THIS Is Why Energy Independence WAS So Important


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Can you please increase your oil production?" // NO!

OPEC+ Rejects Biden's Call to Pump More Oil

"We have you by the balls again - why would we want to Help you?"

How's that 'surrendering or energy independence' thing going, Joe?

And what is he doing asking the Saudis to pump more oil? I thought all of the Democrat Green Energy Acolytes said they wanted to eliminate all fossil fuel use?!

Oil prices are down. There is plenty of supply.
Then why was Joe down on his knees begging OPEC to pump more oil?


Oil Prices are low.
There is more than enough to go around...
Without our own oil production
We do not need energy independence
All is well....move along

Of course they are going to say "No, we are going to abide by our cartel agreements" but then both the UAE and Saudis will have massive overruns when filling tankers. And since Russia isn't exactly stupid they will do the same thing.

And then South America and Mexico will catch on and begin the exact same thing...

When someone is buying the whole world is selling.
Because he is Joe I suppose. Oil is down a bit more right now. Why would you post hyperbole?
Why must you always lie all the time?

FORBES: Gasoline Prices Remain High And Could Go Higher

NY TIMES: Gas prices are expected to keep climbing through August.

Your loyalty to your dementia-ravaged, CCP/Russian puppet is admirable, but no one believes your lies anymore.

Gasoline is going to stay high because of the ethanol blending.

Ethanol had doubled in price because sugar has gotten expensive. We could use corn to make ethanol but corn has gotten expensive too.

If we want ethanol blending then it's going to be depending on that surplus sugar crop out of India that can't go anywhere because of a lack of shipping containers.
Why must you always lie all the time?

FORBES: Gasoline Prices Remain High And Could Go Higher

NY TIMES: Gas prices are expected to keep climbing through August.

Your loyalty to your dementia-ravaged, CCP/Russian puppet is admirable, but no one believes your lies anymore.

Lie? I looked at the markets and oil prices are down. I didn't post opinion pieces.

It's at 67.31. It was just recently up to $77.

July 31 it was $73.95

July 1 it was $75.23

Prices are down.
It's easier to ask a place like Saudi Arabia to increase production than to ply the American companies off their asses.(rig count has doubled that of last year when Trump ruined the market).
Lie? I looked at the markets and oil prices are down. I didn't post opinion pieces.

It's at 67.31. It was just recently up to $77.

July 31 it was $73.95

July 1 it was $75.23

Prices are down.
I wil ltake Forbes & the NY Times' word over your own, thanks.
Who makes ethanol in the US from sugar?
The bulk of ethanol used is usually made in Brazil...there is an ethanol plant in Kansas but it doesn't have near the production that Brazil does.
Both corn and sugar prices have been up along with Ethanol.

You can look for yourself at various futures prices for yourself. Each commodity has a link showing the year long history of its price.
The US makes much more ethanol than Brazil.
We use more...but Brazil makes more than we do. It is an "American" company...but with their annual mean higher temperatures it's much cheaper to produce there than here.
Between the lack of need of shipping the sugar cane very far or refining the sugar as much for ethanol production... Brazil makes the ethanol. Look at the price action of's stepped like that for a reason.

Meaning that production is controlled...and they aren't able to increase it much.

There are other ethanol plants around other than Kansas in the USA.... others in Michigan, California, Florida, and I'm thinking NJersey. (Drawing a blank on them all)

They are usually placed in agricultural centers so the grain or sugar doesn't have a long way to travel before fermentation.

But by far the CO2 emissions make it difficult for American plants to produce ethanol like Brazil does. (Fewer restrictions)
How much do you feel they make? How much do we make?
I can't remember...I looked at it at one time as it was ancillary information in an article I was reading about my investments in the petroleum industry and my investments in Softs futures....but I play coffee futures instead of sugar and I invest in midstream oil/natural gas instead of retail. (ET) So it wasn't as important to me...

(Investing is all about reading and studying constantly like a's not as glamorous as Gordon Geko would have you believe)

I know that I see a LOT of railcars with ethanol tankers parked outside the gas stations for the tractor trailers to haul it to retail outlets.

So exactly where it locally comes from I have no clue...but I imagine that it's coming up from a port in the gulf. And from my trips to Brazil I've seen that their gasoline has ethanol blending too.
(Hey, why not it's local and usually cheaper)

So...if you can prove my statement feelings won't be hurt and maybe I'll use the information later on down the line. But my source is absolutely unconcerned about politics....just the money. (Which has plenty of other reasons to misrepresent the truth... analysts can absolutely lie for reasons you can imagine)

And since I really don't care about Political games or parties...I care more about accuracy and truth...find it and we both will know.
I can't remember...I looked at it at one time as it was ancillary information in an article I was reading about my investments in the petroleum industry and my investments in Softs futures....but I play coffee futures instead of sugar and I invest in midstream oil/natural gas instead of retail. (ET) So it wasn't as important to me...

(Investing is all about reading and studying constantly like a's not as glamorous as Gordon Geko would have you believe)

I know that I see a LOT of railcars with ethanol tankers parked outside the gas stations for the tractor trailers to haul it to retail outlets.

So exactly where it locally comes from I have no clue...but I imagine that it's coming up from a port in the gulf. And from my trips to Brazil I've seen that their gasoline has ethanol blending too.
(Hey, why not it's local and usually cheaper)

So...if you can prove my statement feelings won't be hurt and maybe I'll use the information later on down the line. But my source is absolutely unconcerned about politics....just the money. (Which has plenty of other reasons to misrepresent the truth... analysts can absolutely lie for reasons you can imagine)

And since I really don't care about Political games or parties...I care more about accuracy and truth...find it and we both will know.



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