Time Change, accomplishes nothing


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Does anyone still think that changing our clocks twice a year saves energy or accomplishes anything at all? We need to stop this foolishness. The senate has passed a bill eliminating the twice yearly time change, tell your representatives in the house to pass it and send it to senile old joey to sign.
It really doesn't bother me.
Living in the north it is actually nice to change the clocks for more light later in the day during summer.
During winter there is so little daylight I could care less either way.
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Up north we need the extra daylight in the evenings to get a round of golf in.

The alternative is to have kids walk to school in the dark in the winter mornings.
Because of the longer periods of dark, I've decided to get LED headlight bulbs for my car, since I'm gonna end up driving in the dark a bit more.
From what I read the problem isn't ending the time change, it's deciding where to permanently leave things. There's a split between leaving it as spring forward or fall back. 🤷‍♂️
From what I read the problem isn't ending the time change, it's deciding where to permanently leave things. There's a split between leaving it as spring forward or fall back. 🤷‍♂️
a toss of a coin will resolve that issue that has been shelved by our so-called leaders.
From what I read the problem isn't ending the time change, it's deciding where to permanently leave things. There's a split between leaving it as spring forward or fall back. 🤷‍♂️
What about a one time half way measure? 30 minutes and leave it there.
On the equator the daylight doesn't change very much.
The sun comes up about 6 and sets at about 6.
It really doesn't bother me.
Living in the north it is actually nice to change the clocks for more light later in the day during summer.
During winter there is so little daylight I could care less either way.
Oh, I see you are also a fellow Alaskan! Nothing like good ole Fairbanks(Squarebanks) Alaska during winter time with that 24 hours of darkness & -40 degree(-60 degree below with wind chill added in) weather! But, summer time more than makes up for the 'chill' of winter with 24 hours of sunlight & that balmy +100 degree weather that bakes the entire Matanuska valley area. I just can't understand WHY Alaska harbors the highest suicide rate within any geographical area in America.

Oh, I see you are also a fellow Alaskan! Nothing like good ole Fairbanks(Squarebanks) Alaska during winter time with that 24 hours of darkness & -40 degree(-60 degree below with wind chill added in) weather! But, summer time more than makes up for the 'chill' of winter with 24 hours of sunlight & that balmy +100 degree weather that bakes the entire Matanuska valley area. I just can't understand WHY Alaska harbors the highest suicide rate within any geographical area in America.

Not that far north.
Central MN.
We still get almost 7 hours light on dec 21. But the angle is low enough to not help during the bitter cold. About March the sun starts to feel warm again.
The amount of sunlight doesn't change. It's the perception. Personally I like daylight savings better than standard but if they stay on standard it's ok with me. I once worked a 4-12 shift and sometimes had to work a double if midnight workers called in sick. You could count on midnight calling in sick in the fall when they had to work an extra hour but a 100% attendance in the spring when the shift lasted 7 hours.

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