This is why capitalism is broken


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

Frontline workers at 13 of the 20 top U.S. retail companies — including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, among others — saw an average pay increase of just $1.11 an hour, or 10%, a new analysis by the Brookings Institution found. At the same time, those companies' profits increased 39% year over year, while their stock prices went up by an average of 33%.

“Compared to the windfall profits we've seen at the very big companies, by and large, their workers have seen very little of that actual profits,” Molly Kinder, a fellow at Brookings and author of the report, told Yahoo Money. “This is on top of wages that are often so low, they’re poverty wages. And these jobs, of course, are terribly risky.”

What’s even more bizarre about this, to me, is that impoverished republican voters are okay with this. Big Business can do no wrong!

Frontline workers at 13 of the 20 top U.S. retail companies — including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, among others — saw an average pay increase of just $1.11 an hour, or 10%, a new analysis by the Brookings Institution found. At the same time, those companies' profits increased 39% year over year, while their stock prices went up by an average of 33%.

“Compared to the windfall profits we've seen at the very big companies, by and large, their workers have seen very little of that actual profits,” Molly Kinder, a fellow at Brookings and author of the report, told Yahoo Money. “This is on top of wages that are often so low, they’re poverty wages. And these jobs, of course, are terribly risky.”

What’s even more bizarre about this, to me, is that impoverished republican voters are okay with this. Big Business can do no wrong!
Hey asshole, all the big corporations backed your guy, Beijing Biden. Dems are locking down businesses, putting them out of business and putting many out of work. But Amazon profits are up ten fold.

So enjoy your new America, where giant multinational corporations make bank and the middle class disappears.
What’s even more bizarre about this, to me, is that impoverished republican voters are okay with this. Big Business can do no wrong!
What a load of shit. Capitalism isn’t broken. Government has shut down half the businesses in this country. All the competition of Amazon is shut down, all thanks to Dems and their scamdemic.

Biden’s new cabinet is already full of corporatists that want to destroy the middle class and import cheap labor.

Frontline workers at 13 of the 20 top U.S. retail companies — including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, among others — saw an average pay increase of just $1.11 an hour, or 10%, a new analysis by the Brookings Institution found. At the same time, those companies' profits increased 39% year over year, while their stock prices went up by an average of 33%.

“Compared to the windfall profits we've seen at the very big companies, by and large, their workers have seen very little of that actual profits,” Molly Kinder, a fellow at Brookings and author of the report, told Yahoo Money. “This is on top of wages that are often so low, they’re poverty wages. And these jobs, of course, are terribly risky.”

What’s even more bizarre about this, to me, is that impoverished republican voters are okay with this. Big Business can do no wrong!

You skipped economics class (a LOT.)

Didn't you.
There isn't a single person in the US (who isn't incarcerated) working a job involuntarily.

If you're working a job for less than you feel you are worth, that makes you a fool.
Well here is some simple logic for you. You ready? It is mathematically impossible for every or even most of these low wage workers to get a better paying job. Why? Because they don’t fucking exist. You do get that right? Higher paying jobs are few and far between.
What’s even more bizarre about this, to me, is that impoverished republican voters are okay with this. Big Business can do no wrong!
What a load of shit. Capitalism isn’t broken. Government has shut down half the businesses in this country. All the competition of Amazon is shut down, all thanks to Dems and their scamdemic.

Biden’s new cabinet is already full of corporatists that want to destroy the middle class and import cheap labor.
Oh so now you’re blaming the government for these corporations having record high profits? Oh gee what a convenient explanation lol. I thought government made high profits hard to attain.
Higher paying jobs are few and far between.

I think if most people in service jobs were to honestly appraise their value to their employer, they would come to the conclusion they are grossly over-paid.


Always remember that corporatism and capitalism are different. Recognizing that distinction is crucial to the survival of capitalism. Once it is recognized, we can start to defend capitalism in America and root out the corporatist elements of our current economic system

An apt, and to the 'point' article Mr B....

There isn't a single person in the US (who isn't incarcerated) working a job involuntarily.

If you're working a job for less than you feel you are worth, that makes you a fool.
Well here is some simple logic for you. You ready? It is mathematically impossible for every or even most of these low wage workers to get a better paying job. Why? Because they don’t fucking exist. You do get that right? Higher paying jobs are few and far between.

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