This is what Happens when you give up your guns, America


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
2014 European election won by UKIP
2015 General Election won by conservatives promising an EU referendum
2016 EU referendum won by Leave
2017 General election won by the conservatives promising to leave the EU, and Labour second also promising to leave.
2018 European elections won by the Brexit party.

FIVE ELECTIONS all for leaving the EU.

And guess what? The UK Establishment says 'Stuff your votes, we want to keep our favors from the EU government. So you will vote over and over till you get the right outcome; REMAIN!
2014 European election won by UKIP
2015 General Election won by conservatives promising an EU referendum
2016 EU referendum won by Leave
2017 General election won by the conservatives promising to leave the EU, and Labour second also promising to leave.
2018 European elections won by the Brexit party.

FIVE ELECTIONS all for leaving the EU.

And guess what? The UK Establishment says 'Stuff your votes, we want to keep our favors from the EU government. So you will vote over and over till you get the right outcome; REMAIN!

But they've disarmed their general police as well... Imagine what the outcome of THAT would be in America...

It's just sheer "virtue signaling" and feel good stuff.. Like allowing the home invader to sue YOU for injuring himself on a wire enforced window when he breaks into your yard shed... Laws in England could be the script for about 12 episodes of "Stranger Things" on Netflix....
2014 European election won by UKIP
2015 General Election won by conservatives promising an EU referendum
2016 EU referendum won by Leave
2017 General election won by the conservatives promising to leave the EU, and Labour second also promising to leave.
2018 European elections won by the Brexit party.

FIVE ELECTIONS all for leaving the EU.

And guess what? The UK Establishment says 'Stuff your votes, we want to keep our favors from the EU government. So you will vote over and over till you get the right outcome; REMAIN!

What are you suggesting, those who are pro Brexit start a civil war with those against?
It is called a war for independence.

What is funny about wars for independence?

The EU was not voted in by the public, it was snuck in the back door with bureaucratic agreements in large part that didn't even require parliamentary votes.

Now the thought of a bunch of emasculated effeminate Europeans actually fighting for independence is kind of funny I will admit, but some of the Brits still have the brass to do it and can.
I wonder what the results would have been if "no deal" Brexit was on the ballot.
It is called a war for independence.

What is funny about wars for independence?

The EU was not voted in by the public, it was snuck in the back door with bureaucratic agreements in large part that didn't even require parliamentary votes.

Now the thought of a bunch of emasculated effeminate Europeans actually fighting for independence is kind of funny I will admit, but some of the Brits still have the brass to do it and can.
Brexit is still happening. The British just had to study up on the consequences after the vote, they got terrified about it, and tried to find a way to stay in the EU but be able to claim they left. "No deal" was not on the ballot. Now it's the only option. It's pretty funny.
I wonder what the results would have been if "no deal" Brexit was on the ballot...….
Brexit is still happening. The British just had to study up on the consequences after the vote, they got terrified about it, and tried to find a way to stay in the EU but be able to claim they left. "No deal" was not on the ballot. Now it's the only option. It's pretty funny.

Brexit is frozen in political tug of war that BoJo could solve very easily but he wont because he is play fighting.

Under Westminster rules, and that new law the Brits passed to limit the dissolution of Parliament, a 'no confidence' vote can end the current parliament and warrant new elections.

Under these same rules, a defeat on a major issue the majority party campaigned on is also understood to be the same as a no confidence vote.

All Bojo has to do is call for a Brexit vote, lose it, then he can go to the Queen and ask for a dissolution of Parliament under current UK Parliamentary procedures.

So why hasn't he?

A new election would be the most valid way, IMO, of doing a referendum on the break from the EU.
What are you suggesting, those who are pro Brexit start a civil war with those against?
Yes, I definitely am.

It is called a war for independence.

What a nonsense. That's called "eccentric". Someone took the civil rights of the Brits, who had lived more than 15 years outside of GB and so this citizens had no right to vote in the Brexit referendum. Including their votes the referendum was only decided from 100,000 votes for the "Brexit". The result was nearly 50:50. 50:50 means "I do not know what's the best to do". And that's exactly what had happened in the last 3 1/2 years (instead of 2 years time allowance for an exit process of an European nation out of the EU). 17.4 millions voted for the Brexit - indeed that's only 26.5% of all Brits, who live on the own Island and North Ireland.

I don't have any idea why the USA tries to destroy the western world and I don't have any idea why England tries to destroy Great Britain. But this all has nothing to do with a "war for independence". Laughable. No one supresses the USA - no one supresses England - except perhaps the own superrich idiots and their spitlickers.

And for the weapon fetishism of the USA - as well outside and inside of your country - I have only one word: "mad". Ah sorry - two words: "totally mad". I'm always astonished, when someone travels to the USA on his own free will. Crazy people, who do so.

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What a nonsense. That's called "eccentric". Someone took the civil rights of the Brits, who had lived more than 15 years outside of GB and so this citizens had no right to vote in the Brexit referendum. Including their votes the referendum was only decided from 100,000 votes for the "Brexit". The result was nearly 50:50. 50:50 means "I do not know what's the best to do". And that's exactly what had happened in the last 3 1/2 years (instead of 2 years time allowance for an exit process of an European nation out of the EU). 17.4 millions voted for the Brexit - indeed that's only 26.5% of all Brits, who live on the own Island and North Ireland.

You need to get your facts straight. The Brexit vote won by 4% majority and in a democracy that is a clear preference.

Part of the problem was how the EU Mandarins decided to hoodwink everyone with these bureaucratic 'agreements' so they could duck having actual public votes on the matter.

The people of the UK have never voted to give up their independence to join an Imperial EU. NEVER.

Cameron campaigned on giving the Brits a vote on the matter, and after years of delaying on delivering on that promise he finally caved in and gave them the vote; and LOST.

That should have been the end of the story, but the Brit elites know better for everybody, and if they want to sell UK independence for some gruel then everybody had better shut up and swallow it.

Yes, a War for Independence, bubba.
I don't have any idea why the USA tries to destroy the western world and I don't have any idea why England tries to destroy Great Britain. But this all has nothing to do with a "war for independence". Laughable. No one supresses the USA - no one supresses England - except perhaps the own superrich idiots and their spitlickers.

The EU over rules Brit courts all the time, and no one ever voted to give them that power. That is not destroying the UK it is saving it from German bankers.

And for the weapon fetishism of the USA - as well outside and inside of your country - I have only one word: "mad". Ah sorry - two words: "totally mad". I'm always astonished, when someone travels to the USA on his own free will. Crazy people, who do so.

Lol, you are such a fearful little child.
What a nonsense. That's called "eccentric". Someone took the civil rights of the Brits, who had lived more than 15 years outside of GB and so this citizens had no right to vote in the Brexit referendum. Including their votes the referendum was only decided from 100,000 votes for the "Brexit". The result was nearly 50:50. 50:50 means "I do not know what's the best to do". And that's exactly what had happened in the last 3 1/2 years (instead of 2 years time allowance for an exit process of an European nation out of the EU). 17.4 millions voted for the Brexit - indeed that's only 26.5% of all Brits, who live on the own Island and North Ireland.
You need to get your facts straight. The Brexit vote won by 4% majority and in a democracy that is a clear preference.

Not really 4% because the unalienable civil rights of the Brits were not respected, who lived since more than 15 years not on the territory of Great Britain. And a change in a constitution needs for example in democracies often more than 2/3 of the votes of the Parlamentariens, who represent the people. A simple 50:50 relation is not enough for a change in elementary rules, which have an effect on everyones rights and living conditions.

Part of the problem was how the EU Mandarins decided to hoodwink everyone with these bureaucratic 'agreements' so they could duck having actual public votes on the matter.

Did not the USA manipulate the Brexit referendum?

The people of the UK have never voted to give up their independence to join an Imperial EU. NEVER.
Okay. I will stop now to speak with you. You are a fanatics, so a discussion with you makes not a big sense. But never anyone forced Great Britain to have to be a part of the European Union. Switzerland is not a part of the EU, Norway is not a part of the EU too - if they like they can become a member of the EU, if the other members agree. And every member of the EU has the right to leave the EU too.

English translation of tehn piem "Ode an die Freude" (Ode to joy)

Joy, beautiful sparkle of God,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, fire-drunk,
Heavenly, your holy sanctuary.
Your magics bind again
What custom has strictly parted.
(1785 version: What custom's sword has parted.)
All men become brothers
(1785 version: Beggars become princes' brothers.)
Where your tender wing lingers.


Be embraced, millions!
This kiss to the entire world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
Must a loving Father reside.

Who has succeeded in the great attempt
To be a friend's friend;
Whoever has won a lovely woman
Add in his jubilation!
Yes, who calls even one soul
His own on the earth's sphere!
And whoever never could achieve this,
Let him steal away crying from this gathering!


Those who occupy the great circle,
Pay homage to sympathy!
It leads to the stars
Where the unknown one reigns.

All creatures drink joy
At the breasts of nature,
All good, all evil
Follow her trail of roses.
Kisses she gave us, and the vine,
A friend, proven in death.
Pleasure was given to the worm,
And the cherub stands before God.


Do you fall down, you millions?
Do you sense the creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy,
Above the stars he must live.

Joy is the name of the strong spring
In eternal nature.
Joy, joy drives the wheels
In the great clock of worlds.
She lures flowers from the buds,
Suns out of the firmament,
She rolls spheres in the spaces
That the seer's telescope does not know.


Happy, as his suns fly
Across Heaven's splendid map,
Run, brothers, along your path
Joyfully, as a hero to victory.

From the fiery mirror of truth
She smiles upon the researcher,
Towards virtue’s steep hill
She guides the endurer’s path.
Upon faith’s sunlit mountain
One sees her banners in the wind,
Through the opening of burst coffins
One sees them standing in the chorus of angels.


Endure courageously, millions!
Endure for the better world!
There above the starry canopy
A great God will reward.

Gods one cannot repay
Beautiful it is, to be like them.
Grief and poverty, acquaint yourselves
With the joyful ones rejoice.
Anger and revenge be forgotten,
Our deadly enemy be forgiven,
No tears shall he shed
No remorse shall gnaw at him


Our debt registers be abolished
Reconcile the entire world!
Brothers, over the starry canopy
God judges, as we judged.

Joy bubbles in the cup,
In the grape’s golden blood
Cannibals drink gentleness
The fearful, courage --
Brothers, fly from your perches,
When the full cup is passed,
Let the foam spray to the heavens
This glass to the good spirit


He whom the spirals of stars praise,
He whom the seraphim’s hymn glorifies,
This glass to the good spirit
Above the starry canopy!

Courage firm in great suffering,
Help there, where innocence weeps,
Eternally sworn oaths,
Truth towards friend and foe,
Mens’ pride before kings’ thrones --
Brothers, even if it costs property and blood, --
The crowns to those who earn them,
Defeat to the lying brood!


Close the holy circle tighter,
Swear by this golden vine:
Remain true to the vows,
Swear by the judge above the stars!
(The 1803 version ends here; the 1785 version continues with the following.)

Escape the tyrants’ chains,
Generosity also to the villain,
Hope upon the deathbeds,
Mercy from the high court!
The dead, too, shall live!
Brothers, drink and chime in,
All sinners shall be forgiven,
And hell shall be no more.


A serene departing hour!
Sweet sleep in the shroud!
Brothers—a mild sentence
From the final judge!

original from Friedrich Schiller, 1785
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What a nonsense. That's called "eccentric". Someone took the civil rights of the Brits, who had lived more than 15 years outside of GB and so this citizens had no right to vote in the Brexit referendum. Including their votes the referendum was only decided from 100,000 votes for the "Brexit". The result was nearly 50:50. 50:50 means "I do not know what's the best to do". And that's exactly what had happened in the last 3 1/2 years (instead of 2 years time allowance for an exit process of an European nation out of the EU). 17.4 millions voted for the Brexit - indeed that's only 26.5% of all Brits, who live on the own Island and North Ireland.
You need to get your facts straight. The Brexit vote won by 4% majority and in a democracy that is a clear preference.

Part of the problem was how the EU Mandarins decided to hoodwink everyone with these bureaucratic 'agreements' so they could duck having actual public votes on the matter.

The people of the UK have never voted to give up their independence to join an Imperial EU. NEVER.

Cameron campaigned on giving the Brits a vote on the matter, and after years of delaying on delivering on that promise he finally caved in and gave them the vote; and LOST.

That should have been the end of the story, but the Brit elites know better for everybody, and if they want to sell UK independence for some gruel then everybody had better shut up and swallow it.

Yes, a War for Independence, bubba.
I don't have any idea why the USA tries to destroy the western world and I don't have any idea why England tries to destroy Great Britain. But this all has nothing to do with a "war for independence". Laughable. No one supresses the USA - no one supresses England - except perhaps the own superrich idiots and their spitlickers.

The EU over rules Brit courts all the time, and no one ever voted to give them that power. That is not destroying the UK it is saving it from German bankers.

And for the weapon fetishism of the USA - as well outside and inside of your country - I have only one word: "mad". Ah sorry - two words: "totally mad". I'm always astonished, when someone travels to the USA on his own free will. Crazy people, who do so.

Lol, you are such a fearful little child.
'Fearful' is carrying a rifle with you when you go for milk at the corner shop.
'Fearful' is carrying a rifle with you when you go for milk at the corner shop.

What would you call fastening your seat belt when driving to the corner shop for your milk?
Anti-gun nutters need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives...
2014 European Election: UKIP: 26.6%
2015 General Election: Conservatives: 36.9%
2019 European Election: Brexit Party: 30.5%

Funny, isn't it, how the handlers didn't tell that to Bowie, the click-bait guzzling goof, and thus he's crowing "victory" not knowing whereof he speaks.

And that's before we examine the, say, rather tenuous connection between these "victories", the UK politicians' struggle to deliver on a least damaging exit, and the rate of gun ownership in Britain. But yeah, that has to be the hundredth thread by a rightarded nitwit fantasizing about a civil war, which, were it to come to his neighborhood, would see him taking a fetal position under his bed, wet pants, sucking his thumb and all...
2014 European election won by UKIP
2015 General Election won by conservatives promising an EU referendum
2016 EU referendum won by Leave
2017 General election won by the conservatives promising to leave the EU, and Labour second also promising to leave.
2018 European elections won by the Brexit party.

FIVE ELECTIONS all for leaving the EU.

And guess what? The UK Establishment says 'Stuff your votes, we want to keep our favors from the EU government. So you will vote over and over till you get the right outcome; REMAIN!
I thought that we were going to be "enslaved" if we were unarmed. Oh well.
Anti-gun nutters need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives...

A very short example is able to destroy easily this devils circle of thoughts - "more weapons help against more and more weapons" - for everyone who is still able to think, despite the continuous stream of political nonsense propaganda from the organisation NRA.

After in Texas someone had murdered 20 people - meanwhile a normal man made catastrophe in the USA - in Ohio were nearly the same time 9 people murdered too from a suicidal terrorist. This attack was extremely alarming, because the reaction after he had started to shoot was unbelievable fast and concentrated powerful. So even in this "best case scenario of reaction" - in sense of this what weapon festishists think about such actions - 9 people had to die. The only way to optimize furthermore such results is "prevention". And this means very clear: Massive reduction of weapons for private use - specially it needs a reduction of all automatic and semi-automatic weapons, which no one needs for any real private purpose.

Oh by the way: The world is full of ABC weapons and remote controlled cyber weapons - how you can see in Saudi Arabia this days. In this context a machine gun for private use is as antiquated as a spear.
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And for the weapon fetishism of the USA - as well outside and inside of your country - I have only one word: "mad". Ah sorry - two words: "totally mad". I'm always astonished, when someone travels to the USA on his own free will. Crazy people, who do so.

Lol, you are such a fearful little child.

Who - for heavens sake - wastes his time for recreational holidays in a country, where every insane idiot is able to own masses of weapons?

Example: Someone told me here that he was in the USA and visited a beer festival there. One of the guys there asked him: "How does it feel to be a Kraut and a mass-murderer on Jews"? He answered: "Not very special. How does it feel to be an US-American and to be a mass-murderer on Red Indians?" The US-American doused his beer into his face.

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