Zone1 This is What the Government has done for Whites

Well seeing as only a few racists agree with you, you are beating a dead horse. Racism is a crutch for you.
The dead horse is when whites like you claim that racism is a crutch. You have never faced it, and since you're part of the problem, you project. That "crutch" motivated me to get a college education. That "crutch" has allowed me to be a successful advocate for at risk youth and adults, the homeless, for affordale housing, for people with HIV/AIDS, and various other issues. I'm not some old white blowhard who can't think for himself who repeats racially biased bs, uses racial slurs because he knew a couple of blacks in the military and projected his racial bias on them to claim they would think negatively about another black person standing up against white racism. You're a joke.
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Well seeing as only a few racists agree with you, you are beating a dead horse. Racism is a crutch for you.
The only people who have a problem with me are the racists. I have noticed that quite a few whites here do agree with me.
You also look for it when and where it doesn’t exist. I never claimed it didn’t exist, just not all the time, as you believe. Yes, blacks did blame getting fired for being black. I was there, you weren’t, and this is another example of you making excuses.
No I don't look for racism Molly. That's a ignorant comment. We have people here making racist comments consistently and claim they aren't racists. You see the comments and say nothing then you attack me. If you are not a racist you address the real racists, but you don't. Nobody looks for racism, but this is what cognitive dissonance has whites like you beleving.
No I don't look for racism Molly. That's a ignorant comment. We have people here making racist comments consistently and claim they aren't racists. You see the comments and say nothing then you attack me. If you are not a racist you address the real racists, but you don't. Nobody looks for racism, but this is what cognitive dissonance has whites like you beleving.
I am not racist for not commenting on anything racist being said. A lot of posts that you call racist aren’t. People aren’t as narrow minded and limited on opinions, like you are. Everything is not about race, but you make it so.
What irony. For years whites in this forum have gladly ran their mouths about black favoritidm and all the things the government is supposed to have given only to blacks. Yet when the true record is exposed we see this. Learn the complete history of this nation before you run your mouths. Don't brag about how whites created everything then whine when you are shown the mistakes whites have made. Whites are not perfect and if you believe they are, then you've got issues that you deny.

If white built this country, whites are responsible for both the good and the bad. You can't take credit for all the good, then blame every other race for the bad. Whites in power excluded other races from the opportunity to prosper in this country by written law at every level of government.

Until 1965. Whites had a minumum of 189 years to acquire wealth with little to no competition, yet 57 years later whites like some of you are whining.

History shows that whites from England showed up here around 1607. From 1607 until the Revolutionary war, a span of nearly 170 years whites lived in this continent dependent on the British government. The British government gave white free land to help them start. 170 years of getting handouts.

The record is clear. Whites have benefitted from numerous government programs, there was no rugged individualism, but there was government assistance. I showed you guys just a few things because you guys decided to lecture us on how we should do things and how we should not be dependent on government. But whites aren't where they are today without government help.

That's documented fact and all the hollering and personal attacks you can make does not erase that documentation.
I am not racist for not commenting on anything racist being said. A lot of posts that you call racist aren’t. People aren’t as narrow minded and limited on opinions, like you are. Everything is not about race, but you make it so.
Molly I have lived with racism my entire life. You have lived denying it. When I say something is racist, it's because it more than likely is. We are in the race and racism section Molly, so the conversation WILL be about race.

You really have problems with racial bias Molly. You never say anything to whites and you have agreed with and repeated comments that are pure anti black hate.
Molly I have lived with racism my entire life. You have lived denying it. When I say something is racist, it's because it more than likely is. We are in the race and racism section Molly, so the conversation WILL be about race.

You really have problems with racial bias Molly. You never say anything to whites and you have agreed with and repeated comments that are pure anti black hate.
I have never agreed with anti black hate. I have not denied racism. You, on the other hand, exhibit your anti white racism daily. Virtually all your posts are anti white.
No Joe, I don't see it everywhere. Thats a lie made up by whites like you wheninstances of racism are poijnted out. You havee not faced racism. Overweight and old people practice racism. No one should have to put up with it. Just stop practicing the behavior.
You must see it everywhere, you have said you face racism daily.
What irony. For years whites in this forum have gladly ran their mouths about black favoritidm and all the things the government is supposed to have given only to blacks. Yet when the true record is exposed we see this. Learn the complete history of this nation before you run your mouths. Don't brag about how whites created everything then whine when you are shown the mistakes whites have made. Whites are not perfect and if you believe they are, then you've got issues that you deny.

If white built this country, whites are responsible for both the good and the bad. You can't take credit for all the good, then blame every other race for the bad. Whites in power excluded other races from the opportunity to prosper in this country by written law at every level of government.

Until 1965. Whites had a minumum of 189 years to acquire wealth with little to no competition, yet 57 years later whites like some of you are whining.

History shows that whites from England showed up here around 1607. From 1607 until the Revolutionary war, a span of nearly 170 years whites lived in this continent dependent on the British government. The British government gave white free land to help them start. 170 years of getting handouts.

The record is clear. Whites have benefitted from numerous government programs, there was no rugged individualism, but there was government assistance. I showed you guys just a few things because you guys decided to lecture us on how we should do things and how we should not be dependent on government. But whites aren't where they are today without government help.

That's documented fact and all the hollering and personal attacks you can make does not erase that documentation.
There are zero documented facts showing where whites today were given everything. Whites weren’t the only ones who built this country. There have been posts by blacks insisting that blacks built this country. It’s a melting pot of many races. Whoever produces the bad is to blame for it, not an entire race.
Molly, I'm going to ignore you until you read up on the topics we discuss. Quite frankly, you're ignorant and when you get shown policy, you ignore it and continue arguing baised on your bias. The things I wrote about are documented, if you have a dispute, look them up then come talk.
No Joe, I don't see it everywhere. Thats a lie made up by whites like you wheninstances of racism are poijnted out. You havee not faced racism. Overweight and old people practice racism. No one should have to put up with it. Just stop practicing the behavior.

so when do you want to start the thought police to make sure no one is thinking bad thoughts?

The point is, we are going to have all sorts of discrimination - ageism, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia.

And you lose credibility when you claim EVERYTHING is racism.
LoL! You ACTUALLY think I'm making it up! Amazing!

Uhhh, nope. It was only what I said not the stuff you added. No employee of the month or anything like that. We've all been written up and a few of us have been terminated in full coordinance with company policy. But not the people I told you about. It's almost amusing watching you try to deny what I know is true. I literally watched that guy get fired four times and walk right back in a few weeks later like nothing happened. Even fuckin black lady I work with who I call a friend and speak to outside of work called him out on it and she said it was bullshit. She was also angry that they did that shit in front of her; She is also black and she was concerned that management would think she was in on it. So these mother fuckers are bringing bad juju down upon their own kind. And I totally see it her way. I like that old black woman and she is my favorite person that I ever worked with in that place.

I can't make you believe it. But your response reveals your compulsive denial and racist mentality again. Wanna do it some more?
I've heard this same story from too many whites here. And none of you ever had another white person on the job who did the same stuff. I know that's not true from my own work experience. So just stop lying.
so when do you want to start the thought police to make sure no one is thinking bad thoughts?

The point is, we are going to have all sorts of discrimination - ageism, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia.

And you lose credibility when you claim EVERYTHING is racism.
How about you live facing white racism for 61 years then come tell me how you can't see it.


Because I have said way too many times that all whites aren't racist to keep reading the ignorance you have just posted.
I've heard this same story from too many whites here. And none of you ever had another white person on the job who did the same stuff. I know that's not true from my own work experience. So just stop lying.

Of course we have! And they were fired almost as soon as they were caught. One was fired just last year after Thanksgiving after 27 years with the company. All he did was eat some.pretzels from a bag that wasn't paid for... OH! And he was also about to retire and get a pension. They also targeted several other people who were about to retire for relatively small offenses, race not applicable. The black guys I mentioned were actively bagging up meat and reweighing it at far less than it was worth. See, you're just a habitual racist who thinks all white people are liars just because it doesn't support your narrative The point was not that white people don't steal and black people do, the point was that the blacks got away with that and other things for much longer because the company was afraid to fire a black person for fear some racist like you would whine that he was fired because he was black, not because he stole 100's of dollars worth of stuff.

So. White people all lie and black people never play the "black card". Riiiiiiiight.

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How about you live facing white racism for 61 years then come tell me how you can't see it.


Because I have said way too many times that all whites aren't racist to keep reading the ignorance you have just posted.

What's the worst thing a White Person has ever done to you, guy.

Then what's the second worst thing a white person has every done to you?

Because the way you carry on, you'd think you had to outrun the Klan to get home every day.

Why should I have to make suggestions to whites as to what they should do to end racism?

You have opinions about how blacks should do everything but you don't have any opinions on how to stop white racism?
It was a white government helping whites. What have black governments done for blacks? Blacks are worse off under black governments than under white governments.
What's the worst thing a White Person has ever done to you, guy.

Then what's the second worst thing a white person has every done to you?

Because the way you carry on, you'd think you had to outrun the Klan to get home every day.
Blacks are their own worst enemies.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
You guys crack me up. You run your mouths about what blacks are supposed to be given, but when shown how much more whites have been given, here comes the crazy. Perhaps you guys should not be so disparaging of others and stop pretending you have everything you do because you are so much smarter, talented and hard working than somebody black.

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