Three Dem law makers in Tennessee may be expelled by repub legislators over gun protests


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
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The repubs may see a short term sin, but they are losing in the long term. Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.
Guns at the places where kids are would save the kids......flashy gun free zone signs and no security are why kids get killed dimbulb.
jimboliar, jimboliar, jimboliar.

The repubs may see a short term sin, but they are losing in the long term. Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.

The issue wasn't the content of the protest, it was the egging on the mob and using a fucking bullhorn at the podium and refusing to yield the floor. All gross violations of the rules of parliamentary procedure and conduct.
The issue wasn't the content of the protest, it was the egging on the mob and using a fucking bullhorn at the podium and refusing to yield the floor. All gross violations of the rules of parliamentary procedure and conduct.
If jimboliar supports this protest then he must surely support the milder J6 protests.....right jimboliar???
The repubs may see a short term sin, but they are losing in the long term. Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.
one mans protest is another mans insurrection .
one mans protest is another mans insurrection .

I ain't going that far, but it was definitely interfering with the actions of a legislative body.

And these three losers definitely broke procedures and decorum, and should at a minimum be admonished for it officially, and I have no issue with them being booted for it.

The repubs may see a short term sin, but they are losing in the long term. Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.
Though, the prostesters outside stayed outside, three elected representatives bringing a bullhorn to the House floor, is a losing proposition in my state. Homey don't play that crap here.

The repubs may see a short term sin, but they are losing in the long term. Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.

Shows the priorities of Republicans

After another senseless shooting, Republicans are unanimous in going after those who demand stricter laws rather than go after those who exploit existing gun laws
Shows the priorities of Republicans

After another senseless shooting, Republicans are unanimous in going after those who demand stricter laws rather than go after those who exploit existing gun laws
Punish three Dems while an insurrectionist still flies around the country lying. He has three more indictments coming, at least. You repubs keep on humping the loser and see where it gets you.

Guns and Abortion are going to destroy the repubs....well...whatever is left after trump finishes losing.
Punish three Dems while an insurrectionist still flies around the country lying. He has three more indictments coming, at least. You repubs keep on humping the loser and see where it gets you.

Guns and Abortion are going to destroy the repubs....well...whatever is left after trump finishes losing.
Fat Alvin's fake charges are going to destroy the Reich jimboliar.
Thank you for being so stupid.
Each fake indictment adds at least a point to the gap between Trump and Poopeypants.
Their stance to place guns above kids is a losing proposition.
You sit there and want to demonize the right, or the GOP, this isn't about the left or the right, this is about popular will of the people. . . I thought Democrats believed in that, you know, populism and democracy, and all that? :dunno:

It isn't about placing, "guns above kids." It is about respecting and upholding the Constitution.

If you believe the popular will of the people, is to amend the Constitution, start a movement to Amend the Constitution, get on that.

2/3rds, that's it, that is all you need, get to it.

chop chop
You sit there and want to demonize the right, or the GOP, this isn't about the left or the right, this is about popular will of the people. . . I thought Democrats believed in that, you know, populism and democracy, and all that? :dunno:

It isn't about placing, "guns above kids." It is about respecting and upholding the Constitution.

If you believe the popular will of the people, is to amend the Constitution, start a movement to Amend the Constitution, get on that.

2/3rds, that's it, that is all you need, get to it.

chop chop
The teens and kids that are protesting are gonna be voting soon. The repubs are the backwards party. They are 20 years behind times, at least.

Between their stubborn resistance to change and their blind devotion to their god, trump, their demise is in sight.
The teens and kids that are protesting are gonna be voting soon.
I remember ten years ago, when my kid was in school, I asked him about how the establishment (the various teachers unions,) were using the kids as political pawns. . .

And he was honest with me and told me how that worked...

Here is how this works.

ON a certain day when the NEA, or the teachers unions have planned, they let the kids have a choice, stay inside for independent study, i.e., quiet time at your desk, or go out and "protest," IOW go do the teachers' unions and the Marxists/ anti-American, anti-classical liberal democracy agenda.

So, only about two thirds of those kids, really understand the true implications of what they are doing, or really care. . . it is better than sitting at their desks with a book. Most teachers won't let them; look at social media, tik tok, play video games on their phone, or doom scroll their phones. It is either go protest, or read a book.

Now, OTH, when these kids grow up, voting won't cut it, like it doesn't cut it now. ON the gun issue, IT STILL DOESN'T MATTER, this is why you did not really address what I posted.

You need to organize to amend the Constitution, like I just told you, or nothing. At least half/a third, of the democrat party doesn't agree with you either.

I know, you want SO bad, to pin this issue of being pro-Second Amendment on the GOP, but most Americans like their 2A very much, and it has nothing to do with voting.

Nice try at not addressing my comment though. I know, creating straw men and fallacies is so much easier than actually addressing what you are given.

Likewise, you can keep bringing up Trump, but believe it or not, Trump is all about more regulations on guns too. Your TDS is out of control. You need some serious HALP.


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