Time to take the unemployed off the teets.

How about we start by getting ourselves off the teet? I highly doubt everyone hear is not taking anything from the government. And we dont have to take what the government offers. We can choose to be independent.

Hmm, sounds good when you put it like that, huh? But you do know, without a big evil gubmint program in 50's (then known as ARPA), we wouldn't have the internets and the ability to have this conversation.

It's not always about jingoistic principles. Sometimes it's about what makes sense.
How about a mailbox business. A lot of people that had homes are in arpartment complexes where mail is stolen all the time, especially those 1st of the month gov. checks. So people rent mailboxes in a complex. A box cost you about $25. & you get 100 of them, which rent on each box is $30. a month. So the box is paid off in about 2 months and then it is gravy. The building you rent can be small, only 20 feet wide and 30 foot deep. Set up shop where traffic is heavy and in areas of apartments.
I say yes, in exchange for jobs, suspend environmental lawsuits and environmental impact studies, build coal burning power plants in los angeles, let industry return by dropping tax to 10% and eliminating all fees for building permits, eliminate all fees for licenses. No cost to open a business.

It takes at least six months of unemployment to pay back what I pay in tax every year.

I will trade, quit taking my tax money and I will gladly get rid of unemployment. Get rid of them both with the same bill.

I don't why business is afraid of clean air and clean energy. Lets see, if you drop the dirty coal burners, I will stop smogging my car I use to go to work in.
I say yes, in exchange for jobs, suspend environmental lawsuits and environmental impact studies, build coal burning power plants in los angeles, let industry return by dropping tax to 10% and eliminating all fees for building permits, eliminate all fees for licenses. No cost to open a business.

It takes at least six months of unemployment to pay back what I pay in tax every year.

I will trade, quit taking my tax money and I will gladly get rid of unemployment. Get rid of them both with the same bill.

I don't why business is afraid of clean air and clean energy. Lets see, if you drop the dirty coal burners, I will stop smogging my car I use to go to work in.

Dirty coal burners, if you believe there is such a thing as clean energy you should prove it, if you can believe in clean energy you should believe we can make clean coal energy.

If Los Angeles is going to have Clean Energy they should be required to have the coal plant that provides the energy to make the hundreds of thousands of tons of fiberglass, cement, steel, copper, magnesium, aluminum, used to make your Clean Energy.
How about we start by getting ourselves off the teet? I highly doubt everyone hear is not taking anything from the government. And we dont have to take what the government offers. We can choose to be independent.

Independent, private school your entire life, post office never delivered mail to you, you did not go to college, no government funding there, whats your position on Green Energy and Climate Change, another government hand out.

The government took my money, how about we start by getting the government off my "teet", or as it should be said, get the government of the public TIT

You think if the government does not hand out unemployment they wont spend that money on some other bullshit, that is naive. Take away the tax until they dont have the money to give away.

Dont take my tax first, then I give up unemployment.
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How about we start by getting ourselves off the teet? I highly doubt everyone hear is not taking anything from the government. And we dont have to take what the government offers. We can choose to be independent.

Independent, private school your entire life, post office never delivered mail to you, you did not go to college, no government funding their, whats your position on Green Energy and Climate Change, another government hand out.

The government took my money, how about we start by getting the government off my "teet", or as it should be said, get the government of the public TIT

You think if the government does not hand out unemployment they wont spend that money on some other bullshit, that is naive. Take away the tax until they dont have the money to give away.

Dont take my tax first, then I give up unemployment.

Listen scumball, the government (or the society it serves) is the only reason why you don't live off of grubs and roots.

On your own means, apart from government you would have a 2 year life expectancy before you succumb to starvation, the elements, and disease.

Society gave you 49% of everything good you ever had while the Earth gave you another 49% of everything good you ever had.

YOU only provided 2%.

So quit your bitching, grow up, become an adult and realize that even a 97% tax rate is a bargain, you stupid piece of shit.
How about we start by getting ourselves off the teet? I highly doubt everyone hear is not taking anything from the government. And we dont have to take what the government offers. We can choose to be independent.

Independent, private school your entire life, post office never delivered mail to you, you did not go to college, no government funding their, whats your position on Green Energy and Climate Change, another government hand out.

The government took my money, how about we start by getting the government off my "teet", or as it should be said, get the government of the public TIT

You think if the government does not hand out unemployment they wont spend that money on some other bullshit, that is naive. Take away the tax until they dont have the money to give away.

Dont take my tax first, then I give up unemployment.

Listen scumball, the government (or the society it serves) is the only reason why you don't live off of grubs and roots.

On your own means, apart from government you would have a 2 year life expectancy before you succumb to starvation, the elements, and disease.

Society gave you 49% of everything good you ever had while the Earth gave you another 49% of everything good you ever had.

YOU only provided 2%.

So quit your bitching, grow up, become an adult and realize that even a 97% tax rate is a bargain, you stupid piece of shit.

Government, shall I bow now, and thank them for my Big Mac and Banquet frozen dinner. All hail mighty government, if it was not for government all us scum would be eating grubs.

I bow to the omni-powerful ideal of liberal government, now dont make us kick down your doors for your money, the government demands.
It's way past time, 2 years of unemployment! WTF of course we have 9.6%. Cut them off and you have 6%.
Hunger will make you lower your standards for what your willing to do.
LOL we are not going down, we are growing and we will grow faster when we stop trying to be france with unlimited benies to the lazy.
LOL we are not going down, we are growing and we will grow faster when we stop trying to be france with unlimited benies to the lazy.

At best we will pretty much hold what we have now.
Global competition.
But of course if all these people without jobs just invested in the stock market?

Why does anyone need to produce anything? we all just play the market.
WE ought to be creating WPA type jobs.

Then at least people would be doing something productive for the money AND the infrastructure of this nation would get better.

Go the local part or state park where you live.

In all likelihood that park or at least some of the features in that park were probably created by WPA workers back in the 1930s.

Is it inexcusable that in this nation people who WANT to work cannot find it.

Blaming the millions of unemployed for not being able to find a job when there's ten people look for work for every job that is out there is just plain ignorant.

If you doubt that people are looking for work try this


You'll get hundreds of applicants for that job no matter badly it pays or how hard the work.

Pretending that people just don't want to work may be a comforting rationalization, but that's all it is.

A rationalization designed to blame your neighbors for the state of the economy.
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LOL we are not going down, we are growing and we will grow faster when we stop trying to be france with unlimited benies to the lazy.

At best we will pretty much hold what we have now.
Global competition.
But of course if all these people without jobs just invested in the stock market?

Why does anyone need to produce anything? we all just play the market.

That encapsulates the limited thinking of someone who avoided college. FAIL

we will grow plenty as we always have, just cause your old and can't see the creativity of the youth doesn't mean it's not there.
I say yes, in exchange for jobs, suspend environmental lawsuits and environmental impact studies, build coal burning power plants in los angeles, let industry return by dropping tax to 10% and eliminating all fees for building permits, eliminate all fees for licenses. No cost to open a business.

It takes at least six months of unemployment to pay back what I pay in tax every year.

I will trade, quit taking my tax money and I will gladly get rid of unemployment. Get rid of them both with the same bill.

I don't why business is afraid of clean air and clean energy. Lets see, if you drop the dirty coal burners, I will stop smogging my car I use to go to work in.

Dirty coal burners, if you believe there is such a thing as clean energy you should prove it, if you can believe in clean energy you should believe we can make clean coal energy.

If Los Angeles is going to have Clean Energy they should be required to have the coal plant that provides the energy to make the hundreds of thousands of tons of fiberglass, cement, steel, copper, magnesium, aluminum, used to make your Clean Energy.

The energy in coal is ancient sunlight, and it's running out. Oil - Same thing. Even if your a climate change denier, you should still be concerned about what happens to the global economy - And food supply - When we push beyond peak of both.
Sure things are bad, but there are jobs and people are not taking them. People feel they can sit home on their butts, click the remote control and a job will come through their doorway.
Monster actually has it's own interactive channel on our local cable network.
How about we start by getting ourselves off the teet? I highly doubt everyone hear is not taking anything from the government. And we dont have to take what the government offers. We can choose to be independent.

Independent, private school your entire life, post office never delivered mail to you, you did not go to college, no government funding their, whats your position on Green Energy and Climate Change, another government hand out.

The government took my money, how about we start by getting the government off my "teet", or as it should be said, get the government of the public TIT

You think if the government does not hand out unemployment they wont spend that money on some other bullshit, that is naive. Take away the tax until they dont have the money to give away.

Dont take my tax first, then I give up unemployment.

Listen scumball, the government (or the society it serves) is the only reason why you don't live off of grubs and roots.

On your own means, apart from government you would have a 2 year life expectancy before you succumb to starvation, the elements, and disease.

Society gave you 49% of everything good you ever had while the Earth gave you another 49% of everything good you ever had.

YOU only provided 2%.

So quit your bitching, grow up, become an adult and realize that even a 97% tax rate is a bargain, you stupid piece of shit.

Ahh yes....We are "pieces of shit" because we don't like high taxes and watching idiot politicians throw our hard earned money down a rat hole.
Gee, I guess you're right.
You libs are greedy slobs.
The concept of a representative republic under a capitalist system is nearly perfect. In practice, let's say it needs a lot of work.
Don't you dare start that nonsense about not paying enough. That's crap.
We pay plenty.
If you are so concerned about social programs and other government policies, look to Washington for answers as to why these people who we elected have no self control over spending.
I don't why business is afraid of clean air and clean energy. Lets see, if you drop the dirty coal burners, I will stop smogging my car I use to go to work in.

Dirty coal burners, if you believe there is such a thing as clean energy you should prove it, if you can believe in clean energy you should believe we can make clean coal energy.

If Los Angeles is going to have Clean Energy they should be required to have the coal plant that provides the energy to make the hundreds of thousands of tons of fiberglass, cement, steel, copper, magnesium, aluminum, used to make your Clean Energy.

The energy in coal is ancient sunlight, and it's running out. Oil - Same thing. Even if your a climate change denier, you should still be concerned about what happens to the global economy - And food supply - When we push beyond peak of both.

Than you should be concerned about green energy that uses Oil disproportionate to the energy produced. You ever consider the worlds largest Solar Power plant uses the worlds largest amount of natural resources to build.

Energy companies have a long history of research investment. They should be able to research technologies that are the most promising not the most mandated.

If Los Angeles mandates green energy, they should build the coal burning power plants that supply the power to the plants that manufacture Polycrystalline silicon, from what I understand, Green Energy is unable to provide the large amount of power required.

If you think we are running out of oil and coal why use oil and coal at a faster rate producing Polycrystalline silicon for solar panels, use the energy directly, it makes no sense to burn coal in china and marvel at how clean the end product is or be astonished that it produces a little electricity when you used a lot to produce it.
Have you looked at the jobs on craigslist?? The majority are scams. Very few are legitimate jobs. Yes, to someone who isn't looking for work it appears that there are countless jobs out there.

Just try answering some of them--send a test email and you'll get an automated response asking you to complete a form for a credit check or something similar. Or, do a google check of the person or email address--you'll find that they are offering the same job throughout the US.

I'm unemployed now. I have been using craigslist, careerbuilder, monster and hotjobs until they became affiliated with monster. Yes, I have been using craigslist and yes, there are scams. However, I seem to get better results from craigslist than I do any of the others. I've gotten more interviews from craigslist.

Yes, occasionally you get the one that wants you to fill out the application online... my suggestion, avoid those like the plague.


I don't know your skill levels. How about you buy 4 different colors of spray paint and some 6" stencils, and go door to door paint the address on the curb. Old people need it because when they are in an emergency situation, they need someone fast to find them & get them to the hospital. You should be able to generate $20. a house, and 5 houses a block if you are any kind of salesmen at all.


I don't know where you live, but I live in Florida. I am not sure I have seen a curb since I left California. That would be a hell of a long commute just to paint addresses on curbs... don't cha think? :lol:

For the record, I am an accountant although not a CPA.

Times are hard, people are having their homes broken into. Their address is in the paper. Contact them with a simple security camera outfit for the front and rear doors. Easy to install and hook to any TV monitor. Sell it for a few hundred over what it costs you for the unit. Lemons = Lemon aide.

I have about as much mechanical/electrical know-how as a kitten. Once it is plugged in, I'm fine, but installing something like that is out of my league.

If possible work for yourself, and deal mostly in cash.

Been thinking about it, but not sure how much demand there is for an aging unemployed accountant who can't walk more than 100 yards because of a back injury.

They have new thingy starting up fixing duel pane windows that get cloudy. The company working out of Canada is looking for sales/workers to install their products. It is simple. Drill 2 holes in the inside window and insert a little .50 plastic valve. They are getting 1/2 the price of what the duel pane window sells for. I was quoted two thousand for 9 window fixes. It would take you about an hour to read up the data of what to do & why. Buy yourself some valves & drills and sell them yourself using their ads to show how mush less you charge for the same service.

Believe it or not, but I cannot sell a glass of ice water to an inhabitant of Hell. :lol: My brother on the other hand? Being a salesman requires the ability to... well let's just say stretch the truth a bit. You can tell when I am not being honest simply by looking in my eyes... that is why I don't play poker at all!

Also security for empty homes, working for a bank or mortage company. Maintaining yards for empty homes for sale, for sellers or realators. Geeze, I have seen thousands of dollars in dead & dying trees and landscaping. If I lock onto a sale I take pics of the yard, and explain to the sellers if it is dead when we finish up, I will want it replaced. This keeps water & timers running.

Bank or Mortgage Company... thought about it, but so far have not been successful. You see a bank wants to hire tellers that look like they could be models. They do not want an over weight AND bald on the top, grey haired almost 50 year old man who does not fill out a suit in any kind of a reasonable manner.

DAMN! There are a heck of a lot of excuses in this reply, aren't there? :lol:

I'm considering buying a business IF things don't turn around soon. Been looking into that possibility. In the mean time, I am also considering changing careers, but I've been doing accounting for thirty + years and I don't know anything else... just more excuses. /shrug

I suppose that is enough of that.


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