Time for Republicans to take some Responsibility


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
YOU are the ones who elected and stood by the last administration, no matter how much they spent, no matter how much they bloated the federal bureaucracy, no matter the bailouts, no matter the sellouts, no matter the cop-outs, no matter how much they campaigned like libertarians and governed like progressive democrats.

Fiscal conservatives didn't give us Medicare D, insane transportation ans spending bills, Wall Street bailouts, airline bailouts, auto bailouts and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts.

Civil libertarians didn't give us the USAPATRIOT act, the Department of Fatherl...er...Homeland Security, expansions of snoop programs like Echilon and Carnivore, TSA, and two foreign wars with no coherent end end games in sight.

Nor did any fiscal conservative or civil libertarian suspend his presidential campaign as a stunt, only to go along with the party line in the end.

Democrats didn't nominate a candidate who was unwilling to do what it took to win.

It's not anybody's fault but your own that all you've offered is crappy and defective product after crappy and defective product.

You chumps own the Boyking and his merry band of despotic cramdown artists as much as the other party does.
YOU are the ones who elected and stood by the last administration, no matter how much they spent, no matter how much they bloated the federal bureaucracy, no matter the bailouts, no matter the sellouts, no matter the cop-outs, no matter how much they campaigned like libertarians and governed like progressive democrats.

Fiscal conservatives didn't give us Medicare D, insane transportation ans spending bills, Wall Street bailouts, airline bailouts, auto bailouts and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts.

Civil libertarians didn't give us the USAPATRIOT act, the Department of Fatherl...er...Homeland Security, expansions of snoop programs like Echilon and Carnivore, TSA, and two foreign wars with no coherent end end games in sight.

Nor did any fiscal conservative or civil libertarian suspend his presidential campaign as a stunt, only to go along with the party line in the end.

Democrats didn't nominate a candidate who was unwilling to do what it took to win.

It's not anybody's fault but your own that all you've offered is crappy and defective product after crappy and defective product.

You chumps own the Boyking and his merry band of despotic cramdown artists as much as the other party does.

YOU are the ones who elected and stood by the last administration, no matter how much they spent, no matter how much they bloated the federal bureaucracy, no matter the bailouts, no matter the sellouts, no matter the cop-outs, no matter how much they campaigned like libertarians and governed like progressive democrats.

Fiscal conservatives didn't give us Medicare D, insane transportation ans spending bills, Wall Street bailouts, airline bailouts, auto bailouts and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts.

Civil libertarians didn't give us the USAPATRIOT act, the Department of Fatherl...er...Homeland Security, expansions of snoop programs like Echilon and Carnivore, TSA, and two foreign wars with no coherent end end games in sight.

Nor did any fiscal conservative or civil libertarian suspend his presidential campaign as a stunt, only to go along with the party line in the end.

Democrats didn't nominate a candidate who was unwilling to do what it took to win.

It's not anybody's fault but your own that all you've offered is crappy and defective product after crappy and defective product.

You chumps own the Boyking and his merry band of despotic cramdown artists as much as the other party does.

I agree with you.
It seems like the biggest misconception about government is that they need to be doing something at all times to make themselves look like they're trying to help, when in reality, government should be a pretty minimal job that basically consists of making sure the people's freedoms aren't trampled on.

Jeez....I fully expected the GOP party faithful to head for the tall grass, but for the lefty Peanut Gallery to sit on their hands is a bit curious.

Or maybe I'm right in my observation that you're so stridently partisan, that y'all can't even consider the notion that disgust with them doesn't automatically mean that everyone is in favor of you?


Jeez....I fully expected the GOP party faithful to head for the tall grass, but for the lefty Peanut Gallery to sit on their hands is a bit curious.

Or maybe I'm right in my observation that you're so stridently partisan, that y'all can't even consider the notion that disgust with them doesn't automatically mean that everyone is in favor of you?

There you go again, assuming the big government stooges think.
YOU are the ones who elected and stood by the last administration, no matter how much they spent, no matter how much they bloated the federal bureaucracy, no matter the bailouts, no matter the sellouts, no matter the cop-outs, no matter how much they campaigned like libertarians and governed like progressive democrats.

Fiscal conservatives didn't give us Medicare D, insane transportation ans spending bills, Wall Street bailouts, airline bailouts, auto bailouts and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts.

Civil libertarians didn't give us the USAPATRIOT act, the Department of Fatherl...er...Homeland Security, expansions of snoop programs like Echilon and Carnivore, TSA, and two foreign wars with no coherent end end games in sight.

Nor did any fiscal conservative or civil libertarian suspend his presidential campaign as a stunt, only to go along with the party line in the end.

Democrats didn't nominate a candidate who was unwilling to do what it took to win.

It's not anybody's fault but your own that all you've offered is crappy and defective product after crappy and defective product.

You chumps own the Boyking and his merry band of despotic cramdown artists as much as the other party does.

Republicans were voting for a Republican, not a fiscal conservative nor a libertarian.

Where in the world have you been?

If a Democrat is a fiscal conservative or of libertarian leanings no true Republican would vote for them. They're Republicans first. Demonize Democrats and this is what you get---party over ideology and nation.

good luck living in your shell.

Both sides enable government to grow beyond it's reasonable means. They each have their own individual reasons for it. On the one side the protection of "freedumb" and "christian moral values", on the other saving the environment from heat in the summer and saving people from hurting themselves. It's created a culture in which the American populace is completely dependent on the government. It's the culture that drives each party.

The culture that says our federal government is only a miserable failure at education, health care, infrastructure, welfare, and everything else simply because they don't have enough money. It's the culture that says that we have to spend billions of tax dollars "saving people" from drugs that they take themselves, while bailing out big pharma and big insurance (who's over the counter and prescription drugs kill more Americans than just about any other cause of death) industries in the name of an "historic health care bill".

It's the culture that says the government has the right to "legislate morality". That spending billions locking up people for possessing a plant that can alter your personal state is a necessary cause because people are to retarded to care for themselves. That people should be protected from certain forms of speech that the government deems "dangerous". That people are too retarded to walk the Hell away from cigarette smoke if it's near them. The culture that says that guns are bad and open borders are good. The culture that says that the institution of marriage is some sacred government run program that needs to be "protected" from gays OR a right that all people should have to recognize by force in order to promote "tolerance" rather than a personal endeavor that should be left up to the two individuals involved to handle and keep "sacred".

It's the culture that says kids schools should be used to indoctrinate children either about "good christian values" or about "tolerance" and "acceptance" rather than how to read and write. That "morals and values" should be taught in the schools rather than the homes. That patriotism should be forced on people rather than a natural feeling that stems from pride for one's nation and general concern for it's people. That patriotism means that you just agree with everything your nation does no matter what, rather than actually caring about it's well being... (UNLESS!!! the president is a negro of course).

The culture that says the government should stay out of my health care EXCEPT if they want to keep medicare going and keep forcing pregnant women to bring children to term. Jaysus hates government intervention unless it's in the name of "morality". It's the same culture that says let's give millions of money that's not even ours to Israel just to further bankrupt our nation and piss the Middle East off, all in the name of "freedumb" and because the Khazars think they're gawds people. We can't afford to be socialists, but we can surely give money to gawd's people. Gawd will bless us then. It's the culture that got us into the two wars we're in, and now we have to deal with it.

I get f-ing sick of it. All well!! My rant isn't as good as the original post, but it's how the hell I feel. America will change when we stop being so lazy and get rid of this silly culture we've created.
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Both sides enable government to grow beyond it's ...


I get f-ing sick of it. All well!! My rant isn't as good as the original post, but it's how the hell I feel. America will change when we stop being so lazy and get rid of this silly culture we've created.
No, America will not change for them reasons. Progress sucks. Just ask a Luddite.

Both sides enable government to grow beyond it's ...


I get f-ing sick of it. All well!! My rant isn't as good as the original post, but it's how the hell I feel. America will change when we stop being so lazy and get rid of this silly culture we've created.
No, America will not change for them reasons. Progress sucks. Just ask a Luddite.


Let me guess. They taught you moral values in school?:eusa_angel:

Oh and one more question, where did I say anything about "progress"?

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