Thoughts while watching the 2010 Meltdown of Liberalism


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The past week has been entertaining if nothing else. The total meltdown of liberalism has been the greatest mental trainwreck since........well, John Rocker? I don't know.

But reading the types of posts, the ridiculous assertions and statements, and just the overall desperation of the left to hold on to their ideology is truly worthy of a future sociological study.

I just does the liberal mind work? I just cant comprehend the thought that if you punish those citizens who are most productive, and reward those who are least productive, how does one expect a society to thrive?

I can't fathom how the liberal mind can expect or stive for equal starting point in life, and equal outcome in life........when that would require equal behavior, equal values from all and absolute selfless minds by all people in a society. To have equal behavior, equal values, equal expectations, the state would have to strip all freedom from the individual and assign all personal duties to each individual to complete the utopian of an equal society.

I just can't fathom a human mind that would prefer and ideology that promotes less personal freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to do. Banning happy meal toys? Banning salt. Banning everything that annoys, bothers, pesters or causes a general feel of discomfort. How can any modern left winger support this ideology?

How can any left winger possibly think the US has an eternal vacancy sign on? Can our country support all 6.5 billion people of the world? If not, then who should our open borders be open to? Central and South American's only? Only the people in the world considered poor? Only those that get here without us knowing? Eventually we gotta set a quota for the year and enforce it. If the buffet keeps letting people eat for free, eventually it's gonna be overcrowded and out of food.

Anyway, I'm having a blast watching the meltdown.
The past week has been entertaining if nothing else. The total meltdown of liberalism has been the greatest mental trainwreck since........well, John Rocker? I don't know.

But reading the types of posts, the ridiculous assertions and statements, and just the overall desperation of the left to hold on to their ideology is truly worthy of a future sociological study.

I just does the liberal mind work? I just cant comprehend the thought that if you punish those citizens who are most productive, and reward those who are least productive, how does one expect a society to thrive?

I can't fathom how the liberal mind can expect or stive for equal starting point in life, and equal outcome in life........when that would require equal behavior, equal values from all and absolute selfless minds by all people in a society. To have equal behavior, equal values, equal expectations, the state would have to strip all freedom from the individual and assign all personal duties to each individual to complete the utopian of an equal society.

I just can't fathom a human mind that would prefer and ideology that promotes less personal freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to do. Banning happy meal toys? Banning salt. Banning everything that annoys, bothers, pesters or causes a general feel of discomfort. How can any modern left winger support this ideology?

How can any left winger possibly think the US has an eternal vacancy sign on? Can our country support all 6.5 billion people of the world? If not, then who should our open borders be open to? Central and South American's only? Only the people in the world considered poor? Only those that get here without us knowing? Eventually we gotta set a quota for the year and enforce it. If the buffet keeps letting people eat for free, eventually it's gonna be overcrowded and out of food.

Anyway, I'm having a blast watching the meltdown.

wow! you must have put some serious effort into writing that. i just can't fathom it!
The past week has been entertaining if nothing else. The total meltdown of liberalism has been the greatest mental trainwreck since........well, John Rocker? I don't know.

But reading the types of posts, the ridiculous assertions and statements, and just the overall desperation of the left to hold on to their ideology is truly worthy of a future sociological study.

I just does the liberal mind work? I just cant comprehend the thought that if you punish those citizens who are most productive, and reward those who are least productive, how does one expect a society to thrive?

I can't fathom how the liberal mind can expect or stive for equal starting point in life, and equal outcome in life........when that would require equal behavior, equal values from all and absolute selfless minds by all people in a society. To have equal behavior, equal values, equal expectations, the state would have to strip all freedom from the individual and assign all personal duties to each individual to complete the utopian of an equal society.

I just can't fathom a human mind that would prefer and ideology that promotes less personal freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to do. Banning happy meal toys? Banning salt. Banning everything that annoys, bothers, pesters or causes a general feel of discomfort. How can any modern left winger support this ideology?

How can any left winger possibly think the US has an eternal vacancy sign on? Can our country support all 6.5 billion people of the world? If not, then who should our open borders be open to? Central and South American's only? Only the people in the world considered poor? Only those that get here without us knowing? Eventually we gotta set a quota for the year and enforce it. If the buffet keeps letting people eat for free, eventually it's gonna be overcrowded and out of food.

Anyway, I'm having a blast watching the meltdown.

wow! you must have put some serious effort into writing that. i just can't fathom it!

Oh, why, thanks! I did. I appreciate the kind words you have for my work:eusa_angel:
personally, i think that if you harbor the slightest legitimate disagreement with the gop and the tea party, and don't believe the things that glenn beck tells you are true (he's reminded his viewers over and over again that he's only an entertainer, and a brilliant one at that, true), then you are a bloodsucking parasite. i believe that if you don't blindly vote republican and honestly convince yourself that giving a millionaire a tax break benefits you, the proleteriat, then your mother didn't just raise you to be breastfed the rest of your life, she taught you how to suck two teats at once, goddamnit! i believe that if you make less than 50k a year, youre spending every second of your day standing in line at the welfare office, asking uncle sam for a handout! and you want the terrorists to win!

You've voiced most of the same concerns the rest of us have had about the libtards,

and just in case you haven't enjoyed ENOUGH, WyomingPatsy did his best impression for you!

Just in case you're tempted to Google up refutations to his post, rest assured that if you DO?

You'll be sputtered at about how it's all BUSH's fault and/or the ever popular "You're a RACIST."


You've voiced most of the same concerns the rest of us have had about the libtards,

and just in case you haven't enjoyed ENOUGH, WyomingPatsy did his best impression for you!

Just in case you're tempted to Google up refutations to his post, rest assured that if you DO?

You'll be sputtered at about how it's all BUSH's fault and/or the ever popular "You're a RACIST."


really? come on now, that hurts my feelings.

You've voiced most of the same concerns the rest of us have had about the libtards,

and just in case you haven't enjoyed ENOUGH, WyomingPatsy did his best impression for you!

Just in case you're tempted to Google up refutations to his post, rest assured that if you DO?

You'll be sputtered at about how it's all BUSH's fault and/or the ever popular "You're a RACIST."


really? come on now, that hurts my feelings.
You've voiced most of the same concerns the rest of us have had about the libtards,

and just in case you haven't enjoyed ENOUGH, WyomingPatsy did his best impression for you!

Just in case you're tempted to Google up refutations to his post, rest assured that if you DO?

You'll be sputtered at about how it's all BUSH's fault and/or the ever popular "You're a RACIST."


really? come on now, that hurts my feelings.

i'm sorry, but i cant stand hippies.
Do you find him ...


theyre the fakest people in the world...their mommy and daddy give them a trust fund to go to the university of colorado.
this calls for some slayer.
The past week has been entertaining if nothing else. The total meltdown of liberalism has been the greatest mental trainwreck since........well, John Rocker? I don't know.

But reading the types of posts, the ridiculous assertions and statements, and just the overall desperation of the left to hold on to their ideology is truly worthy of a future sociological study.

I just does the liberal mind work? I just cant comprehend the thought that if you punish those citizens who are most productive, and reward those who are least productive, how does one expect a society to thrive?

I can't fathom how the liberal mind can expect or stive for equal starting point in life, and equal outcome in life........when that would require equal behavior, equal values from all and absolute selfless minds by all people in a society. To have equal behavior, equal values, equal expectations, the state would have to strip all freedom from the individual and assign all personal duties to each individual to complete the utopian of an equal society.

I just can't fathom a human mind that would prefer and ideology that promotes less personal freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to do. Banning happy meal toys? Banning salt. Banning everything that annoys, bothers, pesters or causes a general feel of discomfort. How can any modern left winger support this ideology?

How can any left winger possibly think the US has an eternal vacancy sign on? Can our country support all 6.5 billion people of the world? If not, then who should our open borders be open to? Central and South American's only? Only the people in the world considered poor? Only those that get here without us knowing? Eventually we gotta set a quota for the year and enforce it. If the buffet keeps letting people eat for free, eventually it's gonna be overcrowded and out of food.

Anyway, I'm having a blast watching the meltdown.

If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
The past week has been entertaining if nothing else. The total meltdown of liberalism has been the greatest mental trainwreck since........well, John Rocker? I don't know.

But reading the types of posts, the ridiculous assertions and statements, and just the overall desperation of the left to hold on to their ideology is truly worthy of a future sociological study.

I just does the liberal mind work? I just cant comprehend the thought that if you punish those citizens who are most productive, and reward those who are least productive, how does one expect a society to thrive?

I can't fathom how the liberal mind can expect or stive for equal starting point in life, and equal outcome in life........when that would require equal behavior, equal values from all and absolute selfless minds by all people in a society. To have equal behavior, equal values, equal expectations, the state would have to strip all freedom from the individual and assign all personal duties to each individual to complete the utopian of an equal society.

I just can't fathom a human mind that would prefer and ideology that promotes less personal freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to do. Banning happy meal toys? Banning salt. Banning everything that annoys, bothers, pesters or causes a general feel of discomfort. How can any modern left winger support this ideology?

How can any left winger possibly think the US has an eternal vacancy sign on? Can our country support all 6.5 billion people of the world? If not, then who should our open borders be open to? Central and South American's only? Only the people in the world considered poor? Only those that get here without us knowing? Eventually we gotta set a quota for the year and enforce it. If the buffet keeps letting people eat for free, eventually it's gonna be overcrowded and out of food.

Anyway, I'm having a blast watching the meltdown.

I am on your side but, and I am sure you will agree, the USA can support the entire world, we already do. Since the end of World War II we have been the economy of the world, we have fed the world, the only caveat is we appease those who think all countries and all people are ready to be ruled by themselves or wish for self rule.

We should of began by swallowing up Cuba and all the piss-ant countries around us.

Think how much nicer the world would be.
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