Thousands march in Washington organised by banned hate preacher Franklin Graham

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

In support of impeached fraudster Donald Trump. This love in between fundies and Donald brings Christianity into disrepute.

The report doesnt state if his great friend Mr Falwell was on the march.

Maybe he was just watching ?
Meanwhile, Biden holds another rally...


In support of impeached fraudster Donald Trump. This love in between fundies and Donald brings Christianity into disrepute.

The report doesnt state if his great friend Mr Falwell was on the march.

Maybe he was just watching ?

Did you see the two that torched a police van? Fuuuuu

They broke the windows in a local eatery and took the money and supplies?

They started a fire at the bottom of a cross a guy was carrying.........

They have caused millions and millions of dollars worth of damage.

Oh, no, wait, my bad.

Wrong group.
Tommy, please provide an example of Rev. F. Graham preaching "hate."

And as for the relationship between Christians and Our Beloved President, I quote a message board in front of a nearby Christian Church: "How can any Bible-believing Christian support a politician who advocates for abortion and sexual perversion?"

I rest my case.

In support of impeached fraudster Donald Trump. This love in between fundies and Donald brings Christianity into disrepute.

The report doesnt state if his great friend Mr Falwell was on the march.

Maybe he was just watching ? Brits don't know anything about the US....plain and simple
proof: '''fraudster''---hahahahhahahahaha
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.
So that source blames evangelical declines solely on Franklin Graham? I don’t give a shit about franklin Graham or any rich/famous religious figures but I’d blame politicians that took “God” out of the pledge of allegiance.

I also don’t get how people who defend Womens and gays rights can support Islam. It’s like a Vegan saying they love a big porterhouse steak.

You telling me someone by the name Barack ‘Hussein’ Obama was Christian and not Muslim?:21:

most DemonRats are atheists, so he’s not really dividing anything that already isn’t divided

In support of impeached fraudster Donald Trump. This love in between fundies and Donald brings Christianity into disrepute.

The report doesnt state if his great friend Mr Falwell was on the march.

Maybe he was just watching ?
Hardly what I would call organized. Lets see them execute a Counter Column, March or a left or right Oblique, March. Goosestepping might at a note of organization, also.
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.

Shame on you for lying like that.
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.

Shame on you for lying like that.

Billy was used by Nixon but was wise enough to have understood that and warned against getting too close to politicians.

I find it odd that Franklin has seemed to have discarded that wise advice.
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.

Shame on you for lying like that.

Billy was used by Nixon but was wise enough to have understood that and warned against getting too close to politicians.

I find it odd that Franklin has seemed to have discarded that wise advice.

Why would you care, you hate religious people anyway...

In support of impeached fraudster Donald Trump. This love in between fundies and Donald brings Christianity into disrepute.

The report doesnt state if his great friend Mr Falwell was on the march.

Maybe he was just watching ?

And biden can't get a 100. Must suck to be you.
Franklin Graham is a mere shell of what his father was. What his father built Franklin has undermined. Like Jerry, Jr. he has maligned the evangelical cause even further by his overt political beliefs.

“....Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”

In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence”.

Where as his father sought to bring people together, his son seeks the politics of division. He is a charlatan.

Shame on you for lying like that.

Billy was used by Nixon but was wise enough to have understood that and warned against getting too close to politicians.

I find it odd that Franklin has seemed to have discarded that wise advice.

Why would you care, you hate religious people anyway...

I am a Christian. Do you know what the Bible says about being a false witness?

What Does the Bible Say About Bearing False Witness?
Hardly what I would call organized. Lets see them execute a Counter Column, March or a left or right Oblique, March. Goosestepping might at a note of organization, also.
Why would you mention "goosestepping"? That seems like a gratuitous and uncalled for slap.

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