This Is Why The United States Cannot Simply Return Those In The Country Illegally to Their Country of Origin


This is what happens when you elect a buffoon no one respects.
Funny, I was laid off in July and didn't find a new job until October.

Guy, quit trying to pretend 2020 was a good year. It wasn't. It erased all the economic gains of the previous three years.

The economy was a net GDP loss of -2.2% for 2020. Do some research.
You quit trying to tell people the Biden shitty economy's doing great.
No, actually, we really do need them, because baby boomers are retiring at a faster rate than Gen Z are replacing them. This is where you get confused.
I am never confused. I know what bathroom to use. I am not a leftist.
Probably more than Republicans care about the poor dumb white trash they exploit the fears of to make Plutocracy happen.
Nobody wants a plutocracy. You can take that off the list of the million things you've been told to be afraid of.
You were paid for those 20 years when you did them. Why should you get anything extra.
That's the contract I had with the government. You don't like it? Ask Democrats to shit on veterans yet again.
If your concern is that the government is broke, that would be a good place to cut. (you know, instead of sensibly making the rich pay their fair share.)
The rich do pay their fair share...and yours too.
Actually not so much. In fact, you never heard much about the asylum system before 2016. Why do you think that is.
Because Democrats hadn't started using it as a means of importing new voters.
because after Trump got in, Stephen Miller dismantled much of the administrative structure to quickly and efficiently process aslyum and immigration cases.
You want asylees here, YOU pay for them.
Again, guy, I know this is what they tell you on hate radio.
I listen to classic rock on the radio. I don't do teevee news, podcasts, or any of that stuff. I don't need my opinions handed to me. I am not a leftist.
Except the harm was done by Trump and Miller wrecking the process. The government actually agreed that my wife had a good claim. (She had been arrested in China for going to a non-approved church) But seven years later, her case was still open.

It gets better. When we switched to the sponsorship for a relative, we requested to withdraw her asylum claim. They finally closed that case out - A year after were were married, and sending the notice to her old address under her old name.
Government bureaucracy. And you want it to run every facet of our lives.

Rational people aren't interested.
Except Clinton and Obama worked with Mexico to return their own citizens.

Trump's problem is that most of them arent from Mexico and he's just going to piss those other countries off.

This is what happens when you elect a buffoon no one respects.
Skippy, not earning the respect of idiots like you is not the disincentive you believe it is.
You quit trying to tell people the Biden shitty economy's doing great.

4.2% unemployment, record stock market, inflation under 3%.

Biden did a great job given the pile of shit Trump left him.

I'm sure the Next Guy is going to get a whole new pile of shit from Trump, assuming we even have a country left.

Nobody wants a plutocracy. You can take that off the list of the million things you've been told to be afraid of.

You just voted to place a Billionare above the law. If that isn't plutocracy, I'm not sure what is.

You want asylees here, YOU pay for them.

Your concession is duly noted.

Here's the thing. Undocumented immigrants are keeping the economy afloat.
4.2% unemployment, record stock market, inflation under 3%.

Biden did a great job given the pile of shit Trump left him.

I'm sure the Next Guy is going to get a whole new pile of shit from Trump, assuming we even have a country left.
:auiqs.jpg: If Democrats didn't have fear-mongering, you couldn't say anything at all.
You just voted to place a Billionare above the law. If that isn't plutocracy, I'm not sure what is.
More fear-mongering. Billionaires! Booga booga!

But you really shouldn't say Trump's above the law. He's not a Democrat.
Your concession is duly noted.
No, that was the voices in your head again. They're unreliable.
Here's the thing. Undocumented immigrants are keeping the economy afloat.
No, they're not. Reality doesn't support your claim. You know, just like every other claim you make.

From the link I posted in #131:

In Monday’s social media post, DOGE referenced a Federation for American Immigration Reform study from March of 2023 that showed illegal immigration cost the federal government roughly $151 billion. The study determined the cost of illegal immigration by subtracting $32 billion in tax revenue collected from illegal immigrants from a total of $182 billion in the “gross negative impact of illegal immigration.”

Illegal immigration is a drain on the US.
Funny, I was laid off in July and didn't find a new job until October.

Guy, quit trying to pretend 2020 was a good year. It wasn't. It erased all the economic gains of the previous three years.

The economy was a net GDP loss of -2.2% for 2020. Do some research.
:puhleeze:Fool...I didn't say it was good year. I said it was a good HALF year (quarters 3 & 4). If you clicked the link I provided, you might have known that.

And the bad first half of the year (Quarters 1 & 2) was caused by Democrats

He who laughs last, laugh best. :biggrin:
4.2% unemployment, record stock market, inflation under 3%.

Biden did a great job given the pile of shit Trump left him.

I'm sure the Next Guy is going to get a whole new pile of shit from Trump, assuming we even have a country left.

You just voted to place a Billionare above the law. If that isn't plutocracy, I'm not sure what is.

Your concession is duly noted.

Here's the thing. Undocumented immigrants are keeping the economy afloat.
Totally brainwashed leftist idiot,

As I already schooled you, with the facts link in Post # 133, Trump gave a very GOOD economy to Biden, which after some period of riding Trump's coattails, eventually the floor caved in, an Biden went into the train wreck economy of repeated recessions, below zero GDPs, and the worst inflation (100-200%) anyone has ever seen, and prices are still going up right now, as you just admitted ("inflation under 3%").

And instead of illegal aliens keeping the economy afloat, >>>
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($200 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
More fear-mongering. Billionaires! Booga booga!

But you really shouldn't say Trump's above the law. He's not a Democrat.

In Monday’s social media post, DOGE referenced a Federation for American Immigration Reform study from March of 2023 that showed illegal immigration cost the federal government roughly $151 billion. The study determined the cost of illegal immigration by subtracting $32 billion in tax revenue collected from illegal immigrants from a total of $182 billion in the “gross negative impact of illegal immigration.”

First, I don't believe anything DOGE says.

Secondly, you leave out the value of the labor produced by undocumented immigrants.

1. Agriculture​

Undocumented workers make up 25% of all farm workers in the US. The majority of these workers are overworked and put in at least 10 hours of work per day in arduous conditions to feed American families.

2. Building, grounds-keeping, and maintenance​

Undocumented workers make up 19% of maintenance workers. These laborers tend to work on low wages for 12-hr shifts, often 7 days a week.

3. Construction​

17% of US construction workers are undocumented

4. Food preparation & serving​

12% of workers in this occupation are undocumented

5. Taxes​

Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in taxes annually. Households headed by unauthorized immigrants paid $10.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010. This includes $1.2 billion in personal income taxes, $1.2 billion in property taxes, and more than $8 billion in sales and excise taxes. Immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot even receive.
What is the correlation between the bolded sections above - illegal aliens keeping the economy afloat and loss of jobs (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
When we talk about "the economy", we generally talk about GDP and business sales profits, but for most Americans, in their personal lives, THEIR "economy" is their JOB,
First, I don't believe anything DOGE says.

Secondly, you leave out the value of the labor produced by undocumented immigrants.

1. Agriculture​

Undocumented workers make up 25% of all farm workers in the US. The majority of these workers are overworked and put in at least 10 hours of work per day in arduous conditions to feed American families.

2. Building, grounds-keeping, and maintenance​

Undocumented workers make up 19% of maintenance workers. These laborers tend to work on low wages for 12-hr shifts, often 7 days a week.

3. Construction​

17% of US construction workers are undocumented

4. Food preparation & serving​

12% of workers in this occupation are undocumented

5. Taxes​

Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in taxes annually. Households headed by unauthorized immigrants paid $10.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010. This includes $1.2 billion in personal income taxes, $1.2 billion in property taxes, and more than $8 billion in sales and excise taxes. Immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot even receive.
You seem to think we owe illegals something. All we owe them is a free ride back to their home countries.

But I guarantee, if illegals supported Republicans, you'd be screeching to deport them.
First, I don't believe anything DOGE says.

Secondly, you leave out the value of the labor produced by undocumented immigrants.

1. Agriculture​

Undocumented workers make up 25% of all farm workers in the US. The majority of these workers are overworked and put in at least 10 hours of work per day in arduous conditions to feed American families.

2. Building, grounds-keeping, and maintenance​

Undocumented workers make up 19% of maintenance workers. These laborers tend to work on low wages for 12-hr shifts, often 7 days a week.

3. Construction​

17% of US construction workers are undocumented

4. Food preparation & serving​

12% of workers in this occupation are undocumented

5. Taxes​

Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in taxes annually. Households headed by unauthorized immigrants paid $10.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010. This includes $1.2 billion in personal income taxes, $1.2 billion in property taxes, and more than $8 billion in sales and excise taxes. Immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot even receive.
The labor produced by illegal aliens is a LOSS to America, not a "value".

1. With $200+Billion/year being sent out of the country to illegals' home countries, all that money (a TRILLION $$$$$ over 5 years) is money that is LOST from the US economy. Would have been spent in US stores (aka "the economy"), if Americans ha been working in those jobs.

2. So what if illegal aliens have been working in the occupations you listed ? If they were not here, all the occupations you listed, would have had Americans working in them.

3. Taxes from illegal aliens represent another LOSS to the USA (due to off books work + lower wages paid). If Americans were in those jobs, far more $$$$$ would be going into US revenue.

4. The ability of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, to receive welfare benefits on behalf of U.S.-born citizen children, is a key reason why restrictions on welfare use for new legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, are relatively ineffective.
  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households. The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).
The anchor baby racket is still alive & well. And made much stronger by Biden, after he started allowing pregnant migrants to FLY into the US.
Right, the rich are doing well, so, fuck the poor.
Too many of them voted for Trump. Or don't vote. I'm not the one fucking them. They fucked themselves.

So yea, fuck the poor. We had an election. Trickle down, I don't agree with. I don't like. I like unions. I know they are important. Unfortunately, half of union members don't know the value of their unions. They voted for Trump. This is CRITICAL to the middle class. But guess what? Fuck em! They did it to themselves.

I've been fighting and arguing for liberals for at least 35 years. We've lost. Now you need to figure out how to survive their rule. Their way produces a small rich class, a small merchant class and the masses, known as the rabble, will be working poor. Until they realize they've been duped and insist on a president who is pro union and social security/medicare.

Right now, social programs and government is about to be cut. So it's every man for himself. I'm grateful I have enough money to survive it. I've saved enough I'll be able to retire at 62 or 65. I might die or go bankrupt if an insurance company is allowed to deny me coverage because of a pre existing condition, but whatever. Nothing I can do about that.

I might have to endure 20% cuts to social security and way more out of pocket for healthcare. But my nephews voted for Trump so I no longer worry about leaving them anything. Plus they both have great college degrees and parents who have $12million dollars right now. So besides what they make in their careers, they should both be millionaires when their last parent dies. And they had them old so they'll be 65 when my brother and sister in law are 95. I doubt they'll live that long. So those two fuckers will be millionaires right when most people want to retire but can't because they can't afford to. They have to wait till 62, 65, 67, Republicans want to make it 70.
You seem to think we owe illegals something. All we owe them is a free ride back to their home countries.

But I guarantee, if illegals supported Republicans, you'd be screeching to deport them.

They don't support anyone because they can't vote.

And we saw from this last election that a lot of Hispanics did support Trump, which is like Jews supporting Hitler. (But then again, there were Jews who supported Hitler. I'm sure they felt pretty dumb when they got thrown into the ovens.)
The labor produced by illegal aliens is a LOSS to America, not a "value".

1. With $200+Billion/year being sent out of the country to illegals' home countries, all that money (a TRILLION $$$$$ over 5 years) is money that is LOST from the US economy. Would have been spent in US stores (aka "the economy"), if Americans ha been working in those jobs.

200 Billion in a 26 Trillion dollar economy isn't that much. Also, your number is wrong, it's closer to 81 Billion. And that includes LEGAL immigrants sending money home to mom.

2. So what if illegal aliens have been working in the occupations you listed ? If they were not here, all the occupations you listed, would have had Americans working in them.

Except that they don't. We have 7 million jobs, mostly low skill, unfilled in this country even WITH illegal immigrants. Americans just don't want to do those jobs.

3. Taxes from illegal aliens represent another LOSS to the USA (due to off books work + lower wages paid). If Americans were in those jobs, far more $$$$$ would be going into US revenue.

That sounds like a good reason to get them on the books, but to the point, they still have to pay sales taxes, if they are using a fake ID, then they are paying for Social Security and Medicare they will never receive, etc.

4. The ability of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, to receive welfare benefits on behalf of U.S.-born citizen children, is a key reason why restrictions on welfare use for new legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, are relatively ineffective.
  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households. The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).
The anchor baby racket is still alive & well. And made much stronger by Biden, after he started allowing pregnant migrants to FLY into the US.

Children born here are US citizens. Deal with it.
Too many of them voted for Trump. Or don't vote. I'm not the one fucking them. They fucked themselves.

So yea, fuck the poor. We had an election. Trickle down, I don't agree with. I don't like. I like unions. I know they are important. Unfortunately, half of union members don't know the value of their unions. They voted for Trump. This is CRITICAL to the middle class. But guess what? Fuck em! They did it to themselves.

I've been fighting and arguing for liberals for at least 35 years. We've lost. Now you need to figure out how to survive their rule. Their way produces a small rich class, a small merchant class and the masses, known as the rabble, will be working poor. Until they realize they've been duped and insist on a president who is pro union and social security/medicare.

Right now, social programs and government is about to be cut. So it's every man for himself. I'm grateful I have enough money to survive it. I've saved enough I'll be able to retire at 62 or 65. I might die or go bankrupt if an insurance company is allowed to deny me coverage because of a pre existing condition, but whatever. Nothing I can do about that.

I might have to endure 20% cuts to social security and way more out of pocket for healthcare. But my nephews voted for Trump so I no longer worry about leaving them anything. Plus they both have great college degrees and parents who have $12million dollars right now. So besides what they make in their careers, they should both be millionaires when their last parent dies. And they had them old so they'll be 65 when my brother and sister in law are 95. I doubt they'll live that long. So those two fuckers will be millionaires right when most people want to retire but can't because they can't afford to. They have to wait till 62, 65, 67, Republicans want to make it 70.
Trump was president for 4 years. Did you see Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid cut ? So what gives you the idea they will be ? Leftwing propaganda ?
Trump was president for 4 years. Did you see Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid cut ? So what gives you the idea they will be ? Leftwing propaganda ?
Project 2025.

The things you and Elon and Vivek and Dr. Oz have said about these social programs. You all certainly don't like them.

I'm not playing politics. That would have been before the elections. Now I'm telling you it's coming. You say it's not. I'll let you know when it happens and you'll defend it. Or blame Democrats. Watch.
Project 2025.

The things you and Elon and Vivek and Dr. Oz have said about these social programs. You all certainly don't like them.

I'm not playing politics. That would have been before the elections. Now I'm telling you it's coming. You say it's not. I'll let you know when it happens and you'll defend it. Or blame Democrats. Watch.
Project 2025 is not connected with Trump. That is left propaganda. If you have something to SHOW that somebody is proposing to cut Social Security, or even talking about that, post a link here/now.

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