Time to choose a side


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
But before you do, you have to decide how much you can stomach being part of their group.

If you choose, or have chosen the republicans, you have to put up with:
1. Being owned by a political party, regardless if you realize your owned or not.
2. Supporting abortion. For the simple fact that there have been many GOP majorities, with enough of a majority to create a law against Roe V Wade, and make abortion a murder charge. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 instances were legislation was authored and presented to the congressional committee, that would overturn Roe V Wade. But was kept in committee by GOP chairmen.
3. You're going to have to continue to buy into the propaganda that fighting wars against countries that pose no actual threat to our national security is still somehow fighting for our own freedoms, liberties and American way of life.
4. You're going to have to accept that the GOP is 1/2 responsible for the welfare state. Simply because the GOP has had enough majorities to stop the welfare state, but chose not to.
5. You're going to have to understand that the NRA is just a lobbying group (now) for gun manufacturers, who own many of our congressmen and senators. And who's only fight, is to keep fear in your minds so you'll continue to think you need to buy a new gun. And that without a new gun, you're family will die.
6. You're going to have to think that allowing those from Mexico and South America is going to destroy your way of life. That your family is going to raped and murdered. That everyone from those two countries are just rapist, thieves and murderers.
7. You're gonna have to overlook the blatant lies told by right wing media and social media.
8. You'll have to overlook Trump BS and lies. Even if it makes the right look good.
9. And overlook the government, even during a republican majority isn't really fighting the war on drugs.
10. You'll have to put up with your party flip flopping on issues when it's convenient. As in immigration. Back during Ronald Reagans era, the republican party supported a more open border policy. And the same flip flopping on wars of aggression. And a few others. You, like the democrats are going to have to learn to "blow with the wind" a lot better. Because soon enough, the right and left are going to flip flop on almost all issues.

If you're a democrat, you'll have to put up with this.
1. A baby in the womb is just cells. It's not really life. Even though someone can be charged for the death of a fetus if they attack a pregnant woman.
2. You'll have to overlook all the violent druggy thugs, and have sympathy for them, when they murder, rape or beat you or someone you love. It's not their fault. It's their race, the system, or the drugs fault. Not theirs.
3. You'll have to overlook all the wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security. And meddling in other countries internal affairs just a way to keep America free.
4. You'll have to overlook your parties nomination rigging. (seriously, who on the left was actually supporting Biden BEFORE the nomination?
5. You'll have to overlook for profit race based organizations that makes whites out to be bad people. Even though you probably know a lot of whites who are decent hard working honest people. And never mind the fact that blacks have resources and laws that allow them more opportunities to succeed than any other race in this country. And if they choose NOT to better themselves, it's whiteys fault.
6. You'll have to overlook the fact that the democrats are more focused on taking guns from people who don't commit violent gun crimes than they are those who actually do use their guns for violence. As in Chicago gangs, violent druggy thugs like George Floyd (who used a gun to rob and beat a woman)
7. You're going to have to overlook the fact that transgender females still have a male bone and muscle structure when they're beating the snot out of biological females in sports. Try not to think about how it's really a man dominating women in just another way.
8. And having an open border means that more and more fentanyl and heroin will be coming across our borders. And ending the war on drugs will only create more drug addicts, more violent crimes, more thefts, more homeless people, more OD's, more divorces, more children without parents and a whole slew of other things that drug addictions brings.
9. You'll have to put up with your party flip flopping on issues when it's convenient. As in immigration. Back during Bill Clintons era and before, democrats wanted to secure Americans jobs by securing the border. You're going to have to learn to just "blow with the wind" a lot better.

Both republicans and democrats will have to be OK with their party lying, cheating and stealing. You both will have to put up with a government that allows the devaluation of the US dollar. You'll have to put up with $15hr becoming a poverty wage within the next 10 years.
Republicans and democrats have been in complete control for over 170 years. So instead of blaming each other you might try something different. How about like the police need to do, try policing your own. When the DNC clearly rigs their nomination for an establishment candidate (Biden or Clinton) why not call them out on it.
When Trump funds planned parenthood or bans bump stocks, why didn't you call him out on that?

P.S. Don't think I'm trying to push a 3rd party with this post. I'm not. There's no way in hell a 3rd party is ever going to be able to scale the mountain of BS the R & D's have put in place for any 3rd party.
Nope... My side is that of the minority... The same side I am ALWAYS ON. MINE.

I agree and disagree on ideas based on their merits. I don't care who came up with those ideas.
Personally I think liberal women should get free abortions and a steak dinner every time they have one, until their ovaries are properly scrambled and there is no danger they will produce any more genetic garbage. I'll buy the steaks. We need to repeal all the gun laws in place. We should have 500,000 troops along our borders with orders to destroy anything that breeches the line. We should have an expanded welfare system that actually provides decent housing, food, and education with a results based system of rewards for getting off the system and becoming independent. Pot should not even be considered a "drug" anymore than a fuckin melatonin tablet. Other drugs should be regulated for purity but otherwise available to the general public. People who can't cope with the freedom to use them can be culled by the well armed public who remain productive.

Easy choices. That's why I'm not a republicrat, and I utterly LOATHE democrooks.

Nope... My side is that of the minority... The same side I am ALWAYS ON. MINE.

I agree and disagree on ideas based on their merits. I don't care who came up with those ideas.

Thank you. I think party politics is the worst thing that ever happened to our nation. No one cares if we make progress or fix problems, as long as their side beats the other side.
Sides were chosen long ago.

And, one does not need 10 talking points to clarify which side one has chosen.

It's real simple.

One can choose Freedom and Liberty or one can choose something else.

Neither the republicans or democrats actually help bring freedom to this country. Both sides are as guilty as the other at reducing our freedoms and liberties.
Nope... My side is that of the minority... The same side I am ALWAYS ON. MINE.

I agree and disagree on ideas based on their merits. I don't care who came up with those ideas.

Thank you. I think party politics is the worst thing that ever happened to our nation. No one cares if we make progress or fix problems, as long as their side beats the other side.

Let the beatings continue! :meow::spank::whip::fingerscrossed:.

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