Diamond Member
A kind of 'kitchen table political' view.
1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin were held back, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.
Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.
2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.
The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.
The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.
These are folks with principles.
3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.
The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.
Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.
4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.
They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.
They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.
Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin were held back, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.
Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.
2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.
The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.
The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.
These are folks with principles.
3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.
The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.
Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.
4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.
They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.
They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.
Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
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