This Lying RNC Idiot POS Is Responsible For Citizen's United... And He's Not Sorry

"Yep, you commiecrats sure hate the bill of rights, sucks to be you doesn't it?"

What does the bill of rights have to do with our congressmen and senators being forced to come up with 18,000 a week in donations to compete with the no spending limit and non disclosure pacs?

What in my OP made you think I'm a communist? It would be funny but I really think you are crazy enough to believe it. Please explain.
Lol he knows he can't.

I see you're as clueless as your comrade.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
It sure appears to me that few if any of the Progressives here understand...or care for that matter, about what the Citizens United decision did.

Some erroneously actually believe that it established a corporation as a person with rights. The FACT is that was done with two confirming decisions over 100 years ago.

The Citizens United decision merely ruled as UNCONSTITUTIONAL several parts of the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law.

What is most amusing about this is that it was Sen. Barack Hussein Obama who first violated the campaign finance laws by LEGALLY dodging them. After having campaigned FOR campaign finance reform. Sen. Obama, at the last minute, announced he was NOT going to take part in limits put in place for candidates to meet the requirements for matching government funds.

Sen. McCain complied with the law and was limited and spent about $370 MILLION. Sen. Obama, who avoided fundraising and spending limits by not accepting matching funds. Sen. Obama was then able to raise and spend about $760 MILLION in his first effort to buy the Oval Office.
Lol he knows he can't.

I see you're as clueless as your comrade.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.
I see you're as clueless as your comrade.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?
No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
Last edited:
The American people are ultimately responsible for who gets elected – not corporate money, not PACS, not Citizens United.

And the American people have only themselves to blame for the bad government they get.

Do you really think the average American voter knows and would approve of his congressman or senator spending 30 hours a week on the phone begging for contributions?

Really? They are told they must come up with 18,000 dollars a week in donations by the DNC and RNC. And you have nothing to say but that you blame the American voter? Really?
The American voter has the responsibility to know the issues, to research and learn the facts of the issues himself, and to vote based on the facts concerning the issues, not based on some political attack ad created by a PAC.

And if the voters are too lazy, or stupid, or too apathetic to put the effort into learning the facts concerning the issues and to vote intelligently, then again, the voters have only themselves to blame.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to ‘protect’ voters from dishonest, misleading political advocacy groups and politicians.

The Citizens United Court made the correct decision, government has no authority to dictate to citizens how and when they may engage in political speech – even when that speech is partisan, dishonest, and misleading.

The problem isn’t too much money in politics, the problem too little voter involvement.
I see you're as clueless as your comrade.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.

He doesn't have sources, all he has is regressive talking points.
Do you just blindly follow republicans no matter what they say or do?

No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
How do you not even know what this ruling is? It allows unlimited donations to Super PACs that work to promote the campaigns they support.

"In its Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the court opened the campaign spending floodgates. The justices' ruling said political spending is protected under the First Amendment, meaning corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, as long as it was done independently of a party or candidate."

How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years
The American people are ultimately responsible for who gets elected – not corporate money, not PACS, not Citizens United.

And the American people have only themselves to blame for the bad government they get.

Do you really think the average American voter knows and would approve of his congressman or senator spending 30 hours a week on the phone begging for contributions?

Really? They are told they must come up with 18,000 dollars a week in donations by the DNC and RNC. And you have nothing to say but that you blame the American voter? Really?
The American voter has the responsibility to know the issues, to research and learn the facts of the issues himself, and to vote based on the facts concerning the issues, not based on some political attack ad created by a PAC.

And if the voters are too lazy, or stupid, or too apathetic to put the effort into learning the facts concerning the issues and to vote intelligently, then again, the voters have only themselves to blame.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to ‘protect’ voters from dishonest, misleading political advocacy groups and politicians.

The Citizens United Court made the correct decision, government has no authority to dictate to citizens how and when they may engage in political speech – even when that speech is partisan, dishonest, and misleading.

The problem isn’t too much money in politics, the problem too little voter involvement.

It appears you do not understand the intent of the court's ruling in Citizen's United v The Federal Election Committee.

The court attempted to separate the obvious huge donations a super pac could aim at an election. They attempted to make it clear that these super pacs could not be directly associated with any candidate directly. In effect it does not work that way. These super pacs are run by people directly linked to individual candidates. In short the super pacs ignore the intent of the ruling and do an end run around the ruling by packing the managers of the super pacs with personnel closely associated with individual candidates.

You give the voting public too much credit. Obviously you do not understand the dynamics of advertising either.

Advertising works. The guy with the biggest megaphone gets his message heard and the guy armed only with the truth on a small budget gets shouted over. The aisles of any big grocery store will confirm that what you see on television is what is stocked on the shelves and what sells regardless of the content of the products.

You can say that the average American is stupid for allowing his or her buying habits to be manipulated like they are. Their voting habits are not that different from what they purchase to eat.
No, but evidently you buy into commiecrat talking points no matter how inaccurate they are.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?

It has no bearing on the topic at hand, which is the effect of Citizens United. But since you brought it up, who comprises this "network"?

From your link:
My bold

Freedom Partners' twice-as-large 2016 budget was included in a Monday briefing that Freedom Partners officials offered a record 450 allies and donors who huddled for a weekend in Palm Springs, California.

So it's not just Kochs providing the funds as you imply. Typical lying regressive.
No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
How do you not even know what this ruling is? It allows unlimited donations to Super PACs that work to promote the campaigns they support.

"In its Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the court opened the campaign spending floodgates. The justices' ruling said political spending is protected under the First Amendment, meaning corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, as long as it was done independently of a party or candidate."

How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years

Which has nothing whatsoever to do with voters taking responsibility for their votes.

That corporations and unions may spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities in no way mitigates the responsibility of voters to research and learn the facts for themselves concerning the issues and candidates.

If a given voter is going to be such an ignorant, lazy, clueless dullard as to believe the lies propagated by a PAC’s attack ad and vote based on those lies, the fault rests solely with the voter, not the PAC that produced the ad, and not the Citizens United decision.
No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
How do you not even know what this ruling is? It allows unlimited donations to Super PACs that work to promote the campaigns they support.

"In its Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the court opened the campaign spending floodgates. The justices' ruling said political spending is protected under the First Amendment, meaning corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, as long as it was done independently of a party or candidate."

How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years

All this BS, just point out what finance law was changed. Be specific.
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?

It has no bearing on the topic at hand, which is the effect of Citizens United. But since you brought it up, who comprises this "network"?

From your link:
My bold

Freedom Partners' twice-as-large 2016 budget was included in a Monday briefing that Freedom Partners officials offered a record 450 allies and donors who huddled for a weekend in Palm Springs, California.

So it's not just Kochs providing the funds as you imply. Typical lying regressive.
Lol of course it is the effect of Citizens United. Can you not read? God you republicans are
He gave you specific facts. If you call that "talking points" then God help you. Obviously you watch too much Fox News

No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?

It has no bearing on the topic at hand, which is the effect of Citizens United. But since you brought it up, who comprises this "network"?

From your link:
My bold

Freedom Partners' twice-as-large 2016 budget was included in a Monday briefing that Freedom Partners officials offered a record 450 allies and donors who huddled for a weekend in Palm Springs, California.

So it's not just Kochs providing the funds as you imply. Typical lying regressive.
Lol these are groups who support and are owned by the Koch Brothers. A sum that represents their own interests.

And yeah, this is obviously an effect of the ruling you Mook. This ruling allows any INDIVIDUAL to give as much as they want to a Super PAC. Before that was just $2,700 per person.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
How do you not even know what this ruling is? It allows unlimited donations to Super PACs that work to promote the campaigns they support.

"In its Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the court opened the campaign spending floodgates. The justices' ruling said political spending is protected under the First Amendment, meaning corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, as long as it was done independently of a party or candidate."

How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years

Which has nothing whatsoever to do with voters taking responsibility for their votes.

That corporations and unions may spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities in no way mitigates the responsibility of voters to research and learn the facts for themselves concerning the issues and candidates.

If a given voter is going to be such an ignorant, lazy, clueless dullard as to believe the lies propagated by a PAC’s attack ad and vote based on those lies, the fault rests solely with the voter, not the PAC that produced the ad, and not the Citizens United decision.

OH SHIT! I think hell just froze over, I actually agree.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

Show me the finance laws that were changed by Citizens United. Hint, there were none. If there's a reason for larger expenditures, it was because citizens were allowed to fully participate in the process and not cut off at arbitrary times by an unconstitutional law which suppressed their speech.
What? Do you not understand the concept of Super PACs?

STFU until you show me the finance law Citizens United changed. Super PACs were allowed before McCain/Feingold, and after and still are. If you disagree, it's time to provide proof.
How do you not even know what this ruling is? It allows unlimited donations to Super PACs that work to promote the campaigns they support.

"In its Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the court opened the campaign spending floodgates. The justices' ruling said political spending is protected under the First Amendment, meaning corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, as long as it was done independently of a party or candidate."

How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years

All this BS, just point out what finance law was changed. Be specific.
Unlimited donations to a political cause was changed you assclown. How else can this be spelled out to you? Just admit I am right and move on.
No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?

It has no bearing on the topic at hand, which is the effect of Citizens United. But since you brought it up, who comprises this "network"?

From your link:
My bold

Freedom Partners' twice-as-large 2016 budget was included in a Monday briefing that Freedom Partners officials offered a record 450 allies and donors who huddled for a weekend in Palm Springs, California.

So it's not just Kochs providing the funds as you imply. Typical lying regressive.
Lol of course it is the effect of Citizens United. Can you not read? God you republicans are
No he used talking points, that facts are Citizens United had ZERO effect on political finance laws. The only thing it did was remove the congressional gag order on independent groups political speech, 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election. You look totally foolish to claim otherwise.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Koch Brothers gave almost a billion to the 2016 GOP campaign. That's all of the funding of the 2012 funding for the GOP in TOTAL. That's what Citizens United brought us. Money trumping the will of the people. I mean thank god they were idiots and gave it to the wrong campaigns but we might not be so lucky next time.

PLEASE show us your reliable, along with the link to your allegation that the KOCH BROTHERS GAVE ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS to the 2016 campaign.

Thus far, I don't believe they have not contributed a dime for 2016.

If you meant 2012, as I said above, please show us your source.
Koch Brothers' network will drop almost $1 billion on 2016 election

How do you people miss this stuff?

It has no bearing on the topic at hand, which is the effect of Citizens United. But since you brought it up, who comprises this "network"?

From your link:
My bold

Freedom Partners' twice-as-large 2016 budget was included in a Monday briefing that Freedom Partners officials offered a record 450 allies and donors who huddled for a weekend in Palm Springs, California.

So it's not just Kochs providing the funds as you imply. Typical lying regressive.
Lol these are groups who support and are owned by the Koch Brothers. A sum that represents their own interests.

And yeah, this is obviously an effect of the ruling you Mook. This ruling allows any INDIVIDUAL to give as much as they want to a Super PAC. Before that was just $2,700 per person.

Link? It's $2,700 for a candidate, not a PAC, never has been.
The American people are ultimately responsible for who gets elected – not corporate money, not PACS, not Citizens United.

And the American people have only themselves to blame for the bad government they get.

Do you really think the average American voter knows and would approve of his congressman or senator spending 30 hours a week on the phone begging for contributions?

Really? They are told they must come up with 18,000 dollars a week in donations by the DNC and RNC. And you have nothing to say but that you blame the American voter? Really?
The American voter has the responsibility to know the issues, to research and learn the facts of the issues himself, and to vote based on the facts concerning the issues, not based on some political attack ad created by a PAC.

And if the voters are too lazy, or stupid, or too apathetic to put the effort into learning the facts concerning the issues and to vote intelligently, then again, the voters have only themselves to blame.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to ‘protect’ voters from dishonest, misleading political advocacy groups and politicians.

The Citizens United Court made the correct decision, government has no authority to dictate to citizens how and when they may engage in political speech – even when that speech is partisan, dishonest, and misleading.

The problem isn’t too much money in politics, the problem too little voter involvement.

It appears you do not understand the intent of the court's ruling in Citizen's United v The Federal Election Committee.

The court attempted to separate the obvious huge donations a super pac could aim at an election. They attempted to make it clear that these super pacs could not be directly associated with any candidate directly. In effect it does not work that way. These super pacs are run by people directly linked to individual candidates. In short the super pacs ignore the intent of the ruling and do an end run around the ruling by packing the managers of the super pacs with personnel closely associated with individual candidates.

You give the voting public too much credit. Obviously you do not understand the dynamics of advertising either.

Advertising works. The guy with the biggest megaphone gets his message heard and the guy armed only with the truth on a small budget gets shouted over. The aisles of any big grocery store will confirm that what you see on television is what is stocked on the shelves and what sells regardless of the content of the products.

You can say that the average American is stupid for allowing his or her buying habits to be manipulated like they are. Their voting habits are not that different from what they purchase to eat.

The intent of the Citizens United court was to place appropriate and warranted limits on government’s authority to control and restrict political speech.

It was neither the responsibility nor role of the Supreme Court to ‘solve’ the problem of the undue influence money has in the political process; and the Citizens United majority clearly acknowledged that problem – but violating the First Amendment is not the ‘solution.’

It is the responsibility of voters to address the problem of the undue influence money has in the political process consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence.

Indeed, there is no disagreement that there is a problem, the disagreement concerns the ‘solution’ to the problem advocated by some.

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