This shouldnt be allowed in school


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Things that shouldn't be allowed in schools:
1. Any religion. That should be kept in private schools and church/temple/mosque schools. The only reason religious people want it in public schools is to brainwash kids, making them believers in their nonsense. Keep it ALL out.
2. Pro-Marxism/Stalinism/Communism, whichever you want to call it.
3. Any sex education that extends beyond teaching about how the female can become pregnant and STD's. For issues regarding gays/lesbians/et cetera, that's for the kids families to address, and no, I don't care if it is difficult for a kid to talk to his/her own parent on the matter. Parents are supposed to be their mentors and guides while minors. Once they are adults, they can talk to anyone they want.
4. Bathrooms for miscellaneous gender identity teens. If you have a penis, go to the boys bathroom. If you have a vagina, go to the girls bathroom. If the school really feels it needs to meet your mentally-ill needs, it can build a separate gender-confused bathroom for them.
5. Mandating that girls can play in any team sport, in which they don't actually have an even chance at succeeding against boys and vice versa. No boys in traditionally girls sports, unless there is an equal chance of success, or failure.
That's about all I can come up with for now. I know it's old fashioned, but it works. changed your avatar to make you look like a Nazi, and now you are telling others what they should and shouldn't do.

Hey Mortimer................go get some exercise, lose some weight, and maybe learn a bit about confidence. You'd do better doing that than bitching on a message board about stuff you can't change.
Public schools, whose government unions dominate the education industry, suck. If there is no competition there should be no union. Give the taxpayer options. MAGA
In my view, this is what should be taught in schools:

Math (in all its forms, although calculus sucks)
Home economics
Wood shop
Metal shop
Auto shop

There should be exactly zero political influence on a student from teachers and other faculty. None. That's not their fucking job... changed your avatar to make you look like a Nazi, and now you are telling others what they should and shouldn't do.

Hey Mortimer................go get some exercise, lose some weight, and maybe learn a bit about confidence. You'd do better doing that than bitching on a message board about stuff you can't change.

The internet would be dead if it were not for all those fat people that need somewhere to complain in the privacy of their own home...
Public schools, whose government unions dominate the education industry, suck. If there is no competition there should be no union. Give the taxpayer options. MAGA

Having been a member of a public school teachers union for 25 years - I have to agree.

Public sector unions make absolutely no sense. Who are they 'protecting' us from? Benevolent Big Brother? It amazes me that leftists sing praises to bigger and more intrusive government, then declare that its employees need work-place protection from same.

Reality is - the government employees lots of people - those people pay union dues, in some cases it's required to have a job - unions have PAC's - those PAC's almost always support Democrats. No hypocrisy there. :rolleyes:
In my view, this is what should be taught in schools:

Math (in all its forms, although calculus sucks)
Home economics
Wood shop
Metal shop
Auto shop
I can't help but notice that science is missing from your list. I know that certain brain trains do tend to travel in the wrong direction where the subject is concerned, but not all forms of science are debatable.

God bless you always!!!

What's your beef? This isn't a religious sign.

It's a good idea to keep schools religiously neutral. There are many religions in this world. Religious thought varies widely, and maintaining religious neutrality means that there is one less issue to bicker about. Moreover, parents are not with their children while they are in school and there is the danger that a child will hear one thing at home and another at school and become confused. And there have been some teachers who have attempted to proselytize their students.

The same people who contend that it's the parents who should instruct their children about sex don't seem to think that it's the parents who should be instructing their children on religious matters according to the family's faith.

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