Three of A Kind: Environmentalism, Communism, and Failure


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It cannot be stated often enough that environmentalism, far from a science, is merely one more way that Marxism is transfused into society.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.
    1. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.
    2. From Marx on, the Left has fought against religion for the above reason, and because they understood how difficult it is to get religious people to engage in revolution for the purpose of bettering their material lives. Such folks often relegate the material world to lower priority than the spiritual, moral and intellectual world. 2. The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
3. End social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Sadly, attempts toward creation of utopia in this world lead to dystopia. Which leads to this comparison: conservatives marvel at how good America is, Leftists want to ‘transform’ it. Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

4. On the obverse, capitalism and profit are anathema to Marxists....and that view is central to its spin-off, environmentalism. While nature is the highest goal for this 'art,' at the lowest level we find critiques of 'greed,' and 'evil corporations,' and 'that virus known as mankind.'

5. Environmental activist Wallace Kaufman spotlights the error in the above in an anecdote in his perceptive tome, " No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking."
He writes:
"...Stanley Selengut, who runs Maho Bay Camp in the US Virgin Islands as an ecotourism resort, says protecting the environment pays. [He uses] recycled materials, and natural energy sources, serves health foods, landscapes with natural plants, uses low-flow toilets and showers, avoids toxic materials, encourages the simple life, and panels and a windmill. And Stanley doesn't mind telling everyone that Maho Bay makes a 20 percent profit!

...but the broad generalizations that people make from his success do not hold up. Stanley succeeds in great measure because his resort appeals to environmentalists who believe what he is doing is right.

In a similar manner, a church survives and grows because its believers fill the offering plate, not because its faith is better than another faith."

Seems that applying environmentalist doctrine to society in general would benefit all......

....or does it.
Once again the OP fails to substantiate her ludicrous premise. There was nothing in the Communist Manifesto about environmentalism and no environmentalist espouses communism.

Onus is on PoliticalSpice to provide the links and quotes to prove that there is a connection.

Needless to say her kneejerk response will be the predictable feeble attempt to belittle any criticism that she cannot refute.
6. See, the problem is that very little of what environmentalists demand would work to the benefit of those applying their principles.

"...what environmentalists overlook is that if he were not making a profit, he would not do the things that are politically correct for environmentalists....The principle that Stanley Selengut demonstrates is one that environmentalists do not want to recognize: the profit motive works.....

...Two writers for the Atlantic Monthly recently suggested that the environmental movement 'has set itself an unnecessary obstacle by largely ignoring the fact that human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests.'

Unfortunately, the movement is programmed to break out in hives if the real details of self-interest are discussed...its religious, philosophical, and economic foundations crumble if it admits the positive role of self-interest and its economic embodiment- capitalism."
Kaufman, Op. Cit.

"human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests."

And therein lies the flaw in communism, environmentalism, socialism, and every other collectivist philosophy.
"human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests."

And therein lies the flaw in communism, environmentalism, socialism, and every other collectivist philosophy.

What that tells me is that is why we need collectivist philosophies.

It might be in my "self-Interest" to make a huge profit on a plant that dumps toxin into the water supply. I can always have water brought in.

For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that.

You probably aren't old enough to remember what smog alerts looked like, but I am. I remember not being able to see the sun because the smog hanging over Chicago was so thick in the summers back in the 1970's.

I should also point out that the EPA was started by that raging Communist, Richard Nixon.
"human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests."

And therein lies the flaw in communism, environmentalism, socialism, and every other collectivist philosophy.

What that tells me is that is why we need collectivist philosophies.

It might be in my "self-Interest" to make a huge profit on a plant that dumps toxin into the water supply. I can always have water brought in.

For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that.

You probably aren't old enough to remember what smog alerts looked like, but I am. I remember not being able to see the sun because the smog hanging over Chicago was so thick in the summers back in the 1970's.

I should also point out that the EPA was started by that raging Communist, Richard Nixon.

"For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that."

Yet, you poison the civil discourse every day, and conservatives have no intention of depriving you of your right.

I strongly recommend you review the French Revolution's theme of the 'general will,' and what should happen to show who do not subscribe to same.

If only you had studied, and learned from, history.
I honestly hope that they unlock the doors some day and let Political Spice out into the real world.

Hey, only failure i've seen lately is how your boy Bush gave you guys everything on your wish list and created the worst economic disaster in 80 years.
Who was in control of the purse string of congress? OH that's right it was left wit moron democrats...
7. On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010

8. Marxism, communism, suffers from this central flaw: it has no grasp on what motivates human beings, and, as is often the case with zealots, the true believers of Marxism, or of environmentalism, believe that force is acceptable in realizing its goals.

Recent history provides numerous examples of gulags, government generated famine, genocide and blood purges, stemming from said beliefs, and resulting in over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

a. A softer version of Marxism in America, environmentalism, has it's own version of force and oppression.

"Since the environmental movement began, it has supported thousands of regulations and ideas for environmental improvement. It is now clear that few of these lead to profit, and most take a big bite out of someone's earnings or the national economy."
Kaufman, " No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking."

And, since "human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests,"....

...communism,environmentalism, and every iteration of same..... doomed to failure....or slaughter.
"human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests."

And therein lies the flaw in communism, environmentalism, socialism, and every other collectivist philosophy.

What that tells me is that is why we need collectivist philosophies.

It might be in my "self-Interest" to make a huge profit on a plant that dumps toxin into the water supply. I can always have water brought in.

For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that.

You probably aren't old enough to remember what smog alerts looked like, but I am. I remember not being able to see the sun because the smog hanging over Chicago was so thick in the summers back in the 1970's.

I should also point out that the EPA was started by that raging Communist, Richard Nixon.

"For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that."

Yet, you poison the civil discourse every day, and conservatives have no intention of depriving you of your right.

I strongly recommend you review the French Revolution's theme of the 'general will,' and what should happen to show who do not subscribe to same.

If only you had studied, and learned from, history.

Napoleon used the Gillotien..
The liberal spirit of collectivism is the same thing Hitler used to gain consensus against the Jewish people. The Ends then justified the means, any means to rid itself of these people they deemed unfit or a problem in their grand scheme of global control. And just like many collectivists before him they came to violent ends. Stalin, Marx, Mao, all of these individuals murdered millions of people before the people took them out at great cost.

The cycle is merely repeating itself again because we do not learn from history. Environmentalism is just one more collectivism cloak.
"human beings are motivated by self-interest rather than collective interests."

And therein lies the flaw in communism, environmentalism, socialism, and every other collectivist philosophy.

What that tells me is that is why we need collectivist philosophies.

It might be in my "self-Interest" to make a huge profit on a plant that dumps toxin into the water supply. I can always have water brought in.

For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that.

You probably aren't old enough to remember what smog alerts looked like, but I am. I remember not being able to see the sun because the smog hanging over Chicago was so thick in the summers back in the 1970's.

I should also point out that the EPA was started by that raging Communist, Richard Nixon.

"For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that."

Yet, you poison the civil discourse every day, and conservatives have no intention of depriving you of your right.

I strongly recommend you review the French Revolution's theme of the 'general will,' and what should happen to show who do not subscribe to same.

If only you had studied, and learned from, history.

Napoleon used the Gillotien..

Actually, Napoleon used the cannon....but I get your point.

1. His predecessors, the folks who ran the French Revolution, were responsible for the slaughter: In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country.
Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

2. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

3. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror
"For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that."

Yet, you poison the civil discourse every day, and conservatives have no intention of depriving you of your right.

Okay, that was just bizarre. Seriously, just bizarre. You do get the difference between a metaphor and reality, right? That if chemicals are dumped into the water table,t hey really cause cancer. Not just hurt the feelings of twits who don't like certain views.

I strongly recommend you review the French Revolution's theme of the 'general will,' and what should happen to show who do not subscribe to same.

If only you had studied, and learned from, history.

The French Revolution was awesome. It was the birth of modern democracy. More than our own pathetic, "We don't want to pay our taxes" revolution.

Chopping the heads off of rich parasites. totally awesome.
The liberal spirit of collectivism is the same thing Hitler used to gain consensus against the Jewish people. The Ends then justified the means, any means to rid itself of these people they deemed unfit or a problem in their grand scheme of global control. And just like many collectivists before him they came to violent ends. Stalin, Marx, Mao, all of these individuals murdered millions of people before the people took them out at great cost.

Marx never had political power, and Stalin and Mao died peacefully in their beds.

As for Hitler, Hitler was just the end result of a major religion who said, "The Jews Killed our God-Man".
The liberal spirit of collectivism is the same thing Hitler used to gain consensus against the Jewish people. The Ends then justified the means, any means to rid itself of these people they deemed unfit or a problem in their grand scheme of global control. And just like many collectivists before him they came to violent ends. Stalin, Marx, Mao, all of these individuals murdered millions of people before the people took them out at great cost.

Marx never had political power, and Stalin and Mao died peacefully in their beds.

As for Hitler, Hitler was just the end result of a major religion who said, "The Jews Killed our God-Man".

Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags. Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust. Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.
Yes, Stalin died peacefully, but 60 to 80 million of his subjects died horribly in the gulags.

Probably nowhere near that number... but shit happens after a civil war.

Mao likewise died peacefully, however 100 to 150 million of his subjects were murdered to appease his blood lust.

Again, these numbers were kind of amusing during the Cold War, but a Chinese or Russian would look at you funny if you tried to pass these off to them.

Hitler was, like the previous two, an atheist. You atheists try and disown him, but the evidence is very clear as to what he was. He used religion as a tool, nothing more.

Except Hitler was an Atheist who continually invoked the name of Jesus and God.

So I'm not sure what the "Clear evidence" of Hitler's Atheism was.

Hitler s Christianity

Just as the Jew could once incite the mob of Jerusalem against Christ, so today he must succeed in inciting folk who have been duped into madness to attack those who, God's truth! seek to deal with this people in utter honesty and sincerity.

-Adolf Hitler, in Munich, 28 July 1922

It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity.

-Adolf Hitler, in an article headed "A New Beginning," 26 Feb. 1925

Okay, so let's play along, and pretend Hitler was a secret atheist.

The point is, he didn't do this shit by himself. He had thousands of Catholics and Protestants who waged his wars and carried out his will. And they happily did so.
"For the thousands of people who might get cancer from that water supply, they have a collective interest in making sure i don't do that."

Yet, you poison the civil discourse every day, and conservatives have no intention of depriving you of your right.

Okay, that was just bizarre. Seriously, just bizarre. You do get the difference between a metaphor and reality, right? That if chemicals are dumped into the water table,t hey really cause cancer. Not just hurt the feelings of twits who don't like certain views.

I strongly recommend you review the French Revolution's theme of the 'general will,' and what should happen to show who do not subscribe to same.

If only you had studied, and learned from, history.

The French Revolution was awesome. It was the birth of modern democracy. More than our own pathetic, "We don't want to pay our taxes" revolution.

Chopping the heads off of rich parasites. totally awesome.

"The French Revolution was awesome. It was the birth of modern democracy."

So that's how you define "democracy".....the same way Stalin, Hitler, and Mao defined "democracy."

Too bad you never studied nor understood, history.

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