

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Some (far belated) attention is finally being paid to the atrocities the CCP is committing in Xinjiang, but in the meantime the people of Tibet continue to suffer as they have for more than half a century. The long and systematic oppression and dilution of Tibetan culture and autonomy is grinding down a people and a unique way of faith, language, and life.

The MSM and the leftwing mob don’t give a shit. Criticizing an actual oppressive regime doesn’t quite work when they are trying to push a false narrative about America being evil and oppressive. If the US and China went to war tomorrow you can bet the MSM and Democrats would be cheering on China.
Some (far belated) attention is finally being paid to the atrocities the CCP is committing in Xinjiang, but in the meantime the people of Tibet continue to suffer as they have for more than half a century. The long and systematic oppression and dilution of Tibetan culture and autonomy is grinding down a people and a unique way of faith, language, and life.

China has been the scourge of the planet for over half a century. Unfortunately, Nixon unleashed the beast. He and the Presidents who followed until Trump were incredibly naive and always took the easy road. Always looked the other way.

China is in every sense of the word evil. And it should be treated as an evil regime by every major country in the world not just the US. We really are at a global tipping point. The wolf is at the door and we are fighting among ourselves. China is laughing at our stupidity.
The people of Tibet have been suffering bitterly for a long time now.
If you've seen Seven Years in Tibet; then you'll see an interesting juxtaposition of the red banners of national socialist (fascist) Germany to the red banners of the national socialist (communist) China. Personally, I'd like to see Taiwan's Government in Beijing, and Tibet remaining with China with the Dalai Lama returning to be the Spiritual Leader of China's Buddhists from Llasa.

The revolts in Hong Kong, where I actually saw people waving Chinese Blue Sky flags is showing that there are the seeds of a major revolution fomenting in China.
... Personally, I'd like to see Taiwan's Government in Beijing, and Tibet remaining with China with the Dalai Lama returning to be the Spiritual Leader of China's Buddhists from Llasa [sic].
The Tibetan people want to be an independent land again.
Well, what can be done? Do you want World War III? Because, after WWIII, whatever survivors remain, will no doubt wish they were dead.
... after WWIII, whatever survivors remain, will no doubt wish they were dead.

Quite a few Tibetans feel that way already. Each year at least several people there self-immolate in protest.
So, gather up a little army of supporters, fly to the region, buy weapons and fight for them.
The people of Tibet have been suffering bitterly for a long time now.
The Tibetan people want to be an independent land again.
I don't like the Democrat medicine, Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, health insurance mandates, mental health care, or any of the other corrupt medicalist garbage they impose with a combination of military force and political racketeering in the United States.
The people of Tibet have been suffering bitterly for a long time now.
The Tibetan people want to be an independent land again.
I don't like the Democrat medicine, Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, health insurance mandates, mental health care, or any of the other corrupt medicalist garbage they impose with a combination of military force and political racketeering in the United States.
So, gather up a little army of supporters, fly to the region, buy weapons and fight for them.
From what I've seen of Tibetan culture, violent protests are not... one of the things Tibetans are known for doing, because being violent to themselves. I think persuading the Chinese to be nicer people might be easier than getting the Tibetans to fight.

Maybe a major defeat of communist China with a peace treaty securing Tibetan independence would be an easier route as well. But... I think there should be Tibetan Representatives and/or the Dalai Lama at those peace negotiations. Tibetans flourished in Qing China.

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