Through The Tiniest Holes In The Political Strainer


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A kind of 'kitchen table political' view.

1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin were held back, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.

Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.

2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.

The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.

The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.
These are folks with principles.

3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.

The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.

Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.

4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.

They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.

They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.


Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
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A kind of 'kitchen table political' view.

1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.

Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.

2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.

The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.

The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.

These are Democrats with principles….the next filter will remove these.

3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.

The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.

4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.

They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.

They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.

View attachment 628673

Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
I cannot even imagine being. Democrat at all let alone being one that bought the propaganda the media and Biden campaign was trying to sell me then going ahead and voting for the fraud and then having to live with the fact I got hoodwinked and bamboozled to vote for a mentally retarded globalist puppet.
I cannot even imagine being. Democrat at all let alone being one that bought the propaganda the media and Biden campaign was trying to sell me then going ahead and voting for the fraud and then having to live with the fact I got hoodwinked and bamboozled to vote for a mentally retarded globalist puppet.

In the next, election, we will see how may agree with you.
5. Bill Maher is a Democrat voter how hasn't given up principles.



by ALEJANDRO AVILAabout 19 hours agoupdated about 19 hours ago1Comment

Nothing says don’t hate the player, hate the game quite like Bill Maher’s politics.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s mission to reinstate free speech on Twitter is drawing criticism from the political left, but the Real Time host is going against his party’s perspective, yet again, and calling the Musk-Twitter association a step in the right direction."
Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.
I disagree on abortion being fine! Necessity in some cases is fine but please understand that necessity should be avoided as the first solution to reducing abortion.

Canada and the rest of the modern world takes a socially responsible approach on abortion and thus nearly completely eliminates the need that Americans have of seeking out back allies with coathangers and knitting needles as tools for performing abortions.

A fetus can't be hung in a closet or knitted!
I disagree on abortion being fine! Necessity in some cases is fine but please understand that necessity should be avoided as the first solution to reducing abortion.

Canada and the rest of the modern world takes a socially responsible approach on abortion and thus nearly completely eliminates the need that Americans have of seeking out back allies with coathangers and knitting needles as tools for performing abortions.

A fetus can't be hung in a closet or knitted!

Slaughtering innocent human beings is necessary????
Spoken by a self-proclaimed Bolshevik.

But your fellow Marxists were doing it long before.....

. In this country we calculate the slaughter as:

Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

But this may be cheating the Left of the full benefits or value of their policies.
Their predecessors, the Soviet Bolsheviks were wayyyyy ahead: “the Soviets legalized abortion on demand in 1920…”
Legacies of 1917 in Contemporary Russian Public Health: Addiction, HIV, and Abortion

“In 1920, Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in the world to allow abortion in all circumstances,…” Abortion in Russia - Wikipedia

An estimated 1 million abortions in the early years of Soviet Russia Historical abortion statistics, Russia

One more way the Democrats/Liberals align with Soviet Communism

You must be so proud.
Don't forget to get you check in to Planned Slaughterhood.
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Slaughtering innocent human beings is necessary????
Spoken by a self-proclaimed Bolshevik.
Knitting needle and coathanger abortions doesn't always result in the slaughter of prospective mothers.

But perhaps it would be better to avoid the attempts to avoid modern medicine when it's likely going to waste thousands of dollars caring for a woman's (whtat Trump said) that would be better spent on cup noodles?

Psalm 137:9 ESV​

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
(in defense of coathangers)
Knitting needle and coathanger abortions doesn't always result in the slaughter of prospective mothers.

But perhaps it would be better to avoid the attempts to avoid modern medicine when it's likely going to waste thousands of dollars caring for a woman's (whtat Trump said) that would be better spent on cup noodles?

Psalm 137:9 ESV​

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
(in defense of coathangers)

Slaughtering innocent human beings is necessary????
Spoken by a self-proclaimed Bolshevik.

But you're fellow Marxists were doing it long before.....

. In this country we calculate the slaughter as:

Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

But this may be cheating the Left of the full benefits or value of their policies.
Their predecessors, the Soviet Bolsheviks were wayyyyy ahead: “the Soviets legalized abortion on demand in 1920…”
Legacies of 1917 in Contemporary Russian Public Health: Addiction, HIV, and Abortion

“In 1920, Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in the world to allow abortion in all circumstances,…” Abortion in Russia - Wikipedia

An estimated 1 million abortions in the early years of Soviet Russia Historical abortion statistics, Russia

One more way the Democrats/Liberals align with Soviet Communism

You must be so proud.
Don't forget to get you check in to Planned Slaughterhood.
Knitting needle and coathanger abortions doesn't always result in the slaughter of prospective mothers.

But perhaps it would be better to avoid the attempts to avoid modern medicine when it's likely going to waste thousands of dollars caring for a woman's (whtat Trump said) that would be better spent on cup noodles?

Psalm 137:9 ESV​

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
(in defense of coathangers)

Let's review your record.

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

Some people blame organized religion for most of history's killings. It is also sometimes claimed that more people have been killed in the name of Christ than for any other reason.

The total number of deaths estimated to lie at the feet of humanity's poor practice of Christianity is approximately 17 million. This number would include ancient wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, various European wars during the Middle Ages, and witchcraft trials.

A kind of 'kitchen table political' view.

1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin were held back, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.

Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.

2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.

The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.

The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.
These are folks with principles.

3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.

The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.

Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.

4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.

They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.

They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.

View attachment 628673

Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
A kind of 'kitchen table political' view.

1.Imagine a sort of political colander that separated Liberals and conservatives, set so that only the Liberals passed through and that those who believed that governance should be along the lines advanced from Madison, Jefferson and Franklin were held back, while those who believed as did Rousseau, Hegel and Marx wrote, dropped though.

Moving on to the next strainer, one with slightly smaller holes, would be Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, as well as Bolsheviks and Nazis.

2. The next set of apertures separated those who believe the collective deserves to hold sway over the individual, but still believed that the individualists deserved to vote, to have the right to free speech, and that these are God-given rights, and free people may not be deprived of these rights.

The folks who dropped through this gadget would be Communists, Nazis, Democrats, Progressives, totalitarians, concentration-camp builders.

The ones who didn’t pass through include the 17% of Democrat voters who admitted that when they found out about the Hunter Biden Laptops story, censored before the election, state that they wouldn’t have voted Democrat had they known.
These are folks with principles.

3. Even smaller holes in the next filter represent separates out those who honor human life from the ones who follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

They are, largely, those who go along to get along, just like the Good Germans of the 30s and 40s.

The will not stand up for any principles other than their own personal comfort, and the need to be accepted in the mob.

Abortion is just fine, and so is the view of former Democrat Governor Lamm who stated that the elderly have a duty to die.

4. The final sieve, having the tiniest openings for those with the tiniest intellects, the tiniest integrity or honesty, are those who will vote Democrat no matter how evil, how insane, how anti-American the views of their party become.

They may be mentally deficient, unable to differentiate between mean tweets and the results we see under Democrat control.

They look at what the Democrats have wrought, and still claim that a Biden vote was better than a Trump one.

View attachment 628673

Effectively, this message board is that sort of series of separator.
Those are the folks I have on ignore....because it's like talking to a brick wall.
I cannot even imagine being. Democrat at all let alone being one that bought the propaganda the media and Biden campaign was trying to sell me then going ahead and voting for the fraud and then having to live with the fact I got hoodwinked and bamboozled to vote for a mentally retarded globalist puppet.
To be a Democrat you have to have a mental defect that allows you to rationalize that whatever the media decides is public enemy #1 at the moment is worse than Adolph Hitler.
It used to be George W it's Trump.
The funny thing is.....we keep finding out how full of crap the left is when they lie their way into power......and now we're finding out that they are trying make sure that we don't have a say in how this country is run or how our schools are run.

The kicker is the fact that the retard they claim 81 million people voted for has abandoned Afghanistan....which lead to Russia attacking Ukraine.
And that they locked us down and forced vaccinations and masking on us to get people fired from their the same time they swung the doors wide-open on our borders.....allowing infected illegals to be transported to every city in our country during a so-called pandemic.

But what is worse is they actually claim Jan 6th is worse than Pearl Harbor, 911, and WWII combined. This is the case with everything these people talk about. A slap is worse than the slaughter of women and children in yet another Democrat Party created war.

Now they have green-haired homosexual/lesbian school teachers trying to turn our kids into a bunch of transvestites. People that have no business being allowed near children....and would be arrested for child-abuse if they had tried the same thing anywhere other than our public schools.

People who think this way shouldn't be allowed to vote.....because they're absolutely insane.
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To be a Democrat you have to have a mental defect that allows you to rationalize that whatever the media decides is public enemy #1 at the moment is worse than Adolph Hitler.
It used to be George W it's Trump.
The funny thing is.....we keep finding out how full of crap the left is when they lie their way into power......and now we're finding out that they are trying make sure that we don't have a say in how this country is run or how our schools are run.

The kicker is the fact that the retard they claim 81 million people voted for has abandoned Afghanistan....which lead to Russia attacking Ukraine.
And that they locked us down and force vaccinations and the same time they swung the doors wide-open on our borders.....allowing infected illegals to be transported to every city in our country during a so-called pandemic.

But what is worse is they actually claim Jan 6th is worse than Pearl Harbor, 911, and WWII combined. This is the case with everything these people talk about. A slap is worse than the slaughter of women and children in yet another Democrat Party create war.

Now they have green-haired homosexual/lesbian school teachers trying to turn our kids into a bunch of transvestites. People that have no business being allowed near children....and would be arrested for child-abuse if they had tried the same thing anywhere other than our public schools.

People who think this way shouldn't be allowed to vote.....because they're absolutely insane.

To be a Democrat you have to have a mental defect that allows you to rationalize that whatever the media decides is public enemy #1 at the moment is worse than Adolph Hitler.
It used to be George W it's Trump.
The funny thing is.....we keep finding out how full of crap the left is when they lie their way into power......and now we're finding out that they are trying make sure that we don't have a say in how this country is run or how our schools are run.

The kicker is the fact that the retard they claim 81 million people voted for has abandoned Afghanistan....which lead to Russia attacking Ukraine.
And that they locked us down and force vaccinations and the same time they swung the doors wide-open on our borders.....allowing infected illegals to be transported to every city in our country during a so-called pandemic.

But what is worse is they actually claim Jan 6th is worse than Pearl Harbor, 911, and WWII combined. This is the case with everything these people talk about. A slap is worse than the slaughter of women and children in yet another Democrat Party create war.

Now they have green-haired homosexual/lesbian school teachers trying to turn our kids into a bunch of transvestites. People that have no business being allowed near children....and would be arrested for child-abuse if they had tried the same thing anywhere other than our public schools.

People who think this way shouldn't be allowed to vote.....because they're absolutely insane.
The most of them are Satanist which explains why everything they stand for is in opposition to virtue, ethics, morality and God
5. Bill Maher is a Democrat voter how hasn't given up principles.



by ALEJANDRO AVILAabout 19 hours agoupdated about 19 hours ago1Comment

Nothing says don’t hate the player, hate the game quite like Bill Maher’s politics.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s mission to reinstate free speech on Twitter is drawing criticism from the political left, but the Real Time host is going against his party’s perspective, yet again, and calling the Musk-Twitter association a step in the right direction."
I'm a Conservative and can rightly say that a true liberal and not a leftist has always believed in free speech.
The most of them are Satanist which explains why everything they stand for is in opposition to virtue, ethics, morality and God
We can't say they hate all religions....only Christianity and Judaism. Islam is just fine in their book.....(nevermind the fact that they still believe in owning slaves)
We can't say they hate all religions....only Christianity and Judaism. Islam is just fine in their book.....(nevermind the fact that they still believe in owning slaves)
They like Islam because “allah” makes the same claim Lucifer made when he rebelled against God saying “he would ascend to the throne of The Most High”. Allah is Satan.

They also like Islam because they are at sympatico with dividing Israel and eventually destroying it.

By exterminating The Jew and Israel they think they can defeat God. Islam thinks that their Mahdi will come as a Messiah to help them accomplish that but their Mahdi is actually The AntiChrist.

Israel will never be destroyed completely as God Himself will step in to preserve His Covenant. They will be attacked but it’s for God’s glory. God is one step ahead of them and even allowed Satan to deceive himself that by destroying Christ on The Cross that he defeated God not knowing that it was God’s plan to offer up Christ as The Passover Lamb.

They hate Christians for the same reason they hate Jews. We are in their way of achieving a Godless Globalist Fascist State.
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