Tiffany Hartley: Anyone else see anything fishy?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
To sum up, her and her husband were jet skiing on a Lake that straddles both Texas and Mexico. They were set upon by Mexican Pirates when they crossed into the Mexico side of the lake. Ms. Hartley's husband was shot in the head and she escaped.

The initial report said she tried to retrieve the body but a hail of bullets kept her from getting her husband on the Jetski.

In the first interview with her that I saw, she was extremely defensive. She said that she went to her husband's body and the Pirates caught up to her. One of them pointed a gun directly at her but decided not to fire. After that, she ran.

Today, on an interview, she said she tried to retrieve the body and was shot at. She then ran through the pirates.

Then, curiously, she made a plea, to "secure the border". She also offered to take a polygraph test.

That the story changed at bit from initial reports is not a big flag. Reporting is second hand and sometimes gets the details wrong. But second to third? That is a big flag. And the secure the border thing seems like a distraction, being that they were on the Mexican side of the lake.

Very odd.
To sum up, her and her husband were jet skiing on a Lake that straddles both Texas and Mexico. They were set upon by Mexican Pirates when they crossed into the Mexico side of the lake. Ms. Hartley's husband was shot in the head and she escaped.

The initial report said she tried to retrieve the body but a hail of bullets kept her from getting her husband on the Jetski.

In the first interview with her that I saw, she was extremely defensive. She said that she went to her husband's body and the Pirates caught up to her. One of them pointed a gun directly at her but decided not to fire. After that, she ran.

Today, on an interview, she said she tried to retrieve the body and was shot at. She then ran through the pirates.

Then, curiously, she made a plea, to "secure the border". She also offered to take a polygraph test.

That the story changed at bit from initial reports is not a big flag. Reporting is second hand and sometimes gets the details wrong. But second to third? That is a big flag. And the secure the border thing seems like a distraction, being that they were on the Mexican side of the lake.

Very odd.

Mexican Lake Pirates?

Oh my!

I wonder if they will find any gunpowder stippling on her husbands head?

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There is no question that drug cartels and gangs are wreaking havoc at the border and on Falcon Lake. Nor is there any question that corrupt and impotent Mexican government officials, police, and judges have allowed violence to flourish unchecked.

But those facts should not blind anyone to the troubling wrinkles and holes in Mrs. Hartley’s story/stories.

GOP Texas Gov. Rick Perry is wrong to condemn anyone asking questions about Mrs. Hartley’s account(s) as “reprehensible.” Such politically expedient grandstanding only harms bona fide victims of southern border violence.

As for Mrs. Hartley, the more she talks, the more convoluted the story gets. Soon enough, hiding behind “God’s grace” and “giving God the glory” aren’t going to cut it anymore.

Michelle Malkin Inconvenient questions about the Mexico lake shooting story; Update: Poll added
The killers have this man's body. THEY fished it out of the lake - no body; no crime. And the people are falling right into the hands of what these killers wanted by taking the body - DOUBT! End of story.
I suspect she murdered her husband and is trying to cover it up. Something about her and her story isn't right.
I just cannot believe Tiffany Hartley. I have tried to believe her but I just can't. The Mexican Police have arrested two peple who are being held as suspects. I do not believe there are any suspects in this case but Mexico wants to pin this on someone, anyone, just to make this whole case go away. Law enforcement here and in Mexico both want it to go away for the sake of international relations. Also because Tiffany is a "cute little thing" they will not accuse her of anything. She better be careful, however with her new crusade because the cartel may hunt her down. Remember Olivia Newton-John's boy friend who went missing on a fishing boat which was out at sea? Everyone though that he was dead. He wasn't. He turned up alive and well about five years later. He was trying to have his family members collect his insurance money. Another case, The lady who was badly burned by acid being thrown in her face. She said a complete stranger did it. It was discovered later that she did it to herself. What about the young woman who was engaged to be married. She announced to the world that she had cancer. She even shaved her head. Her fiance even believed her. People sent her donations from all over the world. Did she have cancer? No!! I believe that Tiffany is pulling a fast one and I hope that she slips up soon.
There is something very wrong with this world when people try hard to make the victim the liar and the killers a figment of someone's imagination. Most people enjoy living with their heads in the sand. It's so much easier to put the blame on anything and anybody other than to believe that this man WAS killed by mexicans across the border! It seems the mexican drug cartels are becoming the 'heroes'. BTW - why does EVERY crime in Mexico being blamed on the drug cartels? Mexico also has common criminals as does every country.
I have felt the same way. There just doesn't seem to be a reason for him to be shot. It is such a perfect story for that area because there is so much anti-Mexican sentiment already. The public is ready to believe her story.

I think they need to check this woman's phone records and computer and see who she was communicating with over the last few months. I think if they start delving into her life they might find the real story.
I have felt the same way. There just doesn't seem to be a reason for him to be shot. It is such a perfect story for that area because there is so much anti-Mexican sentiment already. The public is ready to believe her story.

I think they need to check this woman's phone records and computer and see who she was communicating with over the last few months. I think if they start delving into her life they might find the real story.

There is something very wrong with this world when people try hard to make the victim the liar and the killers a figment of someone's imagination. Most people enjoy living with their heads in the sand. It's so much easier to put the blame on anything and anybody other than to believe that this man WAS killed by mexicans across the border! It seems the mexican drug cartels are becoming the 'heroes'. BTW - why does EVERY crime in Mexico being blamed on the drug cartels? Mexico also has common criminals as does every country.
I have felt the same way. There just doesn't seem to be a reason for him to be shot. It is such a perfect story for that area because there is so much anti-Mexican sentiment already. The public is ready to believe her story.

I think they need to check this woman's phone records and computer and see who she was communicating with over the last few months. I think if they start delving into her life they might find the real story.

There is something very wrong with this world when people try hard to make the victim the liar and the killers a figment of someone's imagination. Most people enjoy living with their heads in the sand. It's so much easier to put the blame on anything and anybody other than to believe that this man WAS killed by mexicans across the border! It seems the mexican drug cartels are becoming the 'heroes'. BTW - why does EVERY crime in Mexico being blamed on the drug cartels? Mexico also has common criminals as does every country.

So you don't find it strange that professional criminals would needlessly call attention to themselves by shooting innocent tourists on jet skis? For what purpose? Target practice?

No, I don't see a problem with checking into her story and her background. If this happened in the US with no "Mexicans" involved, and no body or weapon found--yes, her computer and phone would have been checked a long time ago.
Interesting theory.

One is forced to ask oneself WHY these supposed Mexican lake pirates guys elected to start shooting, of course.

Is there a history of violent incidents on that lake?
I have felt the same way. There just doesn't seem to be a reason for him to be shot. It is such a perfect story for that area because there is so much anti-Mexican sentiment already. The public is ready to believe her story.

I think they need to check this woman's phone records and computer and see who she was communicating with over the last few months. I think if they start delving into her life they might find the real story.

There is something very wrong with this world when people try hard to make the victim the liar and the killers a figment of someone's imagination. Most people enjoy living with their heads in the sand. It's so much easier to put the blame on anything and anybody other than to believe that this man WAS killed by mexicans across the border! It seems the mexican drug cartels are becoming the 'heroes'. BTW - why does EVERY crime in Mexico being blamed on the drug cartels? Mexico also has common criminals as does every country.

So you don't find it strange that professional criminals would needlessly call attention to themselves by shooting innocent tourists on jet skis? For what purpose? Target practice?

No, I don't see a problem with checking into her story and her background. If this happened in the US with no "Mexicans" involved, and no body or weapon found--yes, her computer and phone would have been checked a long time ago.

Professional criminals calling attention to themselves???? Does this include ALL the 6,000 murders that have taken place ALL over Mexico???? That is not considered 'calling attention' to themselves??? Prove that they were 'professional killers'. The truth will be known! Give it time. There have been more people killed in Mexico than in Iraq or Afganistan combined. And guess what? They have NOT needed a purpose!!
Interesting theory.

One is forced to ask oneself WHY these supposed Mexican lake pirates guys elected to start shooting, of course.

Is there a history of violent incidents on that lake?

Did they need a reason when so many in Mexico have been killed??? BTW, does being an american who happened to jet ski into Mexican territory reason enough for you??? Does there have to be a history of violence anywhere when things like this happen?? The fact that practically 99.9% of crimes committed in Mexico go unpunished therefore you have many criminals running amok so that to me means that there is a high probability that yes, she is telling the truth. I imagine that the truth will come out sooner rather than later - my bet is on her.
There is something very wrong with this world when people try hard to make the victim the liar and the killers a figment of someone's imagination. Most people enjoy living with their heads in the sand. It's so much easier to put the blame on anything and anybody other than to believe that this man WAS killed by mexicans across the border! It seems the mexican drug cartels are becoming the 'heroes'. BTW - why does EVERY crime in Mexico being blamed on the drug cartels? Mexico also has common criminals as does every country.

So you don't find it strange that professional criminals would needlessly call attention to themselves by shooting innocent tourists on jet skis? For what purpose? Target practice?

No, I don't see a problem with checking into her story and her background. If this happened in the US with no "Mexicans" involved, and no body or weapon found--yes, her computer and phone would have been checked a long time ago.

Professional criminals calling attention to themselves???? Does this include ALL the 6,000 murders that have taken place ALL over Mexico???? That is not considered 'calling attention' to themselves??? Prove that they were 'professional killers'. The truth will be known! Give it time. There have been more people killed in Mexico than in Iraq or Afganistan combined. And guess what? They have NOT needed a purpose!!

There is absolutely nothing to back up this woman's story. No pirate boats, no body, no gun, no witnesses. That her credibility hasn't been checked, is ridiculous.

As far as the deaths in Mexico, they did have a "reason" so to speak. They were law enforcement or military that were closing in on the drug dealers, or others who crossed them and were being "taught a lesson", or rival dealers, etc.

No, I think this woman's story is full of holes and they need to investigate her.
It's extreemly rare for drug gangs to kill outside of drug participants.
I have no reason to doubt, but family are frequently the top suspects.
Was he cheating on her?
Did they just get a huge insurance policy on him?

It dam sure doesn't make sense to jetski on in Mexican waters if your all worried about a secure boarder.

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