THREE gigantic lies that has cost healthcare economy $567 BILLION!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The following five new ACA taxes would bring in an additional $567 billion in revenue:
  1. Hospital insurance tax - $212 billion.
  2. Non-compliance tax - $64 billion.
  3. Cadillac health insurance tax - $32 billion.
  4. Medical device and insurers tax - $107 billion.
  5. Raising medical deduction limit to 10 percent - $104 billion.
In March 2012, the CBO updated its Obamacare cost estimate to $1.76 trillion. The Senate Budget Committee Minority Office reported that this was two times more than the CBO's original estimate of $940 billion
Find Out How Much Obamacare Cost and Why It Doesn't Add to the Debt

NOW for the repeated LIES from Obama...
Obama said "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"


Even the extreme liberal called the number "Sloppy" in that "It's an over count because it counts non-citizens. Take out the 9.7 million non-citizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the non-citizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million


Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that WAS needed.
There was NO NEED for Obama care to cover these 14 million. All they needed to do is REGISTER with Medicaid. They didn’t know they were eligible UNTIL AFTER Obamacare made them aware!
From the architect of the ACA, Gruber (the guy who said” Stupidity of voter passed ACA” in Nov 2016, using data from the Census Bureau, estimated that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014. They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: Perhaps less obviously, we also found a substantial increase in Medicaid coverage among children and adults who were already eligible for the program before 2014. This population accounted for 44% of the coverage increase.ACA Enrollment Final Numbers for 2017—A Cautionary Tale for Trump and Republicans

Falsehood 3)

18 million Americans under 34 years don't NEED nor WANTED insurance. They can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000 but didn’t WANT or need the expense. They pay out-of-pocket for their health care expenses. Error 404
When these 3 falsehoods are subtracted we find there is less than 5 million that truly needed health insurance coverage.
A total over 93% Exaggeration.
A FALSEHOOD that was repeated by the MSM and by Obama.
Health Care Lie: '47 Million Uninsured Americans'

NOW Obama: I used to say 47 million uninsured. Now, it's 30 million.
Obama: I used to say 47 million uninsured. Now, it's 30 million.

  1. Hospital insurance tax - $212 billion.
  2. Non-compliance tax - $64 billion.
  3. Cadillac health insurance tax - $32 billion.
  4. Medical device and insurers tax - $107 billion.
  5. Raising medical deduction limit to 10 percent - $104 billio
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?
Obamacare was designed to fail so that the guberment could more easily usher in single payer but they didn't expect to lose in 2016...and now Obamacare as planned is failing....but the dems are not in charge so they can't create a federal single payer system thank God.....MAGA....undo all of Obama's actions and mandates....the Kenyan was a failure.....
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

Hmmm... so you have NO problem then with being called "stupid"...( the architect of ACA, Gruber the guy who said” Stupidity of voter passed ACA” in Nov 2016,.. by Obama's people and of course you probably still believe Obama.
I haven't suffered under Obamacare but nearly
"In 2016, 6.5 million Americans paid Under Obamacare, most people must have health insurance or pay a tax penalty. For 2017, the penalty is $695 per adult (up to a family maximum of $2,085), or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater. The penalty for children is half the adult rate ($347.50).
The Obamacare tax penalty isn't dead yet

So I'm pretty sure these 6.5 million Americans have "butt hurt" from something that was the only way SCOTUS allowed was to call it a tax ...a TAX for doing NOTHING! Only a Democrat would come up with that tax!
They wanted Obamacare to be so fucked up that we would all want single payer.

We know they fucking lied about it.
Jonathan Gruber bragged about lying to stupid Americans about Obamacare.

They flat out admitted it was all bullshit.

Obama is Nazi trash
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

I can't really make a determination on what the point here is either but I'm still upset with Obamacare also. I say that as someone who supports health care for all.

Obamacare care ended up being little more than a bail out package for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and has set real health care back years.
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

I can't really make a determination on what the point here is either but I'm still upset with Obamacare also. I say that as someone who supports health care for all.

Obamacare care ended up being little more than a bail out package for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and has set real health care back years.

So you are in favor of people who break the law, i.e. illegal immigrants to get free health care because that made up 22% of Obama's 46 million?
Are you in favor of double coverage issue..i.e. 14 million people were ALREADY eligible under pre-ACA Medicaid coverage...they just didn't know it!
Now as far as "Health care for all"... are you aware of EMTALA... a 1986 law passed by GOP by the way. Look it up as it covers all those people that don't have insurance that go to the emergency room. This in essence provides "health care for all " already! Do a little research about EMTALA.
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

I can't really make a determination on what the point here is either but I'm still upset with Obamacare also. I say that as someone who supports health care for all.

Obamacare care ended up being little more than a bail out package for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and has set real health care back years.

So you are in favor of people who break the law, i.e. illegal immigrants to get free health care because that made up 22% of Obama's 46 million?
Are you in favor of double coverage issue..i.e. 14 million people were ALREADY eligible under pre-ACA Medicaid coverage...they just didn't know it!
Now as far as "Health care for all"... are you aware of EMTALA... a 1986 law passed by GOP by the way. Look it up as it covers all those people that don't have insurance that go to the emergency room. This in essence provides "health care for all " already! Do a little research about EMTALA.

The poor and the well off can access health care. It would be less expensive if the poor could get preventative care as opposed to being treated in emergency rooms. I never have understood how it is that people do not understand this.

It's the middle that is struggling with health care. High costs. Growing deductibles. etc.
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

I can't really make a determination on what the point here is either but I'm still upset with Obamacare also. I say that as someone who supports health care for all.

Obamacare care ended up being little more than a bail out package for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and has set real health care back years.

So you are in favor of people who break the law, i.e. illegal immigrants to get free health care because that made up 22% of Obama's 46 million?
Are you in favor of double coverage issue..i.e. 14 million people were ALREADY eligible under pre-ACA Medicaid coverage...they just didn't know it!
Now as far as "Health care for all"... are you aware of EMTALA... a 1986 law passed by GOP by the way. Look it up as it covers all those people that don't have insurance that go to the emergency room. This in essence provides "health care for all " already! Do a little research about EMTALA.

The poor and the well off can access health care. It would be less expensive if the poor could get preventative care as opposed to being treated in emergency rooms. I never have understood how it is that people do not understand this.

It's the middle that is struggling with health care. High costs. Growing deductibles. etc.

Why was it OK for ACA to tax 10% on tanning salons? The rationale...tanning causes cancer. OK..
So why didn't ACA provide same 10% tax on lawyers?
After all..
In December 2009, Jackson Healthcare invited 138,686 physicians to participate in a confidential online survey in an effort to quantify the costs and impact of defensive medicine. Over 3,000 physicians spanning all states and medical specialties completed the survey, a 2.21 percent response rate. The survey error range is at the 95% confidence level: +/-1.15 percent.

The following definition was cited in the survey:
“Defensive medicine is the practice of diagnostic or therapeutic measures conducted primarily not to ensure the health of the patient,
but as a safeguard against possible malpractice liability. "

Fear of litigation has been cited as the driving force behind defensive medicine.
Defensive medicine is especially common in the United States of America,
with rates as high as 79% to 93%, particularly in emergency medicine, obstetrics, and other high-risk specialties.

How much does "defensive medical practices" add to health care costs?
Physicians indicating they had practiced a form of defensive medicine in the last twelve months attribute 21 percent of their practice to be defensive in nature
YET many of you won't believe what these 3,000 physicians have said..that they estimate from $650 to $850 billion a year is wasted.
Why don't you want to believe the people that KNOW better than you?

So if nearly $850 Billion a year in wasted medical procedures all because physicians don't want to take chance of being sued... why not
tax the people just like ACA taxed tanning salons 10%?
In 2018, over 1.1 million people were employed in legal occupations in the U.S. This number was set to rise to 1.38 million in 2022. The largest share of those working in legal occupations was comprised of lawyers. Lawyers also earned the most in this industry, with a mean annual wage of over 144,000 U.S. dollars. Close to 47 percent of 2018 law graduates had taken up employment with law firms by April 2019 and 70.1 percent were working in occupations which required the passage of the bar exam.
Topic: Legal services industry in the U.S.
So $144,000 times 1,100,000 equals $158 billion... at 10% defensive medicine tax that would be $15 billion a year.
Based on the true number of people that can't afford health insurance 5 million that would be a $3,000 per year health insurance premium paid by the tax on the lawyers that would GO down if the $850 billion a year in defensive medical practices decline.
Still butt hurt over Obamacare after all these years?

Or are you trying to deflect from something else?

What's your point here?

I can't really make a determination on what the point here is either but I'm still upset with Obamacare also. I say that as someone who supports health care for all.

Obamacare care ended up being little more than a bail out package for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and has set real health care back years.
Sadly there was far to much republican influence.
The public option was supposed to be a part of PPACA. Unfortunately, five Democrats prevented that from happening.
You defenders of ACA! Don't you understand the gigantic HOAX that ACA was based on?
I mean really... Gruber the ACA architect said it took the stupidity of the voter to PASS ACA!
Seriously you still don't comprehend the magnitude of the "46 million uninsured" statements.
That's the point here you true dummies!
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans as Obama claimed.
Nor was this statement true: "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" !
NOW for FURTHER PROOF coming from Obamacare statistics!!!
Only 115,000 were members of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP),a high-risk insurance program established as a bridge between pre-Obamacare coverage and the establishment of its exchanges.

Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans

Only 115,000 out of the Obama exaggeration of "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" !
See dummies that Gruber identified took Obama's statements as FACTS when in reality read closer.
Never were 46 million and never were 160 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" that prevented them insurance coverage!
Why don't you people comprehend this gigantic cluster "F...K" known as ACA has cost trillions of dollars in insurance costs, health care costs etc.!

Use the Internet folks!

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