tick tick tick Time is runing out for Trump

New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick
But you don't know that any kind of deal was made, that's an assumption. And during the election and after the election are two different things. That ticking noise is between your ears.
They spoke with the Russians and denied it.

That is a cover up.

Why did they think they needed to hide these conversations?

Why did they have them in the first place?

Lt.Gen. Mike Flynn has been a loyal soldier. He did what he was supposed to do in order to facilitate Trump’s ascendancy into the WH. However, rumors were floating around that the National Security team in the WH was fragmented and not properly synchronized.
The Dispensable Mike Flynn! – STEVE PIECZENIK TALKS
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick
Prove it liar.

Fuck you. Get informed for a change. All of what I posted is true. If you don't know this please quit embarrassing yourself & get informed.
You're a petulant child. You get upset when people don't share your conclusions and consider accusations as fact if it fits your ideology. You are clearly too immature and stupid to be embarrassed.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
I don't know, maybe learn to read?

"So basically, conclusions that this proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government are premature."
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
Deny it again.
Target date: by October 2018. My guess is April, 2017.

The break in at the DNC at Watergate was in late May of 1972. Nixon resigned a little more than two years afterwards.

Let's say Trump's team started communication with the Russians in August of 2016. f the flow goes as it did in the 70's, we will see Trump resign in October of 2018.

However, with the speed of news today, expecty Trump to quit in April of this year or sooner.

The clock is ticking. The longer Trump says & lies, the worse for his businesses.

Expect a quick cut bait & run from the orange disaster.

And little Pencey too.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
I don't know, maybe learn to read?

"So basically, conclusions that this proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government are premature."
He denied contact with the Russians. C O N T A C T. There was contact.

What was said is no longer relevant.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
I don't know, maybe learn to read?

"So basically, conclusions that this proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government are premature."
He denied contact with the Russians. C O N T A C T. There was contact.

What was said is no longer relevant.
'Reportedly said' doesn't cut it. No need to rely on assertions if you have facts. Libs cannot understand that.
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

You are wrong on ALL of them.
5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Now what?
I don't know, maybe learn to read?

"So basically, conclusions that this proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government are premature."
He denied contact with the Russians. C O N T A C T. There was contact.

What was said is no longer relevant.
'Reportedly said' doesn't cut it. No need to rely on assertions if you have facts. Libs cannot understand that.

There is no doubt that the Trump campaign team communicated with the Russians.

There is no doubt that Trump has denied it.

That is not "reportedly".

The more Trump tries to cover this up & the more excuses you make for him has because quite humorous.
I don't know, maybe learn to read?

"So basically, conclusions that this proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government are premature."
He denied contact with the Russians. C O N T A C T. There was contact.

What was said is no longer relevant.
'Reportedly said' doesn't cut it. No need to rely on assertions if you have facts. Libs cannot understand that.

There is no doubt that the Trump campaign team communicated with the Russians.

There is no doubt that Trump has denied it.

That is not "reportedly".

The more Trump tries to cover this up & the more excuses you make for him has because quite humorous.
'Reportedly said' doesn't cut it. No need to rely on assertions if you have facts. Libs cannot understand that.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.
Fact: Trump denied this
Fact: Pence Denied this
Fact: Spicer denied this
Fact: KellyAnn Conjob denied this.
Fact: Flynn Denied this.
Fact Manafort Denied this.
Fact: Paul Ryan denied this.

tick tick tick

Yeah.....you didn't read the entire New York Times fake news article...where they said nothing happened...

So...you left wingers can keep posting this non story, hoping to dupe the uninformed...and we will keep posting the truth....


The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.

And of course...the truth...

Mr. Manafort, who has not been charged with any crimes, dismissed the officials’ accounts in a telephone interview on Tuesday.

“This is absurd,” he said. “I have no idea what this is referring to. I have never knowingly spoken to Russian intelligence officers, and I have never been involved with anything to do with the Russian government or the Putin administration or any other issues under investigation today.”

He added, “It’s not like these people wear badges that say, ‘I’m a Russian intelligence officer.’”

Several of Mr. Trump’s associates, like Mr. Manafort, have done business in Russia.

The most important part of the story that should have been in the first fucking paragraph........that is if they didn't want to simply smear Trump and his people with false allegations....

And it is not unusual for American businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society.

Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts might have been about business.

Yup. Saw that on the news yesterday.

The New York Slimes had a headline that pretty much accused Trump and Flynn of giving the country to Putin.

Way down in the article was the sentence that said absolutely no wrongdoing had been discovered.

They also missed the important fact. The leaks. That's a national security issue and if they find out, which they will, who did it then that person is in deep fucking doo doo.

So far Rhodes is the main suspect. He's a holdover from the Obama administration. Trump should boot all those holdovers out and bring his own people in.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.

No evidence at all. Even the NY Slimes admitted that.

These lefty loons hate Trump so much they can't wait for any evidence to appear. They would much rather fill the board with speculation and hope like hell something is found that will tie Trump to it.

Good Lord. They will do anything to keep their leaky lefty loon boat afloat.
We love WikiLeaks Trump said, I'd love it now if WikiLeaks came up with a bunch of his stuff, his tax returns would be nice, come on WikiLeaks make Trump happy.
He's president for 7 years, 11 months, and 5 days yet. And then you will have President Pence for 8 years. So, hold your breath.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.

No evidence at all. Even the NY Slimes admitted that.

These lefty loons hate Trump so much they can't wait for any evidence to appear. They would much rather fill the board with speculation and hope like hell something is found that will tie Trump to it.

Good Lord. They will do anything to keep their leaky lefty loon boat afloat.

The Liberal media: Circulation and advertising revenue were locked in a downward death spiral with no bottom in sight.

CNN has already started adding conservatives/Republicans to their talking heads.....
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.

No evidence at all. Even the NY Slimes admitted that.

These lefty loons hate Trump so much they can't wait for any evidence to appear. They would much rather fill the board with speculation and hope like hell something is found that will tie Trump to it.

Good Lord. They will do anything to keep their leaky lefty loon boat afloat.

The Liberal media: Circulation and advertising revenue were locked in a downward death spiral with no bottom in sight.

CNN has already started adding conservatives/Republicans to their talking heads.....

Yeah. I noticed NBC got Gretta and Megan from Fox news.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.

No evidence at all. Even the NY Slimes admitted that.

These lefty loons hate Trump so much they can't wait for any evidence to appear. They would much rather fill the board with speculation and hope like hell something is found that will tie Trump to it.

Good Lord. They will do anything to keep their leaky lefty loon boat afloat.

The Liberal media: Circulation and advertising revenue were locked in a downward death spiral with no bottom in sight.

CNN has already started adding conservatives/Republicans to their talking heads.....

Yeah. I noticed NBC got Gretta and Megan from Fox news.

Now...if only that would happen in the universities.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.
But it is. The Trump campaign was in constant contrat with Russian officials.
New information regarding the liue told by Trump, Pence, the White House, and Trump's communications with Russian officials prior to the election & prior to his swearing in.

As Tricky Dick said, its not the crime but the cover up.

The Daily 202: It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.
Post some facts. Do you know what they are?
I did.

Fact: People in the Trump campaign had communications with Russian officials.

Not a fact, Flynn talked to the Russians after the elections were over which is SOP, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal whatsoever.
If he talked sanctions, it is illegal.

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