Time to face some hard facts


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.
If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

This idea you have here, the "oh low bar" idea, is already kinda bullshit, JS. He's already doing shit; removing regulations from businesses alone is HUGE and that's just the tip of the ice burg of what he's done already.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

This idea you have here, the "oh low bar" idea, is already kinda bullshit, JS. He's already doing shit; removing regulations from businesses alone is HUGE and that's just the tip of the ice burg of what he's done already.

Trump is doing things to jump start the economy.

Right or wrong it seems to be working.

This is also key to him winning again and he knows it.

Conversely, with Obama you had a President with virtually no economic growth. No President in US history had such an abysmal economic record, and he even had two terms.
I think the war thing is also overlooking the fact that shit just changed BIG TIME with NK; if that mentally unstable fuck (who only took over from dad in 2011) has nukes that can hit our west coast (and a well voiced intent to use them), that makes today a whole different ball game from the past...
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

And if that is true, Trump will simply fall on his sword like those before him.

The only difference being, he will not win a second term like "W" and Obama did when he does it.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

And if that is true, Trump will simply fall on his sword like those before him.

The only difference being, he will not win a second term like "W" and Obama did when he does it.
I am not so sure about that. With a nice war, he can unite the two parties behind him along with the MSM. They will do their best to dupe Americans into voting for him again. How do you think fools like W and BO got re-elected?
I think the war thing is also overlooking the fact that shit just changed BIG TIME with NK; if that mentally unstable fuck (who only took over from dad in 2011) has nukes that can hit our west coast (and a well voiced intent to use them), that makes today a whole different ball game from the past...

Mentally unstable? How do you know? The leader of NK has said that giving up your WMD program will just lead the US to take you out like what happened to Gaddaffi. Here the Libyan leader gave up his WMD's and Obama took him out anyway.

So what would be "crazy" for him to do is the exact same thing.
If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
This same pattern is repeated at every election level. For instance, here in Alabama; the Dems have been pumping tbe media, and its audience full of propaganda denigrating the Republican candidate. However they have gotten so wrapped up in hate, and vitriol, that they forgot to even discuss the issues. Most of these democrat minions don't even know the name of Moores opposition, much less his stance on issues.
The Democrat party appears to be in its death throws, and its constituents are becoming ever more desperate, and dangerous.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

And if that is true, Trump will simply fall on his sword like those before him.

The only difference being, he will not win a second term like "W" and Obama did when he does it.
I am not so sure about that. With a nice war, he can unite the two parties behind him along with the MSM. They will do their best to dupe Americans into voting for him again. How do you think fools like W and BO got re-elected?

We shall see.

How they got reelected is that the two party system did not really offer a choice. You were basically faced with voting for two shades of gray.
If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
This same pattern is repeated at every election level. For instance, here in Alabama; the Dems have been pumping tbe media, and its audience full of propaganda denigrating the Republican candidate. However they have gotten so wrapped up in hate, and vitriol, that they forgot to even discuss the issues. Most of these democrat minions don't even know the name of Moores opposition, much less his stance on issues.
The Democrat party appears to be in its death throws, and its constituents are becoming ever more desperate, and dangerous.

Right, do you want a pedophile who will vote the way you want or someone who is not a pedophile and votes for the demise of your country with a silver tongue.

That is, assuming the charges are even true.

Tough call.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
Yes, been saying this since he has been elected. ALL of their sure fire tactics are NOT working. So, they continue on with the russian thing. Slow walking the "investigation" and breaking out headliners when Trump is in line for a victory. Like the tax policy being passed. Big major campaign promise and they know their stupid class warfare tactics are not working. So, they break out the Flynn thing and ABC (take your pick which MSM network will do it) sure happy to establish a false narrative.

It caused mass market problems too. Not sure how that is not illegal. Really not. If you pass on false information that effects the market, you could be in big trouble with the "feds." Not kidding, you could get into serious trouble.

The swamp....
I think the war thing is also overlooking the fact that shit just changed BIG TIME with NK; if that mentally unstable fuck (who only took over from dad in 2011) has nukes that can hit our west coast (and a well voiced intent to use them), that makes today a whole different ball game from the past...

Mentally unstable? How do you know? The leader of NK has said that giving up your WMD program will just lead the US to take you out like what happened to Gaddaffi. Here the Libyan leader gave up his WMD's and Obama took him out anyway.

So what would be "crazy" for him to do is the exact same thing.

I'll attempt to leave some "open mind" for the idea that Kimmy isn't a fruit loop here, but I must admit it's difficult so bare with me on that "bias."

Exactly what /sane/ dictator of a piss-ant, basically third world (if not worse) nation, who has zip zero zilch chance of winning (or surviving,) a war with a world power threatens said world power with nuking them on a regular basis?
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

And if that is true, Trump will simply fall on his sword like those before him.

The only difference being, he will not win a second term like "W" and Obama did when he does it.
I am not so sure about that. With a nice war, he can unite the two parties behind him along with the MSM. They will do their best to dupe Americans into voting for him again. How do you think fools like W and BO got re-elected?

We shall see.

How they got reelected is that the two party system did not really offer a choice. You were basically faced with voting for two shades of gray.
We have always had to vote for the lesser of two evils. A nation of 320 million gets to vote for two jackasses for POTUS every four years. That will not change.

If Trump goes to war he will unit the R party behind him, as jackass W did. This will guarantee him the nomination in 2020. Then it is merely him against whoever the dumb ass Ds put up.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
Which predecessor avoided war?
Bush 41 started Somalia.
Clinton turned it into a war.
Bush 43 started Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama started Libya and Syrian wars and turned Northern Iraq into ISIS.
All of the above created the phrase "Too Big To Fail" with their bailouts....and ruined the economy.

What Trump is doing is beating ISIS and removing thousands of cost increasing government regulations Obama used to intentionally jack up the prices of everything, in a mad attempt to crash the economy. Good thing he wasn't successful.
If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
Ask your friend what he would like trump to do? Sit here and do nothing? Has it occurred to him that NK may be the ones to start a war? Then what? Does he still wish that we sit here and do nothing?
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Can you define "revitalize the economy"? What specific metrics would you use to qualify a "revitalized" economy versus a "non revitalized" economy?

You do understand that many of the most important factors underlying the health of the economy are outside of the President's direct control, right?
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Doing nothing is what he has done so far. The economy is just a continuation of programs already in place. What legislation did he signed in his first year?

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