Tibetan monk flees to India after making documentary


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
If you speak out against Chinese regime, your life will be in danger. That is the reality of China today.


Dharmsala, India: A Tibetan monk who worked on 2008 documentary film critical of China's rule in the Himalayan region said he escaped Chinese police custody in 2012 and fled to India last week after hiding out for 20 months.

Read more at: Tibetan monk flees to India after making documentary against China | Firstpost
If you speak out against Chinese regime, your life will be in danger. That is the reality of China today.


Dharmsala, India: A Tibetan monk who worked on 2008 documentary film critical of China's rule in the Himalayan region said he escaped Chinese police custody in 2012 and fled to India last week after hiding out for 20 months.

Read more at: Tibetan monk flees to India after making documentary against China | Firstpost

Simple solution...if you live in China or anywhere China rules, don't make documentaries critical of China...it's a very bad idea.
Saw on my tv last night protesters in Thailand throwing 'missiles' at the Military rule soldiers...another very bad idea.
Some were arrested...probably tossed into the squalid prison.

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