Tired of Constitution being shoved in my face all day

It's really quite simple, TURN OFF THE FUCKING RADIO!:cuckoo:

Dont worry. I did. If I wanted a Constitution lecture, I'd go enroll in a class.

Or, you could have paid attention in elementary school.

Elementary school children lack the cognitive ability to truly understand a complex legal document like the constitution. I'd argue that it would be difficult for undergraduates to be able to understand it.

To truly understand the document, you have to also have an understanding of our history as opposed to a bunch of didactics.
Well this is a typical Liberal attitude. If it isn't in line with your viewpoints, you whine, bitch and moan about it.

Don't like the Constitution? Don't want it to be enforced? Okay, you can get the hell out of my country too. How convenient you, like the men you voted for, get to "turn the Constitution off" when you feel like it.

"You're" country?

Who died and made you the Pope?

YOU ARE (you're) just as confused about grammar as you are about religion/politics.
No. They shouldnt.

There is a fine line between respect for our founding legal document and viewing it as a religious, divinely inspired work of God that is infallible and not to be questioned or changed.

There are some people in this country who have that cult like mentality.

It's really absurd.

dont like what the Constitution says

have it amended

it is as simple as that

It's not simple to amend the Constitution. It's virtually impossible.
Well this is a typical Liberal attitude. If it isn't in line with your viewpoints, you whine, bitch and moan about it.

Don't like the Constitution? Don't want it to be enforced? Okay, you can get the hell out of my country too. How convenient you, like the men you voted for, get to "turn the Constitution off" when you feel like it.

"You're" country?

Who died and made you the Pope?

YOU ARE (you're) just as confused about grammar as you are about religion/politics.

Oh yeah. Thanks.
Well, their audience is gonna shrink. My coworks have bitched about that damn commercial all night, and finally we just turned the damn radio channel. People just aren't interested in being lectured.

Lol! You ex erased your right to change the channel.

Must be a big day in your life, you finally got the balls to not be a victim and changed the channel. You get a cookie.
There is a fine line between respect for our founding legal document and viewing it as a religious, divinely inspired work of God that is infallible and not to be questioned or changed.

There are some people in this country who have that cult like mentality.

It's really absurd.

dont like what the Constitution says

have it amended

it is as simple as that

It's not simple to amend the Constitution. It's virtually impossible.

im sure it is not impossible

since it has happened numerous times
Well, their audience is gonna shrink. My coworks have bitched about that damn commercial all night, and finally we just turned the damn radio channel. People just aren't interested in being lectured.

Then they will learn. It is called capitalism and the use of free will.
Anyone else getting this shit on their radio? I listen to 94.3 talk radio in Charleston. The "CATO Institute Constitution Minute" must have spend a gazillion dollars on advertising, because every single god damn commercial break, CATO runs 2-3 consecutive mini lectures about the Constitution, articles, enumerated powers, blah blah blah blah blah.

Feels like Im stuck in a radical Tea Partier's basement on a Saturday night.
good for them !! wake the hell up the constitution is under assault by radical leftist socialists !!hell they have become so bold that they don't even dispute the accusation anymore !!

Sorry, but entertaining baseless accusations is a pointless, losing game.

So why did you bother to entertain this one?
dont like what the Constitution says

have it amended

it is as simple as that

It's not simple to amend the Constitution. It's virtually impossible.

im sure it is not impossible

since it has happened numerous times

I said "virtually".

It has obviously happened. When you look at the number of proposals to amend the constitution versus how many time it has actually happened, you'll see what I mean.
Anyone else getting this shit on their radio? I listen to 94.3 talk radio in Charleston. The "CATO Institute Constitution Minute" must have spend a gazillion dollars on advertising, because every single god damn commercial break, CATO runs 2-3 consecutive mini lectures about the Constitution, articles, enumerated powers, blah blah blah blah blah.

Feels like Im stuck in a radical Tea Partier's basement on a Saturday night.
Mebby you should counter with some commercial time and call it "The BucSniveler Communist Manifesto Minute".

I'm sure that douchebags like Hartmann and Rhoads would be more than happy to accommodate your purchase of ad time...Though it's likely that nobody will hear it. :lol:
It's not simple to amend the Constitution. It's virtually impossible.

im sure it is not impossible

since it has happened numerous times

I said "virtually".

It has obviously happened. When you look at the number of proposals to amend the constitution versus how many time it has actually happened, you'll see what I mean.

well then you answered your own question

if you do not like what the Constitution says

have it amended

anything less is unacceptable
anyone else getting this shit on their radio? I listen to 94.3 talk radio in charleston. The "cato institute constitution minute" must have spend a gazillion dollars on advertising, because every single god damn commercial break, cato runs 2-3 consecutive mini lectures about the constitution, articles, enumerated powers, blah blah blah blah blah.

Feels like im stuck in a radical tea partier's basement on a saturday night.
mebby you should counter with some commercial time and call it "the bucsniveler communist manifesto minute".

I'm sure that douchebags like hartmann and rhoads would be more than happy to accommodate your purchase of ad time...though it's likely that nobody will hear it. :lol:

Okay HJ had a point earlier that Bucs dislikes the CATO constitutional promo spots and was venting about that. And in fairness, a lot of us use USMB to vent about this or that. And I don't think anybody should be berated for venting about something that bugs them.

But it does beg the question as to why something like that bugs somebody. Would he have felt the same degree of irritation and annoyance, even disgust to the point of changing the channel, if the content had been say the dangers of manmade global warming or the virtues of Obama's economic policies or objections to the new restrictive abortion law in Kansas or why the rich should pay more in taxes?

What is it in the leftist psyche that makes serious commentary on Constitution content and intent so unacceptable?

Personally I think we need a HUGE amount of teaching instruction, lecturing, and promotion of Constitutional content and original intent, both of which CATO does very effectively. I think it will be the only thing keeping us from becoming just another European nation with a government that assigns us our rights rathe than a people with their rights protected and that tells government what IT is allowed to do.
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There's probably some way you could avoid this.

If but only one had some kind of controlling device to end it.

You know like some kind of way to change the channel or something?

Now that would be swell.
Anyone else getting this shit on their radio? I listen to 94.3 talk radio in Charleston. The "CATO Institute Constitution Minute" must have spend a gazillion dollars on advertising, because every single god damn commercial break, CATO runs 2-3 consecutive mini lectures about the Constitution, articles, enumerated powers, blah blah blah blah blah.

Feels like Im stuck in a radical Tea Partier's basement on a Saturday night.

Your avatar is one of the worst looking designs since the incredibly simplistic stuttering U that United people call a tulip. Same ugly colors, same awful sophomoric design. Yours is even worse, you have 2 different shades of the worst blue to the eye of anyone that isn't color blind. Guess you like it though.......dimwit.

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