This story on concealed handguns on campus shows us how the anti-gun extremists lie to push their agenda.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an article about universities allowing concealed carry on campus...

What this article points out, is how the anti-gun extremists lie in order to push their agenda.....

Two of the events listed by the Bloomberg anti-gun group that happened on campuses that allow concealed carry.......had nothing to do with students using their legal guns on campus....

Keep in mind that 12 states mandate that public universities allow permitted concealed handguns on public college campuses (the NCSL excludes Tennessee from their list because professors and staff and not students are allowed to carry). Twenty-three other states leave it up to the individual schools. This post is an updated list of what we had published in March 2018. None of the cases where a gun was fired by someone legally carrying a gun on campus involved someone threatening another person or trying to commit a crime.

In addition to our research, we used the list of shootings by Bloomberg’s Everytown, which starts a year later than our work. But their list doesn’t distinguish between whether the gun was allowed on school property or whether the person had a concealed handgun permit. That is a crucial distinction as illegally carrying a gun may be very different from those who are obeying the rules. Indeed, the large number of cases in which someone fired a gun (663) overwhelmingly involves people who were not legally carrying it. Forty-six cases occurred on college campuses where permitted guns are allowed, but just seven of those involved people with concealed handgun permits.

Take the two cases from Kansas where guns were allowed on campus. In one case at Wichita State University in 2015, people with permitted concealed handguns were allowed to have a concealed handgun in their car in a parking lot. The shooter had no connection with the school. He was a pimp who was already on parole for a 2010 felony child abuse conviction. An undergraduate student got into an argument with a prostitute over the cost of the service. When the prostitute “returned empty-handed to [the pimp], he beat her and then pulled a gun, walked over to [the student] and shot him.” While Bloomberg’s group uses this as an example for why guns should be banned on college campuses, if anything, it shows the opposite. That victim was a student who needed to defend himself as criminals would take guns onto campus to commit a crime.

The second case occurred at Kansas State University in May 2019 and involved an attacker and a victim not connected to the university. “The incident began off-campus on the east side of Manhattan and continued to the parking lot north of the foundation building, where shots were fired.” No one was wounded or killed in the incident.


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