.

What doesn't belong to all American People is individually owned private property, such as private property looted, burned and otherwise violated for months and months by Antifa and BLM this past year.

You people are absolutely soul-taken by the propaganda you consume buffet style.

you are an idiot
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Have you ever been in a riot? Shia rioters attacked our taxi years ago. A mob has NO brain, conscience.. no reason.
I'm pretty tired of far right dumbasses talking shit. Now that America is finally taking the threat of right wing extremism seriously it's almost like they never wanted to be taken seriously.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

I'm glad the Democrats were terrified. I'm glad. May they all remain so terrified.

dude, it teh dems world

You cowardly ReTrumplicans had your day in the sun and fucked it up. Back to the closet for you freaks.

I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Are you . . . an American Citizen? Seems unlikely. There was no attack on the Capitol. A mob of unruly yet highly unorganized and confused Americans entered our federal Capitol building unarmed and without any means to occupy it for more than a few minutes. Further, the Capitol belongs to the People.

What doesn't belong to all American People is individually owned private property, such as private property looted, burned and otherwise violated for months and months by Antifa and BLM this past year.

You people are absolutely soul-taken by the propaganda you consume buffet style.

you are an idiot

That the best you've got?
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Have you ever been in a riot? Shia rioters attacked our taxi years ago. A mob has NO brain, conscience.. no reason.

My first job as a kid was sweeping up all the glass and crap after the riots in the morning.
I worked for a bank and went from branch to breach cleaning up.
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

How odd that you seem to have heard what you wanted to argue against, rather than what he said. Are you brain-damaged?
I've long since been sick and tired of hearing members of Congress (and I'm not just talking about AOC) talk about how terrified they were to be crouching behind desks and locked doors on January 6th, 2021.

Things like this have been a reality for countless Americans in many big cities for decades. Yet we don't hear a word about it until some wealthy legislators have it happen to them. The way they whine and carry on you would think it was the only time things like this ever happened in America.

This goes along with the attitude of people like John Kerry who all but openly say that they can't cut back on their own carbon emissions while advocating everyone else do so because "they're special".

You want to claim to be serving the common man (and woman) then be prepared to live like them as well

How odd that you don't seem to think this attack on the Capitol wasn't serious. Are you an American?

Are you . . . an American Citizen? Seems unlikely. There was no attack on the Capitol. A mob of unruly yet highly unorganized and confused Americans entered our federal Capitol building unarmed and without any means to occupy it for more than a few minutes. Further, the Capitol belongs to the People.

What doesn't belong to all American People is individually owned private property, such as private property looted, burned and otherwise violated for months and months by Antifa and BLM this past year.

You people are absolutely soul-taken by the propaganda you consume buffet style.

you are an idiot

That the best you've got?

Oh, God no.

I keep it very simple so you could understand.

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