THIS is why Pelosi OWNS the shutdown now

Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a “nonstarter”

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ‘NON-STARTER’ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.
It is Trumps Shutdown.......why should Pelosi rescue him?
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
No just Dem's who have sided with illegals who keep killing Americans and blocking attempts to secure our border and deport their asses.
Dreamers are killing Americans? Those seeking asylum are killing Americans. ?

Dreamers are ILLEGALS who live with their drug trafficking criminal parents.
Future Americans
Wrongo,Lefto. Obama created the problem when he ILLEGALLY usurped power and thought he had the authority to protect these illegals from deportation. Try again.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

If you are going to use your Obama card, make sure you get the facts straight first.


Anything else makes you look ridiculous.
That has nothing to do with what I said. Try getting an adult to read it to you slowly next time. Mmk?

uh... it's a non starter 'cause it has zero substance. you can thank your snake oil salesman for duping you again.

note the date:

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program
  • A U.S. appeals court in California ruled that President Donald Trump's administration must continue DACA, a program that protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
  • The ruling represented another legal defeat for Trump over DACA.
  • DACA offers protections to roughly 700,000 young adults, mostly Hispanics, who entered the country as children.
Published 2:20 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018 Updated 3:17 PM ET Thu, 8 Nov 2018

US appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program

How shocking the leftists favorite kangaroo court who has been struck down more times than not ruled against the President's will get to SC eventually OR we can just keep the government shut down...this is hurting NO ONE but you big government leftists! We normal sane folks don't even see any difference in the government being shut down! It can stay that way forever for all I care!
How shocking the leftists favorite kangaroo court who has been struck down more times than not ruled against the President's will get to SC eventually OR we can just keep the government shut down...this is hurting NO ONE but you big government leftists!


Supreme Court Doesn’t Act on Trump’s Appeal in ‘Dreamers’ Case

SCOTUS just gave the dreamers another year.
Looks like Trump needs to offer something else.

Trump doesn't want to kick the Dreamers out of the country - he offered a plan to given them more time. So the SCOTUS inaction actually helps him.

You really are delusional. The SCOTUS decision does not help as he cannot hold them hostage.

You sad little booby. He doesn't have to do anything right now. SCOTUS gave the Dreamers another year and now Trump's hand is not forced to do something about them.
Pelosi bought the blame for the shutdown from Trump when she refused to even consider his offers on DACA etc. in exchange for border security funding.

She has proven that she hates Trump more than she cares about the furloughed workers, DACA kids, and anyone else who is affected by the shutdown. And in doing so, she has also given Normal Americans who pay for our bloated government a longer demonstration of how little we actually benefit from the "non-essential" services.
Trumps offer was a fucking insult to Pelosi and all decent people in this country and more red meat thrown to the moronic minions who are his base!

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz

Only a demented moonbat doesn't grok that Pelosi has shot herself in the foot.
Democrats have roundly rejected the proposal, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling any wall funding a “nonstarter”

NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Border Wall Funding a ‘NON-STARTER’ for Democrats | Sean Hannity

She REFUSES to negotiate so the shutdown will continue until 2020 and we throw the leftists out of office OR she finally gives in. Plain and simple.

She wants protections for the DACA invaders,we want a wall...BOTH of those are set in stone and there is no way around them plain and simple! She can either negotiate or just allow the shutdown to go until November 2020.

This is still Trump's shutdown. There is no negotiation. on stopping the hostage taking. Voters want the government re-opened with no pre-conditions. Then if they want to talk about trading money for a wall for DACA then they can discuss it.

If the shutdown goes until 2020, it will be a landslide for Democrats.

LMAO! 1.There is negotiation President Trump has offered,leftists refuse to even negotiate therefore its on THEM now.
2. Voters that were polled AKA elitists on the coasts and in the big cities want it reopened and WE the true American's don't give a shit what you want,WE elected President Trump to build a wall NO MATTER what it takes or costs.
3. Leftists NEVER honor their promises,and LIE about things that are promised just like with Obamacare and you can keep your doctor
4. You keep dreaming that its gonna be a landslide for the leftists in 2020 since THEY refuse to negotiate in good faith,President Trump IS negotiating this keeps going and it starts to hit the food stamp folks then President Trump can step in and save them with a declaration of an emergency and build the wall and reopen the government....gotta make people shift their dependency from the leftists to the President. :)
1 vote per citizen is a matter of fact, Blues. And everyone matters.

Clearly traitors in California don't matter, we elected Trump president without them.
Are you calling the whole state of California "traitorous"?

Is this an adult forum for discussion of politics or is it more like an elementary school playground where children passing as adults have what amounts to as verbal spaz attacks?
No just Dem's who have sided with illegals who keep killing Americans and blocking attempts to secure our border and deport their asses.
Dreamers are killing Americans? Those seeking asylum are killing Americans. ?

Dreamers are ILLEGALS who live with their drug trafficking criminal parents.
They were children when they came here with no choice of their own. This is the only country that they know. I can think of no reason other than pure, shameless bigotry for wanting them gone.

Now tell us more about what you think you know about the parents and how you know it,
They were children when they came here with no choice of their own. This is the only country that they know. I can think of no reason other than pure, shameless bigotry for wanting them gone.
Then, do something to make sure MORE of them don't get created by having a wide-open border.

A wall in certain high-traffic areas is the best option. If you want more than that, fine. Tell Nancy to start negotiating.
She and Schumer will when he makes a reasonable offer that is not an insult to the Democrats , The dreamers, and all decent people of this country. His offer was a fucking bad joke without a punchline.
So, they are demanding that Trump bid against himself?

How is that helpful?

How the fuck do we even know what these idiots want?

You're not making a who lot of sense here Bubba. Bis against himself? Make a reasonable, good faith offer!
They were children when they came here with no choice of their own. This is the only country that they know. I can think of no reason other than pure, shameless bigotry for wanting them gone.
Then, do something to make sure MORE of them don't get created by having a wide-open border.

A wall in certain high-traffic areas is the best option. If you want more than that, fine. Tell Nancy to start negotiating.
No one wants a wide open border! That is just dishonest hyperbole . The Dems are willing to fund border security that works.

Migrants are tunneling under
existing walls. They will tunnel under any new wall as well. The answer is technology and personnel
They were children when they came here with no choice of their own. This is the only country that they know. I can think of no reason other than pure, shameless bigotry for wanting them gone.
Then, do something to make sure MORE of them don't get created by having a wide-open border.

A wall in certain high-traffic areas is the best option. If you want more than that, fine. Tell Nancy to start negotiating.
No one wants a wide open border! That is just dishonest hyperbole . The Dems are willing to fund border security that works.

Migrants are tunneling under
existing walls. They will tunnel under any new wall as well. The answer is technology and personnel

The wall is not mutually exclusive to technology and personnel, bub. We need all three.
No one wants a wide open border! That is just dishonest hyperbole . The Dems are willing to fund border security that works.

Migrants are tunneling under
existing walls. They will tunnel under any new wall as well. The answer is technology and personnel
All of those can be avoided too.

So, just because somebody with a SHIT TON of resources can tunnel under a wall means we should just not build it?

What's the real reason here? You want more illegals and DACAs?

Trumps offer was a fucking insult to Pelosi and all decent people in this country and more red meat thrown to the moronic minions who are his base!
Is she gonna make a counter-offer?

Otherwise, she is walking out. She is refusing to negotiate.

She and Schumer will when he makes a reasonable offer that is not an insult to the Democrats , The dreamers, and all decent people of this country. His offer was a fucking bad joke without a punchline.

There's the rub. For a deal to be good enough to get Dem support, they will lose Republicans. Trump caught shit for just suggesting a DACA extension.
Trumps offer was a fucking insult to Pelosi and all decent people in this country and more red meat thrown to the moronic minions who are his base!
Is she gonna make a counter-offer?

Otherwise, she is walking out. She is refusing to negotiate.

She and Schumer will when he makes a reasonable offer that is not an insult to the Democrats , The dreamers, and all decent people of this country. His offer was a fucking bad joke without a punchline.

There's the rub. For a deal to be good enough to get Dem support, they will lose Republicans. Trump caught shit for just suggesting a DACA extension.

Yup. No way out that I can see. We are fucked

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What is reasonable in your small mind? Letting him fuck the dreamers? Letting him fuck amnesty seekers? What?
The last time when POS Reagan granted amnesty, it was supposed to be the end of all that illegal immigration. They were supposed to secure the border. That did not happen.

I would push for amnesty for DACA kids IF we get SERIOUS border security, WITH A WALL.

If Pelosi didn't like the temporary nature of the DACA proposal, the CORRECT solution is to propose a counter.

She did not because she is using the shutdown as a political tool.

Fine with me.

We don't need a Fed Gov to continue to NOT do its job. We're better off without it.

Shut it down forever.


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