This is why America has a high murder rate...inner city gangs....

True, and you ain't seen nuthin yet. We're letting in tens of thousands of hard core central and south American gang members to war against domestic, mostly black gangs.
True, and you ain't seen nuthin yet. We're letting in tens of thousands of hard core central and south American gang members to war against domestic, mostly black gangs.
Yup. And the millions that BOBO is giving green cards to who aren't going to kick the shit out of the Black gang-bangers will be taking the 'McJobs' done by Blacks now.
There isn't a single employer in the country who would hire an illiterate young Black man if he could hire an illiterate young Hispanic to do the same job.
The young Black men can't top 'playing' with themselves. They can't keep their pants up like 'big boys' do and can't/will not do what they are told.
A young Hispanic will show up everyday ready to put a day's work in. No back talk. They dress appropriately for the job and keep their mouths shut and their hands off their dicks.
BOBO and his bosses at the DNC saw they couldn't 'go to the well' excepting the Black voter to turn out.
So BOBO and the DNC have decided to make 'new friends' in the Hispanic community' hoping their chances will be better.
This means basically the 'Black Community' is officially fucked........for all time.
When the LIBs turn against them then what?
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!
This arrest of gang members shows why the U.S. has such a high murder rate....of the 8-9,000 gun murders each year, up to 80% are committed by inner city gangs....

Feds bust 38 in RICO case against Los Angeles gang controlled by Mexican Mafia

Well, actually the murder rate in the U.S. is at a low since the early 1990s.
Murder Rate Drops to 33-Year Low
Murder Rate Drops to 33-Year Low - ABC News

But the gang-related murders from LA to Chicago are related to the Sinaloa drug cartel's long reach into the U.S. from Mexico.
Heroin Pushed on Chicago by Cartel Fueling Gang Murders

Heroin Pushed on Chicago by Cartel Fueling Gang Murders - Bloomberg

""""The two Mexican couriers were hauling a tractor-trailer full of cash: $3 million collected for drugs sold on the streets of Chicago. Juan Gonzalez and David Zuniga were driving their rig through Indiana in October 2011, transporting the money to Mexico. As they stopped to fix a flat tire, three members of the Gangster Disciples, Chicago’s biggest street gang, held them up at gunpoint."""
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.
Yeah, what the hell is it with thuggy black guys constantly fondling themselves in public? Like the idiocy of flashing those ridiculous gang handsigns I suppose the fuckin' idiots must think it somehow enhances their street cred.
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.
It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Well inbred shit kicker trailer trash here's a snippet about people picking lice:

when rural Scots lived in the same primitive shelters with their animals, and vermin abounded. A similar lack of concern with cleanliness was found among others in the borderlands of Britain” and among their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic in the antebellum South. For example, a nineteenth-century politician "built up a political machine in the poor white districts of Mississippi" by such practices as this:

He did not resort to any conventional tactics of kissing dirty babies, but he pleased mother sand fathers in log cabins by taking their children upon hi slap and searching for red bugs, lice, and other vermin.

So facts indicate that the largest and fastest growing beneficiaries of welfare are poor, uneducated, conservative whites..I'm not surprised you have the government cock in your mouth.
Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Well inbred shit kicker trailer trash here's a snippet about people picking lice:

when rural Scots lived in the same primitive shelters with their animals, and vermin abounded. A similar lack of concern with cleanliness was found among others in the borderlands of Britain” and among their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic in the antebellum South. For example, a nineteenth-century politician "built up a political machine in the poor white districts of Mississippi" by such practices as this:

He did not resort to any conventional tactics of kissing dirty babies, but he pleased mother sand fathers in log cabins by taking their children upon hi slap and searching for red bugs, lice, and other vermin.

So facts indicate that the largest and fastest growing beneficiaries of welfare are poor, uneducated, conservative whites..I'm not surprised you have the government cock in your mouth.

And a pic of YOU picking lice off yourself ON YOUR PORCH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It won't go away as long as the subversives control masses of the population, keeping them virtually chained to lawlessness, and keep promising them shit, that they haven't delivered on in 50 years!

Oh so go fuck yourself. You never have anything to offer except stupidity, bias and sheer fucking ignorance.

Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!

Yes, your little pictures are doing exaaaaactly what they are supposed to...exactly what I said.
Why thank you! I see my little pictures are doing what they are supposed to do! As per your request many more will be coming!
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Well inbred shit kicker trailer trash here's a snippet about people picking lice:

when rural Scots lived in the same primitive shelters with their animals, and vermin abounded. A similar lack of concern with cleanliness was found among others in the borderlands of Britain” and among their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic in the antebellum South. For example, a nineteenth-century politician "built up a political machine in the poor white districts of Mississippi" by such practices as this:

He did not resort to any conventional tactics of kissing dirty babies, but he pleased mother sand fathers in log cabins by taking their children upon hi slap and searching for red bugs, lice, and other vermin.

So facts indicate that the largest and fastest growing beneficiaries of welfare are poor, uneducated, conservative whites..I'm not surprised you have the government cock in your mouth.

Shit-kicking trailer trash would be a step up in society for Vigilante.
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Well inbred shit kicker trailer trash here's a snippet about people picking lice:

when rural Scots lived in the same primitive shelters with their animals, and vermin abounded. A similar lack of concern with cleanliness was found among others in the borderlands of Britain” and among their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic in the antebellum South. For example, a nineteenth-century politician "built up a political machine in the poor white districts of Mississippi" by such practices as this:

He did not resort to any conventional tactics of kissing dirty babies, but he pleased mother sand fathers in log cabins by taking their children upon hi slap and searching for red bugs, lice, and other vermin.

So facts indicate that the largest and fastest growing beneficiaries of welfare are poor, uneducated, conservative whites..I'm not surprised you have the government cock in your mouth.

And a pic of YOU picking lice off yourself ON YOUR PORCH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


When somebody who already uses nothing but cartoons goes for even bigger cartoons, you've lost. Time to go back in YOUR cage.
Yes spreading ignorance to the ignorant...

Well knuckle dragger, what have the subversives done for you...a bigger welfare check, and more food stamps?

Well inbred shit kicker what have the racists done for you, more poverty, less education and more sucking off the government dick.

So Porch Monkey, you admit that the larger welfare check and Food Stamps are what matters! Have you started picking lice off yourself yet?
Well inbred shit kicker trailer trash here's a snippet about people picking lice:

when rural Scots lived in the same primitive shelters with their animals, and vermin abounded. A similar lack of concern with cleanliness was found among others in the borderlands of Britain” and among their descendants on the other side of the Atlantic in the antebellum South. For example, a nineteenth-century politician "built up a political machine in the poor white districts of Mississippi" by such practices as this:

He did not resort to any conventional tactics of kissing dirty babies, but he pleased mother sand fathers in log cabins by taking their children upon hi slap and searching for red bugs, lice, and other vermin.

So facts indicate that the largest and fastest growing beneficiaries of welfare are poor, uneducated, conservative whites..I'm not surprised you have the government cock in your mouth.

And a pic of YOU picking lice off yourself ON YOUR PORCH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yes, I often clean your brethren before allowing them into the house...
Blacks need to be disarmed............

Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL Guns Blacks and Steel Why Disarming Black America is the Answer to Gun Violence

In NYC.......ready for this.........98% of gun crimes are committed by blacks or Hispanics!!!:ack-1::ack-1:

Articles How Covering up Minority Crime Leads to Gun Control

Ummm...........people need to keep in perspective who some of the board members are in here.........far left Alinsky types who hate their own country and who are miserable with their own country because they are personal fuck they essentially see themselves as black!!

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