Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

Really, the price other people are paying for the ease of access to firearms in the US is considered a bargain by those too selfish to make a sacrifice for the common good. This will not change, the thread so far being an excellent illustration of how unAmerican such thinking would be.
Really, the price other people are paying for the ease of access to firearms in the US is considered a bargain by those too selfish to make a sacrifice for the common good.
423,000,000 firearms the US
422,999,974 of them were not used to commit a murder today.
What "sacrifice" does this mandate, and how will said sacrifice increase that number?
According to rabidly anti-gun Violence Prevention Center, at least 100,000 firearms are used each year in self-defense.
Across the same time period, around 9500 firearms were used to commit murder
~100,000 / ~9500 = ~10 - page 6
Did you read what you sent. It contradicts your claim. Wow, what an idiot.
"Much discussion about the protective benefits of guns has focused on the incidence of self-defense gun use. Proponents of such putative benefits often claim that 2.5 million Americans use guns in self-defense against criminal attackers each year. This estimate is not plausible and has been nominated as the most outrageous number mentioned in a policy discussion by an elected official".
423,000,000 firearms the US
422,999,974 of them were not used to commit a murder today.
What "sacrifice" does this mandate, and how will said sacrifice increase that number?
Were you dropped on your head as a child? Those numbers mean nothing.
And why not? Did you read Biden's gun plans when he was running for President? I did.

He wanted all gun owners to have to get a federal license to own the guns they've owned for years or even generations. He wanted to force every gun owner to have a psychological exam at your cost of $800.00. Some anti-gun shrink would interview you, your employer, your coworkers, your neighbors, your ex-wife, everybody. Then he would make a determination as to whether you could own a gun or not based on their answers.

Mind you Dementia never carried through with his plans, but the Congress did try to pass his measures. That's why you don't want the federal government to know about your guns. If he got his way, you would be getting a notice that you must get this federal license for the guns you legally own, or else.........
You are afraid of everything. Fear drives people like you. Cowards with guns are dangerous. They think everything is out to get them. They lie to justify their paranoia.
You are afraid of everything. Fear drives people like you. Cowards with guns are dangerous. They think everything is out to get them. They lie to justify their paranoia.

Then come to my neighborhood and take a walk some night, especially on the weekend.

I don't take my gun every time I leave the house, but after dark when the action begins I usually do. I ran out of my prescription yesterday and they just text me my RX is ready so I have to go and get it tonight. I'll be carrying just in case.

Since you're so fearless, do you not carry fire and theft insurance for your house? How about your car? Don't let that paranoia get to ya.

BTW, licensed armed citizens are more law abiding than even our own police officers in this country.
Really, the price other people are paying for the ease of access to firearms in the US is considered a bargain by those too selfish to make a sacrifice for the common good. This will not change, the thread so far being an excellent illustration of how unAmerican such thinking would be.

Un-American is not wanting to abide by the US Constitution. That's un-American.
Given the low number of justifiable homicides, I find it unbelievable that more then a few hundred lives per year are saved with guns.

Most of us have seen hundreds of action movies, thus our perception is biased.

Movies are not reality. In reality very few incidents regarding a licensed armed citizen results in a shooting.

A man tries to steal a woman's purse in a store parking lot, an armed citizen comes to her aid and pulls out his weapon. That kind of changes the entire picture. In most cases, the criminal will run for his life. It gets reported to the police and again, unless it's a slow news day, this could have happened a mile from your home and you'd never know it if the media doesn't report the story.
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One only has to look at how other developed nations have reduced firearms crime and the firearm homicide rate to see how it can be done.
Too many Americans are happy with other people's school children paying the price of their easy access to firearms for the situation to change. The personal sacrifice required to save those school children - the reduction of ease of access to firearms - is too great.
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Eight years of conservatives lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

It never happened.

Another Democratic president and conservatives are lying again about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – and again it won’t happen.

Obunghole had whatever gun control nuts he had, cut off by the Supreme Court before he took office.

In the run-up to the 2008 election the Dems were trying to top each other with their gun control plans. While DC Mayor Fenty was cautioned against appealing Parker to SCOTUS, he went ahead and filed. While there was fear, nobody on the left ever thought SCOTUS would take the case and nobody wanted to believe the 2nd Amendment actually secured a right of the citizen . . . They all were deluding themselves with 64 years of "collective right" bullshit . . . And then SCOTUS took the case and then Heller was handed down 5 months before the election and all the great leftist gun control dreams evaporated.

Leftist gun grabbers never understood what Heller actually did but it served to paralyze their legislative efforts. They still don't know with many still arguing the various collective right theories today LOL!

Yes, Obunghole didn't actually do much with guns, but it wasn't for not wanting to . . . He and Congress were neutered and rendered impotent.

There’s nothing in the history, text, or case law of the Second Amendment that ‘authorizes’ insurrectionist dogma.

“…the insurrectionist interpretation of the Declaration of Rights is fundamentally flawed. An historically sound understanding of the Second Amendment's English heritage belies the proposition that the Second Amendment was intended to grant an individual right to keep or bear arms against governmental tyranny.”

Carl Bogus????

Jesus H. Christ, have a little self respect will ya . . .
Obunghole had whatever gun control nuts he had, cut off by the Supreme Court before he took office.

In the run-up to the 2008 election the Dems were trying to top each other with their gun control plans. While DC Mayor Fenty was cautioned against appealing Parker to SCOTUS, he went ahead and filed. While there was fear, nobody on the left ever thought SCOTUS would take the case and nobody wanted to believe the 2nd Amendment actually secured a right of the citizen . . . They all were deluding themselves with 64 years of "collective right" bullshit . . . And then SCOTUS took the case and then Heller was handed down 5 months before the election and all the great leftist gun control dreams evaporated.

Leftist gun grabbers never understood what Heller actually did but it served to paralyze their legislative efforts. They still don't know with many still arguing the various collective right theories today LOL!

Yes, Obunghole didn't actually do much with guns, but it wasn't for not wanting to . . . He and Congress were neutered and rendered impotent.
Abatis is, obviously, a very freighted individual who finds security and self-esteem in owning a gun. A sad but very dangerous bunch. A gun makes them feel like they are somebody.
The majority of gun owners are not driven to own a gun by their cowardice but those who do, stick out with their whacky rhetoric.

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