Three Blind Mice


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...OK....maybe rats....who represent the apex of failure.
Three socialists leaders, pals, who have led their economies into decline.
Leaders of Brazil, Venezuela, and the United States.

And today is the birthdate of one the three, Hussein Obama's good pal, Hugo Chavez.

1. It is difficult to imagine that there is anyone who won't admit that all three were unmitigated failures.
While it is eminently simple to document the fact that Barack Hussein Obama was the most prodigious presidential failure in a century, we still have his insane sort of coterie that post this:
"All You Have To Know About Obama

Best president in over 50 years
Restored respect for America globally All You Have To Know About Obama

Not hardly.

It is not as though Hussein's personality and intellectual problems were hidden. We on the right warned all, and everything we said about this snake came to pass: he was always anti-America, anti-capitalist, and, we came to learn, a crypto-Islamists.
He opposed western civilization, our traditions and values, and worked assiduously to destroy the country.

Yet.....all was ignored, whether it was his party or his hue, they called him 'god' or 'the messiah,' and bent the neck and the knee to him.

2. Consideration of who his life-mates are, were, is simply one more indication of what some elected to the presidency.
While some claimed that a vote for the 'human debacle' was in recompense for discrimination, the irony was his embrace of the socialist President of Brazil, Lula, who blamed the economic meltdown on ‘blonde haired, blue eyed people,’ and then Obama says ‘I love this guy."

Obama....elected to make a statement against racism.....yet, he endorsed racism.

Oh....and this, an update about the guy Obama 'loved:'

"Brazil's former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been charged by prosecutors who said the leftist politician was the mastermind behind the country's biggest bribery scheme." Brazil's ex-president Lula faces new corruption charges

Then, there was the other Obama inamorata.
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It is not racism to talk smack against white people. White people deserve what they get, after all they built the greatest country ever. You know the one that Obama ran on changing, and he did.
Who Obama's favorites are gives insight into the mistake Democrats made in backing this incompetent ingrate.

Not just the racist, Brazil's former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, another Obama fav, deceased Hugo Chavez, whose birthdate happens to be today, July 28 of 1954.

  1. "It seems that an excess of time zone-shifting may have addled President Obama’s brain …. as Air Force One was flying back to Washington on Friday, Obama stopped by the press cabin and joked about having the plane stop in South America so that he could pay a visit to Hugo Chavez.” Obama’s Joke About Going To Visit Hugo Chavez Doesn’t Go Over Very Well That was in 2010.
    1. This was a comment on the site: “Well to be fair, most of us do want to be around our loved ones for the holidays.”

2. Chavez returned Obama's admiration: “The Venezuelan leader, who has abolished term limits and shut down independent media outlets, praised Obama for his charisma and invited the president to come to Venezuela. …Chávez went on, jovially stating that, were Obama to pay him a visit, both leaders would “sit down to talk, to eat socialist arepas,” a corn-based pancake popular in the country.” Chavez responds to President Obama’s joke about visiting Venezuela, says he would ’embrace’ president and ‘eat socialist arepas’ with him

Obama never meet a racist commie dictator he didn't suck up to and try to befriend. .... :cuckoo:
Why are you attacking your fellow muslim?
Get a grip.....muslims aren't commies. ..... :cool:
in fact, in the former USSR, religious persecution against muslims was even more intense than against Russian orthodox Christians. the Bolsheviks used the muslims from the churka republics(Uzbekistan, kazathstan etc) to defeat the czarists, and then persecuted the shit out of them, especially during stalin's tenure in office.
A man whose friends were Lula and Chavez was never fit to be a United States President.

The Failure mentioned in the title is not that of is that of every fool who made it possible for him to become President.

Judge a man by his friends....and the actions of those friends.

5. “Chavez Government Closes Venezuela Opposition Newspaper & Magazine
President Hugo Chavez and his supporters show no sign of letting up in the campaign of hostility towards media organizations and publications critical of him and his policies.” Latin American Herald Tribune - Chavez Government Closes Venezuela Opposition Newspaper & Magazine

6. “Hugo Chavez closes 34 Venezuelan radio stations. Hugo Chavez was accused of stifling freedom of speech at the weekend after he announced that 34 radio stations were to be shut down.…The government broadcasting watchdog, Conatel, said that 34 radio outlets would be closed because they failed to comply with regulations.” Hugo Chavez closes 34 Venezuelan radio stations

7. He has threatened some 200 TV stations for carrying shows that disparage him in any way….“Dictators do not like satire except for their opponents. Ever since his ascent to power, Chavez has not missed any opportunity to silence whomever did not align with him. Last March, Guillermo Zuloaga, the owner of Globovision, an influential anti-government channel, was briefly arrested, then released, pending investigation, by Venezuelan military intelligence. The "crime" of Zuloaga, now at large, was to have made remarks "offensive to the President," saying that Chavez was suppressing free speech. In June, Venezuela placed a request with Interpol for an international warrant for Zuloaga's arrest.” Venezuela: To Celebrate Free Expression, Chavez Shuts Down Media're trying to deny this??????

Chavez returned Obama's admiration: “The Venezuelan leader, who has abolished term limits and shut down independent media outlets, praised Obama for his charisma and invited the president to come to Venezuela. …Chávez went on, jovially stating that, were Obama to pay him a visit, both leaders would “sit down to talk, to eat socialist arepas,” a corn-based pancake popular in the country.” Chavez responds to President Obama’s joke about visiting Venezuela, says he would ’embrace’ president and ‘eat socialist arepas’ with him

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

And.....another smack in the kisser for you:

More from Obama pal, socialist tyrant, Hugo Chavez:
1. Any judge who does not toe the party line is fired: “ So he set the two men free. Three days later he was fired by the president of the Supreme Court without explanation. "The regime of President Hugo Chavez has turned our democracy into an autocracy," said Luna, 58, who has returned to his private law practice and believes that his only offense was to defy the political wishes of the president and his supporters. "Judicial autonomy has been lost, and that is the foundation of democracy." Chavez Tightening Grip on Judges, Critics Charge (

2. Chavez seized assets of nearly two dozen American companies, and not hardly a peep from the Obama administration. “The U.S. State Department said that “We would just call on them, if they did make such a move, to compensate the owners of those wells. This is the latest in such an instance where international investors, their investments are being nationalized by the government of Venezuela….Therein lies the problem: expropriated companies in Venezuela are NOT being compensated. Moreover, because the Chavez regime has eradicated judicial independence in Venezuela, foreign companies have in practice no legal recourse to challenge the expropriations.”

3. Once Chavez got the parliament, where the United Socialist Party controlled 83% of the votes, to give him power to rule by decree, he crowed "Let's see how they're going to make their laws now,"… Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -

Seems to be echoed in the Obama ruling style: “President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.” Obama to GOP: 'I won'
what was my final straw with hoebama/lil mao wow, was when he said that the constitution revealed major flaws in American society. I even forgave him for the bitter clinger comment(voted for him in the general in 2008); but THAT, I was done with his big eared ass then
what was my final straw with hoebama/lil mao wow, was when he said that the constitution revealed major flaws in American society. I even forgave him for the bitter clinger comment(voted for him in the general in 2008); but THAT, I was done with his big eared ass then

Now only did I never consider voting for him, but I still cannot forgive Krauthammer for his refusing to acknowledge that Hussein was a socialist when asked for his analysis on FOX in '08.

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