Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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What is a white nationalist?? Lol

I’m white and I’m against globalization
Hey I’m a white nationalist haha
Don't believe the initial reports, they're usually wrong.

Which is more harmful to women

Christians or Muslims ??

Can I take your quiz for Lesh?

Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands of Christian women in Africa.

Christians or trying to save the life of a million American children killed each year by Liberal sponsored abortion. Half of those children murdered are female.

I say Muslims are more harmful to women.

Do I pass your quiz?

So you applaud this attack?

I predict history

This is simply the start of how history stops harm

I see all the dominoes falling to stop the unwise from voting

The cause is the unwise that votes in crooks and stupidity

That bullshit may play well in your native Russia...but not here...at least not to thinking Americans
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


'Anti-Muslim Talk'?

As Democrats love to say, 'Never let a disaster go to waste', and one of the board's leading snowflakes wasted no time in using this tragedy to spew liberal propaganda, no doubt in part to protect the Socialist Democrat Party's new Anti-Semitic 'superstars'!

'Anti-Muslim Speech'?
-- Like condemning D-Omar's continuous Anti-Semitic speech, for which her own party has openly condemned her twice.....
-- Like condemning D-Tlaib for her continuous Anti-Semitic speech, for her following an Anti-Semitic blog, and for supporting anti-Israel terrorist groups...

BTW, you could not tell from the initial thread, but the attack was in NEW ZEALAND, NOT the United States. His post makes him sound almost as STUPID as AOC, who immediately opened her big ignorant f*ing mouth to condemn the NRA. I guess she thinks the 'N' in NRA stands for New Zealand.
They need to learn to assimilate
They can't. Their system is not one of assimilation, but domination.

Islam is a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.
I am against all Religions - but your post is a conspiracy theory. There's 1.8 ba ba ba ba ba ba billion Muslims. Do you know what a war of the caliber would ACTUALLY look like, if it were being waged? lol the fakk.

These terrorist skumcvnts number in the thousands. Do math.

That post is fact. :eusa_snooty:

It has been a world domination plan from the jump.

All must submit, pay Jizyah, or die. <<Point out where I'm wrong with that.
then where's all the deaths?

makes no sense.

if even 1 full percent of muslims were in on this war, and they each killed 1 singular person...

there would be 18 million terrorist attacks bro


quit being ridiculous
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Here is what one member believes about muslims.

The only "religious bullshit" is the murderous backward tribal cult that brainwash their children to die for Allah.

I would bet that Mr. BS is glad those muslims got murdered in New Zealand.

Has he already expressed his joy here in the thread?
Islam needs to be criticized MORE. Far more. The problem is, whenever you point out the OBVIOUS flaws with the religion (and these flaws are actually deep, gaping wounds that render it completely incompatible with Western ideals), liberals start screeching about Islamophobia.

ENOUGH with the garbage. There's no such thing as Islamophobia because fearing Islam is completely rational! The religion is disgusting and promotes disgusting behavior. I could go on and on about this but I have to go to work; I just wanted to say that maybe if people were allowed to criticize the blatantly misogynist, controlling, violent religion, they would be less likely to commit desperate atrocities like this. Not that it excuses murder in any way, but liberals are far from clean themselves in this regard.
Bullseye. You nailed the problem. Islam silences their critics by labeling them "Islamophobic", etc. The same method race hustlers use or any group that wants to silence their critics.
Another stalker. Oy.

Don't take it personal... G.T. was upset with me earlier this week... He need a chew toy and our ankles are it...

It is like the nutters that believe one side is innocent while not realizing we're all guilty...

( Watch G.T. jump off your ankle and onto mine... )
That bullshit may play well in your native Russia...but not here...at least not to thinking Americans

'THINKING Americans'? Well that certainly leaves YOUR dumb ass out! You and AOC!
They need to learn to assimilate
They can't. Their system is not one of assimilation, but domination.

Islam is a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.
I am against all Religions - but your post is a conspiracy theory. There's 1.8 ba ba ba ba ba ba billion Muslims. Do you know what a war of the caliber would ACTUALLY look like, if it were being waged? lol the fakk.

These terrorist skumcvnts number in the thousands. Do math.
You're assuming every muslim will fight. Most are followers, not fighters. Most muslims are silent and will not speak out against the violence in the terrorist wing of their "religion".
you're not gunna have me defend islam

im merely pointing out that they're clearly not waging any war.

not even a fraction of a tenth of a percent are

if "most arent fighters," then there's not a war...its a pretty clear ipso facto that it's no justification to kill them indiscriminately
They need to learn to assimilate
They can't. Their system is not one of assimilation, but domination.

Islam is a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.
I am against all Religions - but your post is a conspiracy theory. There's 1.8 ba ba ba ba ba ba billion Muslims. Do you know what a war of the caliber would ACTUALLY look like, if it were being waged? lol the fakk.

These terrorist skumcvnts number in the thousands. Do math.

That post is fact. :eusa_snooty:

It has been a world domination plan from the jump.

All must submit, pay Jizyah, or die. <<Point out where I'm wrong with that.
then where's all the deaths?

makes no sense.

if even 1 full percent of muslims were in on this war, and they each killed 1 singular person...

there would be 18 million terrorist attacks bro


quit being ridiculous
You don't need every muslim to commit an act of violence to instill fear. You're the ridiculous one here.
You really are retarded kid. Nobody "applauds" any of this.
Sure looks like they are...and NONE of you are condemning this horror.
This is what happens after every attack on Muslims. Deflect. Minimize. Change the subject.

And then when Muslims attack, the Left deflects by comparing jihadists to Christians ("The Crusades!"), offering only the most pedestrian of criticisms of Islam.

Deflect. Minimize. Change the subject. Opposite sides of the same coin.

And neither end "sees" it.
Speech is not violence

Bullshit. Both the Synagogue shooter and Dylan Roof were reacting to "speech"...hate speech

This needs to stop. NOW

Those black people meeting on Sunday in the name of God was "Hate Speech"?

Contrary to Obama, this country was founded by mostly white and black people who were almost wholly God-fearing.

BTW: Attn: You, dumbass; There is no hate speech in America, we stopped that crap years ago. "Hatespeech" is a UN construct to control speech and thought.

Hatespeech is exactly like Orwell's "Newspeak". Certain words are verboten, reviled, or eliminated entirely.

I come from America, the land of free thought and speech, you?

Why are you so indoctrinated into calling free thought "Hatespeech"?

Some speech is hateful, yes. It is to be mocked and ridiculed, much like you. However, I detect it's possible you should be pitied and enlightened if possible.
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Another stalker. Oy.

Don't take it personal... G.T. was upset with me earlier this week... He need a chew toy and our ankles are it...

It is like the nutters that believe one side is innocent while not realizing we're all guilty...

( Watch G.T. jump off your ankle and onto mine... )
bro, who the fuck do you think you're fooling? you were blowing up my PMs like a jealous little bitch and I didnt respond to a single one. You became a demented creeper that day, and now I don't even consider the words you type any more because I saw your delusional colors with those creeper PMs.
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They need to learn to assimilate
They can't. Their system is not one of assimilation, but domination.

Islam is a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.
I am against all Religions - but your post is a conspiracy theory. There's 1.8 ba ba ba ba ba ba billion Muslims. Do you know what a war of the caliber would ACTUALLY look like, if it were being waged? lol the fakk.

These terrorist skumcvnts number in the thousands. Do math.
You're assuming every muslim will fight. Most are followers, not fighters. Most muslims are silent and will not speak out against the violence in the terrorist wing of their "religion".
you're not gunna have me defend islam

im merely pointing out that they're clearly not waging any war.

not even a fraction of a tenth of a percent are

if "most arent fighters," then there's not a war...its a pretty clear ipso facto that it's no justification to kill them indiscriminately
Yes, Islam has been at war with civilization for centuries. It's a continual struggle that ebbs and flows. Most muslims are followers, not fighters. Most muslims remain silent out of fear and will not stand up to the violent wolves in their leaders.
Another stalker. Oy.

Don't take it personal... G.T. was upset with me earlier this week... He need a chew toy and our ankles are it...

It is like the nutters that believe one side is innocent while not realizing we're all guilty...

( Watch G.T. jump off your ankle and onto mine... )
It's always a weird mix of flattering and creepy.
They can't. Their system is not one of assimilation, but domination.

Islam is a world domination plan masquerading as a religion.
I am against all Religions - but your post is a conspiracy theory. There's 1.8 ba ba ba ba ba ba billion Muslims. Do you know what a war of the caliber would ACTUALLY look like, if it were being waged? lol the fakk.

These terrorist skumcvnts number in the thousands. Do math.

That post is fact. :eusa_snooty:

It has been a world domination plan from the jump.

All must submit, pay Jizyah, or die. <<Point out where I'm wrong with that.
then where's all the deaths?

makes no sense.

if even 1 full percent of muslims were in on this war, and they each killed 1 singular person...

there would be 18 million terrorist attacks bro


quit being ridiculous
You don't need every muslim to commit an act of violence to instill fear. You're the ridiculous one here.
I'm the ridiculous one who thinks theres a War that Islam is waging on the rest of humanity when not even one tenth of one percent of them are fighters?

ahh kay, I guess math was overrated.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

What is a white nationalist?? Lol

I’m white and I’m against globalization
Hey I’m a white nationalist haha
Don't believe the initial reports, they're usually wrong.

Which is more harmful to women

Christians or Muslims ??

Can I take your quiz for Lesh?

Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands of Christian women in Africa.

Christians or trying to save the life of a million American children killed each year by Liberal sponsored abortion. Half of those children murdered are female.

I say Muslims are more harmful to women.

Do I pass your quiz?

Yes indeed you passed a logic test
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