Time to Face the Truth

LBT really got your fingers stuttering there racist….Thats hilarious…🤣🖕
I get tired of you idiots. Did FDR send white folks into the grinder when he created Title 4 of the Social Securty Act in 1935? That WAS welfare and blacks were excluded.
Hamas will be eradicated….Are you shedding a tear?

So you support genocide. Because all Netayahu is doing is creating a more violent group than Hamas. There are going to be children and adults who have lost everything they had who had nothing to do with Hamas pissed at the government of Israel. And when people have nothing to lose that is when they are most dangerous.
They will never change. Anyone who opposes the genocide is automatically labelled antisemitic.

Opposing police state actions on campus gets you labelled a Hamas lover.

Just like opposing the Ukraine War, one is labeled a Putin puppet.

Opposing the Iraq War gets you labeled Sadaam lover.

Opposing Vietnam got you labeled a commie.

It happens in every war. You’d think all Americans would see the pattern, but many don’t.
I wouldn't incude the invasion of Ukraine by Putin on the list. I oppose war, but I also believe Ukraine has a right to defend itself. Israel had the right to defend itself and I think they have accomplished that now.
The thread topic is Jewish opposition to the war in Gaza. Not what LBJ supposedly did to blacks, or the alleged weakness of the black family according to white racists.
The gaslighting we're getting from the white mainstream media and the Establishment rightwing is STAGGERING.

It's like Vietnam and the Bush II war mongering all over again.

We never seem to learn.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
So you support genocide. Because all Netayahu is doing is creating a more violent group than Hamas. There are going to be children and adults who have lost everything they had who had nothing to do with Hamas pissed at the government of Israel. And when people have nothing to lose that is when they are most dangerous.
I support eradicating the Terrorists Hamas..It's about time that the Palestinians learned that living in Peace is going to have to include letting your neighbor live in Peace...But sadily, they won't...They'll continue to harbor Religious nuts that believe in a Satanic blasphemous religion that advocates pedophilia, and killing...They are getting what they wanted.
We’re rapidly descending into a Fascistic police state, and dumb cons and Trumpers support it. :cuckoo: :uhoh3: :finger3: :ahole-1:

Because the 'media' is desperately and laughably trying to tie these protests to the right because the optics of it all are now very bad, and they know it.

If you think it's a 'police state' because they're breaking up these hordes of vandals and trespassers, that's your problem. Was it a 'police state' on 1/6 and since with people being tracked down and charged criminally and thrown in jail?

You still don't care that Jewish Americans are being targeted by these 'protestors', do you?
No, that's not the problem. And it's not the motherfucking topic either.
LOL....Poor racist....Started a stupid thread, in a long line of stupid threads from this poster, and is getting pissed that he doesn't get the reaction he wants....Too freakin bad....Suck it.
The reality is this, the government of Israel keeps telling us how he Arabs want to cancel them, yetthey are surrounded by Arab nations and if those nations wanted to erase Israel, it would have been done. So what we are seeing here is Netanyahu attempting genocide. Netanyahu is responsible for the rise of Hamas. Citizens of Israel are opposing what Netayahu is doing. Are they anti semites? So don't be disingenuous using the words of a very few people to make a claim.
They don’t say ARABS want to eradicate them - they say HAMAS does, and HAMAS has said that is their goal. Most of the Palestinians support that goal.
LOLLOLOLOLOL, From a bunch of self loathing Jews, if that's who's behind them...
George Soros is behind them, and they are really only marginally Jewish. The group is a hate group, and supports violence in its goal to get rid of Israel. Don’t be fooled by the “peace” in their name.
I support eradicating the Terrorists Hamas..It's about time that the Palestinians learned that living in Peace is going to have to include letting your neighbor live in Peace...But sadily, they won't...They'll continue to harbor Religious nuts that believe in a Satanic blasphemous religion that advocates pedophilia, and killing...They are getting what they wanted.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces​

For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.

This is an Israeli news publication, not thegatewaypundit. Learn the whole story and stop repeating what the hatemongers in the RWM tell you.
George Soros is behind them, and they are really only marginally Jewish. The group is a hate group, and supports violence in its goal to get rid of Israel. Don’t be fooled by the “peace” in their name.
I thought that might be the case, considering who posted them....Like J Street in DC....That even opens up more mockery on poor racist IM2....He's a hack too boot.
Because the 'media' is desperately and laughably trying to tie these protests to the right because the optics of it all are now very bad, and they know it.

If you think it's a 'police state' because they're breaking up these hordes of vandals and trespassers, that's your problem. Was it a 'police state' on 1/6 and since with people being tracked down and charged criminally and thrown in jail?

You still don't care that Jewish Americans are being targeted by these 'protestors', do you?
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." And dumb libs and cons be YIPPEE!
I wouldn't incude the invasion of Ukraine by Putin on the list. I oppose war, but I also believe Ukraine has a right to defend itself. Israel had the right to defend itself and I think they have accomplished that now.
My point is I oppose all war. The US provoked the war in Ukraine and sabotaged all peace efforts. I oppose our criminal governments involvement and for that, I am called a Putin puppet.
It is time the right wing labelling of those who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government as Anti Semites stopped. Are these guys Anti Semites?

View attachment 941221

Statement: JVP Stands With the Students of Columbia University and CCNY.​

Last night, student protestors at Columbia University and the City College of New York were brutalized by the NYPD — in order to protect their universities’ investments in Israeli apartheid.

Jewish Voice for Peace condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed by students in honor of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israeli military), and those of dozens of protesting students at the City College of New York.

For over six months, people of conscience have come together to demand an immediate and permanent end to the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

As the Israeli military prepares to invade Rafah, scores of peaceful student encampments have bravely assembled across the country to demand that institutions of higher learning end their complicity with the Israeli government’s dispossession of Palestinian families from their homes and land.

Early reports from tonight include horrifying instances of violence against students by the police. At Columbia University, this included hundreds of police with drawn weapons deploying flash-bang grenades, throwing a student down the stairwell. Student journalists reported a substance that smelled of sewage.

It will forever be a stain on Columbia that the administration called riot police on its own student body rather than divest from the brutality of war and occupation.

The blame for tonight’s violence also falls on the shoulders of politicians such as President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and more, who have used their power to smear anti-war protests, paving the way for police violence against students.

We’re fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction.​

People of conscience across the country are organizing in unprecedented numbers to demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Our elected officials and the U.S. media, desperate to maintain unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine in service of their own interests, have responded by exploiting fears of rising antisemitism and smearing peaceful, anti-war protests as dangerous, anti-semitic mobs.

As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we unequivocally reject the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism and reaffirm in the strongest terms that there is no place for antisemitism in our movements. We condemn the false accusations of antisemitism leveled against principled, anti-war protesters to discredit our movements.

We understand these accusations for what they are: a cynical distraction from the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. Over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, with thousands more feared dead. They are currently unearthing the bodies of their loved ones in mass graves. In Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have taken shelter, Israel’s military is preparing to invade.

In the last week, student encampments have been erected at universities across the country, making national headlines as demands for immediate ceasefire and divestment from apartheid become more mainstream. At the same time, Jews and people of conscience are pouring into the streets, inspired by the lessons of Passover — the Jewish holiday of liberation — to do everything in their power to demand an end to U.S. complicity in genocide.

Are you sure this will finally stop wars in Gaza? Some media outlets do not favor peace over wars. Here is the example...

Fox News and the Murdoch Family

Fox News is run by the Murdoch family, with Lachlan Murdoch playing a significant role in its operations.

Rupert Murdoch, the founder of a media empire that includes cable channel Fox News, The Times of London, and The Wall Street Journal, stepped down as chairman in September 2023. His son, Lachlan Murdoch, now runs the new Fox, which consists of its broadcast, cable news, business, and sports networks.

Lachlan Murdoch is the chief executive of the Fox Corporation, which owns Fox News.

Lachlan Murdoch, the 48-year-old heir to his family's media fortune, is focused on the operations of the Fox Corporation, including Fox News. He has been involved in strategic decisions such as the acquisition of a streaming company called Tubi for $440 million, which he announced as a move to drive long-term growth.

The Murdoch family's influence extends beyond Fox News to other media outlets within their empire.

The Murdoch family, including Lachlan Murdoch, has control over various media entities, such as The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, through their ownership of News Corp.

In summary, Lachlan Murdoch, as part of the Murdoch family, plays a key role in running Fox News as the chief executive of the Fox Corporation.

Sources :

1. Rupert Murdoch & family

2. Rupert Murdoch Put His Son in Charge of Fox. It Was a Dangerous Mistake. (Published 2020)


The Murdoch Family's Support for Israel

The Murdoch family, particularly Rupert Murdoch, has been known for their support of Israel. This is evident from various sources:

Rupert Murdoch's Tweets and Apologies:
  • Rupert Murdoch has expressed strong support for Israel through his tweets, where he has criticized media bias against Israel and expressed concern for the country's position in the Middle East.
  • He has also apologized for his tweets that upset journalists of all religions, acknowledging his strong feelings about the righteousness of Israel's cause.

Recognition and Awards:
- In 2010, the Anti-Defamation League in New York City presented Rupert Murdoch with its International Leadership Award for his stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism.

Business and Political Connections:
  • The Murdoch family has had long-standing relations with Israeli political figures, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and there have been reports of attempts to persuade them to invest in a Fox News-style channel in Israel.
  • Additionally, Rupert Murdoch has been involved in joint investments related to oil exploration in Israel and the occupied Golan Heights.

Public Statements and Opinions:
  • Rupert Murdoch has been vocal about his support for Israel, addressing concerns about anti-Semitism and media bias against the country.
  • His strong support for Israel has been noted, with references to his firm stance on the righteousness of Israel's cause.

In conclusion, the evidence from various sources indicates that the Murdoch family, particularly Rupert Murdoch, has been a strong supporter of Israel.

Sources :

1. https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2012/11/murdoch-slams-jewish-owned-press-on-israel-149837

2. Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for Saying ‘Jewish-Owned Press’ Is ‘Anti-Israel’

3. Rupert Murdoch - Wikipedia

4. Rupert Murdoch

Edit: The Murdochs, Fox news and their empire are pro-Netanyahu, against the anti-Netanyahu. Careful if you really want to fight against the Murdoch family members and their spin factories. Not a piece of cake! Lol. :)
Are you sure this will finally stop wars in Gaza? Some media outlets do not favor peace over wars. Here is the example...

Fox News and the Murdoch Family

Fox News is run by the Murdoch family, with Lachlan Murdoch playing a significant role in its operations.

Rupert Murdoch, the founder of a media empire that includes cable channel Fox News, The Times of London, and The Wall Street Journal, stepped down as chairman in September 2023. His son, Lachlan Murdoch, now runs the new Fox, which consists of its broadcast, cable news, business, and sports networks.

Lachlan Murdoch is the chief executive of the Fox Corporation, which owns Fox News.

Lachlan Murdoch, the 48-year-old heir to his family's media fortune, is focused on the operations of the Fox Corporation, including Fox News. He has been involved in strategic decisions such as the acquisition of a streaming company called Tubi for $440 million, which he announced as a move to drive long-term growth.

The Murdoch family's influence extends beyond Fox News to other media outlets within their empire.

The Murdoch family, including Lachlan Murdoch, has control over various media entities, such as The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, through their ownership of News Corp.

In summary, Lachlan Murdoch, as part of the Murdoch family, plays a key role in running Fox News as the chief executive of the Fox Corporation.

Sources :

1. Rupert Murdoch & family

2. Rupert Murdoch Put His Son in Charge of Fox. It Was a Dangerous Mistake. (Published 2020)


The Murdoch Family's Support for Israel

The Murdoch family, particularly Rupert Murdoch, has been known for their support of Israel. This is evident from various sources:

Rupert Murdoch's Tweets and Apologies:
  • Rupert Murdoch has expressed strong support for Israel through his tweets, where he has criticized media bias against Israel and expressed concern for the country's position in the Middle East.
  • He has also apologized for his tweets that upset journalists of all religions, acknowledging his strong feelings about the righteousness of Israel's cause.

Recognition and Awards:
- In 2010, the Anti-Defamation League in New York City presented Rupert Murdoch with its International Leadership Award for his stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism.

Business and Political Connections:
  • The Murdoch family has had long-standing relations with Israeli political figures, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and there have been reports of attempts to persuade them to invest in a Fox News-style channel in Israel.
  • Additionally, Rupert Murdoch has been involved in joint investments related to oil exploration in Israel and the occupied Golan Heights.

Public Statements and Opinions:
  • Rupert Murdoch has been vocal about his support for Israel, addressing concerns about anti-Semitism and media bias against the country.
  • His strong support for Israel has been noted, with references to his firm stance on the righteousness of Israel's cause.

In conclusion, the evidence from various sources indicates that the Murdoch family, particularly Rupert Murdoch, has been a strong supporter of Israel.

Sources :

1. https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2012/11/murdoch-slams-jewish-owned-press-on-israel-149837

2. Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for Saying ‘Jewish-Owned Press’ Is ‘Anti-Israel’

3. Rupert Murdoch - Wikipedia

4. Rupert Murdoch

Edit: The Murdochs, Fox news and their empire are pro-Netanyahu, against the anti-Netanyahu. Careful if you really want to fight against the Murdoch family members and their spin factories. Not a piece of cake! Lol. :)

Many posters here watch Fox News religiously. As a result, they know every little that is true. They do support Israel unconditionally and typically hate Palestinians and Muslims generally.

I wonder if Israel murdered 100,000 Palestinian children would these idiots terminate their support. I’ve asked many of them and most refuse to answer, but some admit they’d like to nuke Gaza. The really crazy ones.

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